36 out of 46 brands of cheese and oil in Russia - fake! The results of the examination

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36 out of 46 brands of cheese and oil in Russia - fake! The results of the examination

Сообщение DARPA » 16 сен 2015, 03:42

Grocery embargo is perhaps the greatest impact on the range of dairy products presented in the shops. The policy of import substitution will fill the shelves, but the quality of the goods sometimes in doubt.
One of the main problems of the industry at the moment can be considered the use of non-dairy fat dairy products. Especially that according to the latest data from Rosstat, the import of palm oil in our country in the first half of 2015 increased by 18% to 364 ths. Tons, and in June by 64% (compared with the same period last year). And it gives you a reason to assume that the increase in the number of fakes on the market of dairy products will be proportional to the increase in imports of palm oil.

To find out how is the situation, Consumers Union "Roskontrol" sent for examination 20 brands of cheese and 26 types of butter popular brands of low and medium price segment, purchased in large retail chains in Moscow such as "Auchan", "Okey "" Magnit »,« Billa »,« Metro Cash & Carry »,« Vkusvill. " We investigated the production of the Russian producers, made in Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Kursk, Voronezh, Omsk, Belgorod, Vladimir, Bryansk, Vologda, Samara, Ivanovo, Ryazan and Rostov regions, the Altai Territory, the Republic of Tatarstan, the Krasnodar Territory as well as in Belarus.
According to the results of examination it turned out that 15 of the 20 brands of cheese and 21 of the 26 samples of butter - fake.
Variations on the cheese
The vast majority of cheese containing vegetable fats - this popular varieties, often sold by weight. Seeing a familiar name on the price list - "Gouda," "Adam", "Maasdam", "Poshehonsky," "Dutch" and others, many consumers do not think about the composition and do not look for on the label information about the manufacturer. But, especially given the current economic situation in the country, pay attention to the price.
This factor is decisive and shops - a network tend to enter into contracts with suppliers that offer the most favorable conditions.
Meanwhile, there is a clear definition of what can be called cheese, and that - no. The cheese is made from milk and can not contain a single gram of vegetable fat. The product which contains milk fat (in an amount not less than 50%) and plant - is a cheese product. Those products in which structure at least 50% butterfat - do not belong to the dairy. It is in fact - an imitation cheese on palm oil.
9 investigated "cheeses" are cheese products, as, of course, manufacturers do not bother to report on the label:
JSC "Syrodel"
LLC "Tyukalinsk Creamery" ("Siberian fairing")
JSC "Pospelikhinsky Dairy Plant" ("MILK CAPITAL")
LLC "Ecoproduct" ("Boscone FARM» / BOSCONE'S FARM)
JSC "Zdravushka-Milk", Republic of Belarus
Limited partnership "Cheese Starodub" ("People's estate")
OAO MSZ "Koshkinsky" ("Koshkinskoye")
Oshmiany of "Cheese Factory № 104-16», Republic of Belarus ("cheese paradise").
LLC "Archa"
Another 6 products mostly made of vegetable oils, so take their dairy products and, moreover, can not be cheese. It turned out to be the most economical:
LLC "Cheese Valley" ("Cheese Valley")
LLC "Kapitalplyus" ("Vector")
JSC "Slutsk cheese-making plant", Republic of Belarus ("Slutsk cheese").
Ltd. Dairy Plant "Bogdanovsky» (FRESH)
Of the samples tested, only 5 have the right to be called cheeses. This cheese «Laime», «Joy of Taste," "Charles yard", "City of cheese" and "Izbenka."

Because of natural milk cheese made «Laime» and "The Joy of Taste". Also found no vegetable fat in cheese "Charles yard", "City of cheese", "Izbenka."

What is the harm of palm oil?
MOFs Andrew, head of the expert direction of NP "Roskontrol" doctor "harm to health from the use of high-quality palm oil will not. Another issue is that it is not known what quality and what kind of milk fat substitutes used by manufacturers of cheese product, issuing his cheese. If it is poorly refined palm oil, it may contain harmful products peroxide oxidation of fat.
Even worse, if this is not the palm oil and liquid oils subjected to hydrogenation. By using these technologies form the dangerous trans fatty acids. As a result, numerous scientific studies have shown that trans fats cause atherosclerosis and increase the risk of repeatedly developing coronary heart disease and heart attacks and strokes. Furthermore, natural butterfat should be contained in the diet, since it is our body significant source of fat-soluble vitamins A and D, in which vegetable fats no. "
Butter or spread?
With oil, the situation is no better. Vegetable oils have been found in 15 of 26 samples tested. Half consisting of vegetable fats appeared Products:
"Red Price" (LLC "Baltkom Uni")
"Ecomilk - New Village" (JSC "Ozeretskoe Dairy")
"Baltkom" - (profile "Baltkom Uni")
"Iceberg Suite" - (PK "Iceberg-Suite")
Even more vegetable fats and fewer dairy turned into posing as the oil spreads, vegetable-cream:
"? LOVE Product" (LLC "Love Product")
"Oil from the farmer" (LLC "Cheese Valley")
"Kursk milk"? "(JSC" Kursk milk ")
"Altiko" (LLC "Altiko")
"Mytishchi" (JSC "Mytishchi Dairy Plant")
"Voronezhrosagro" (LLC "Voronezhrosagro")
In general, milk fat is not detected in the samples:
"Molmaslo?" (LLC "Molmaslo")
"Dairy Farm" (LLC "Maslenkino")
"Product Yesenin Territory" (LLC "Rybnovskij Dairy Plant")
"MLM" (LLC "Milagro M")
"MOLZAVOD Asekeevsky" (LLC "MOLZAVOD Asekeevsky")

Alexander Borisov, Chairman of the Union of consumers "Roskontrol": "The government is taking steps to streamline the import of palm oil, control its use in food products, but until we see manufacturers try to save at the expense of the consumer. In accordance with Articles 14.44, 14.43, 14.7 of the Administrative Code, the penalty for violation of the requirements of technical regulations can reach 1 million rubles. At the same time, according to Rospotrebnadzor, the average penalty imposed by the Office 2014 is only between 3-5 thousand. Rub. It turns out that the producer and the seller does not actually bear any responsibility for the production and sale of counterfeit products. "
Water instead of oil, the used oil instead of a new
Understatement of the real fat content compared to the declared - another way to fake milk products and deceive consumers. Examination revealed that 11 samples of fat is lower than indicated on the label. Among them are well-known brands - "Cottage", "Rostagroeksport", "Izbenka" .In these products the milk fat is less, and more - milk plasma, that is, in fact, water.
We should also be said about oil "D", produced by order of the trading network "Dixie." The product turned out to be rancid, it does not meet safety requirements in terms of oxidative damage. This gives reason to believe that the oil expired pre-packaged and re-salable.
Which oil to buy?
Taking into account all these violations, we have to state with regret that the search for high-quality oil is still harder than cheese. However, the five producers of products has been tested adequately.
Excellent from butter Belorus Export, «Joy of Taste", "Milava", as well as in oil "varnish" and "Oka River." As the fat content, they comply with the requirements of GOST: fat "Peasant" oil - at least 72.5%, the "traditional" - not less than 82.5%.
Oil, which is in the first stage of the examination showed good results, also check the content of preservatives, antibiotics, bacteria. None of the samples are no violations. The best safety record - from butter Belorus Export and "The Joy of Taste".
High-quality butter - Belorus Export, «Joy of Taste", "Milava", "varnish" and "Oka River."
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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