Life hacking: how to sleep with a baby

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Life hacking: how to sleep with a baby

Сообщение DARPA » 17 сен 2015, 01:39

Yes, young children are not "happiness" and "mimimi" this horror, the horror. Especially for "owls". What if after 8pm on my attacking performance and wakes up at 6 am a child?

Good to live without children, going to bed when he wanted, too, rise in the morning on request. I'd love to sleep left her watch at 5 am and slept until noon, but alas. Even my husband does not help. That is, of course, yes, he gets to the baby in the morning and all that. But I'm still awake. First, at 6 am from the noise of "yum-yum", then closer to the 8 in the morning just from the noise (the child requires communication with the neighbors), and then, closer to the 10 opens the door to the bedroom and brought her to bed, and in 11 it has again be bright and cheerful. In general, FIG night's sleep.

Go to bed before midnight, I did not go. And at midnight, too, not always. Sometimes, lying in bed, and in the head a bunch of great ideas, good mobile always under the pillow: Record all bainki.

So, I used to just cut down on the couch during the day and slept in peace until the child was playing in the room. But now the child has become a destroyer, which only have to Suva hands wherever they Suva well, not. The trajectory of a child: column-TV-sofa. And now, I wake up one day on heavy legs. Eyes open, and most of my feet perfectly settled little monster Princess (yes, mom) and picks in my headphones. Yes, I'm a couch stored for any desired nouta pieces, such as a card reader, headphones and notebook. Trifle prosekla this matter and to constantly torn. It is desirable that when I can not see.

I had to invent a new way to sleep in the afternoon.

So I take this beautiful child, a couple of toys, and go into the bedroom. Satisfied "mladenchika" played on the bed, put side by side, and spaaat. At first, I made mistakes. I slept face-to-child. The first time I woke up from what my nose tinkering someone's fingers. But it turned out to be nonsense. The second time I woke up from the shock toy worm in the eye. It is strange that the bruise left. Since then, and has become a tradition: I give small "at the mercy" his back and hair (yes, she loves to dig in my hair, and I poured this better) and a couple of hours sleep peacefully. Sometimes she even decides to join.

By the way! When I was small, we lived in a house cat. And this cat has always been my mom's lap. And I did not want to. And then my mother told me it's because I have small legs and a cat on them uncomfortable. And I dream that I had had, so big feet. Well, I grew up, hips and ass I really rather big, dream come true, huh. Now there, I wake up, and the child that very part of me using a pillow and snoozing.

A cat is not.
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