Why hiring manager is an idiot? Revealing the hidden meaning of stupid questions

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Why hiring manager is an idiot? Revealing the hidden meaning of stupid questions

Сообщение DARPA » 17 сен 2015, 01:45

Sometimes it may seem that the person who conducts an interview with you, a miracle has not yet appeared in a straitjacket under the watchful care of friendly people in white coats.

In this post, I make out why the personnel people ask such stupid questions, why they do it, and how to answer them.

Usually the interview is based on the structure - one question - one facet of the applicant, which should be the matter disclosed. Now we will reveal the three main facets.

HR-s cunning disguise of course in every way, rephrase questions, try to confuse. But overall, the meaning of the questions for each face the same, so all of these questions can be summarized as mentioned below.

1) Portrait of a candidate

- Tell us about your team last work. There may be variations - tell us about your best friend, is even - tell us about your worst enemy.

Why this issue at all? It is clear that a bunch of bastards, gay, lazy and liars. But HR-and taught that each person sees the other in the first place itself. Therefore, the easiest way to create a portrait of a man by how he responds to others. However, this truth is not new, even Gandhi said that the righteous, even the thief sees the righteous, and even righteous thief - a thief. How to answer this question?

Abstracted from the collective, and to give you a review of itself.

2) Education

- Why do you want to work in our company? The wording for the tops, or rare specialists, so that the question is not asked - "what would attract you to our company?" There may be other issues, the purpose of which is similar.

Well, clearly - think of the applicant. They wanted to hear praises in his address so I tickled your self-esteem. Well, no, I have not so much dropped.

But most of the HR manager deeply do not care for your opinion, and your praises. Usually this question is asked in order to assess your ethics in the relationship.

English nobility of the nineteenth century could come to the slightest shock of not matching your manners accepted in high society, and earned the nickname 'Arry (translated into Russian modern language - Gopnik) could be a passing phrase or gesture.

Also in the corporate world has its own language, their own ethics and hypocrisy that serves as the glue that binds the corporate ties of, and in many positions, especially in the area of ​​client and leadership, it is necessary.

3) Nature

- Tell us about your biggest failure? (options - good luck, very significant for you event, transaction, and other, other options)

Applicant looking at HR-well and thinks - well, understood everything, just like on a date, "Well tell me something, do not be so boring"

But no, HR listened to stories hundreds of times, and it's really boring, but these stories because it's usual routine.

However, one and the same story, for example about how the customer has overturned a payment order can be told in different ways - can be a long story, "and I told him so trusting, so trust ..." just like an abandoned girl, you can with the philosophy of the sage - "this is me a lot taught ... "and it is possible with the philosophy of a fighter" Well, if that happens again, I will ... ", and depending on the variant of HR will decide how the relevant request of the customer and your approach.

So that was the basis. If you want to know the implications of other stupid questions, write to kammenty, try to answer.

In the next post will be the whole truth about the dirtiest methods of human resource managers, which they use to manipulate people, and methods of resistance. Was added as a friend, and read other posts on the tag job.
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