Ruble: the price issue

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Ruble: the price issue

Сообщение DARPA » 17 сен 2015, 17:52

Today we live in a world of increased volatility of currencies. The media creates excessive advertising dollar, in every way trying to devalue the other currencies and provide them with a reputation for risky assets. Controlled chaos of the political sphere is gradually transferred to the economic sphere, the obvious man-made in the process. Under the conditions of about 95 per cent of the world media domination of one cohort of political elites have become subject to the global processes of social and engineering information.

The result of this process is obvious - the world's central banks continue to buy over-valued dollar, the population gets rid of an already undervalued national currencies. In other words - the process of buying the air, paper, building of the global pyramid: from US dollars. Americans it is very profitable - on the salaries they can buy almost half the world either. Yes, a strong currency it will be difficult in their own country to produce competitive goods, but this is their problem and not included. The US GDP is very low component manufacturing, most of the service sector (astronomical 79.4%). A substantial part of them - is a service of parasitism in the world economy, which lie in the area of ​​finance and investment. From the industry to press the United States no one can, because in their hands concentrated capital controls.
In recent years, all have depreciated currencies and commodities - the euro, the yuan and the ruble, oil. Nickel cost 30 000 dollars per tonne, is now 10 000 dollars. Silver and sugar dropped from the maxima in three times, platinum, aluminum, copper, lead and zinc - two. However, ordinary Americans are unlikely to receive benefits from the global decline in prices, denominated in dollars. Prices to consumers have changed a little, in fact, the Fed is expected by the end of the year will start to raise interest rates as a result of incoming signals to increase the rate of inflation to 2%. Then again, all the benefits will remain with transnational corporations. Do not get special benefits and the US budget. Yes, the deficit decreased slightly, but still amount to 426 billion. Dollars in 2015. This, again, more than 1 300 dollars for each person, including children and the elderly. Again, the deficit is paid off the bond issue, which are forced to buy other states and financial institutions, funding, in fact, US military spending.

With bonds lately not so simple. For six months in 2015 the amount of bonds to the hands of foreign holders increased by only 19.2 billion. Dollars, while in the previous 6 months - 147.3 billion. Dollars. So, the dollar bubble, too, is not infinite. There have been news that Saudi Arabia opened the reserves. Already on Monday, September 7, 2015 the world saw the data on international reserves of China: it is believed that China also began to spend reserves to counter the process of devaluation. Either way, the world economy began to fever, in the language of finance is hidden under a specious phrase "increased volatility." This again is a man-made process that should contribute to the so-called "flight to quality" that is, back in the US Federal Reserve bonds. It is unclear, however, what the quality is, if the bubble is about to burst, and it is already trying to pump almost by force. Terminology - is also the subject of an information war.

All of this helps to understand - the world can no longer evaluate the assets in US dollars. US dollars were the subject of tactical politicheksih and economic speculation, so the quotes in US dollars ceased to serve any guide. States are trying to explain the turbulence in the world economy than anything: the problems of China, Greece, migrants, the overproduction of oil. But the real problem is only one - the dollar inflated to such an extent that to grow further it can not, and the bubble burst scared. How could China not to devalue its currency, if all currencies against the dollar devalued? What does China even if the cause of the United States? As China's economy could grow at a double-digit value when the dollar rose, while China's GDP expressed in dollars?

Now, the world needs to come up with new tools for the valuation of assets and economies. The modern financial system was founded at Bretton Woods in July 1944. Then, as the "world money" in addition to gold became the US dollar. In 1971, Richard Nixon temporarily banned the conversion of the dollar into gold, and in 1976 the money finally ceased to be backed by gold. From 1944 to 1976 he held for 32 years. By 2008, it was still 32 years old, and the world faced a global financial crisis, from which it is, in our opinion, was never released. The only possible way out of it would be a rejection of the dollar as the primary means of payment, but it did not happen, although the consultation about the new device, then the global monetary system were on anti-crisis G20 summit in November 2008 in Washington.
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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