On the situation in the armor industry of Ukraine and concern "Ukroboronprom"

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On the situation in the armor industry of Ukraine and concern "Ukroboronprom"

Сообщение DARPA » 17 сен 2015, 17:56

Ukrainian News Agency "UNIAN" published an interview with Sergei Pinkasom - first deputy general director of the State Concern "Ukroboronprom." In an interview, he spoke about the arms supplies to the area ATO, integration of the Ukrainian defense to NATO, and also made a number of statements, pretends to immortalize their author.

, Samples of armored and motor vehicles in Ukraine (a) Defense News

Earlier this year, the concern has announced more than 60 contests for the posts of Directors of the controlled companies. Almost half of them have already been completed. How do you assess the results of this process?

There is some disappointment. Yes, indeed, part of the competition has been completed, was appointed director of the question was closed. But to be honest, I expected that we would go to the stream of young people. As a result, we have received most of the managers close to retirement age. At the same time we did quite unconventionally. We took as a basis the decision of the Cabinet and simplified the selection conditions. Get at least count on the form - specialized higher education "tank-building." Where in Ukraine now can prepare for such a profile? Under this criterion can only get a man who was educated in the Soviet era. We removed those moments for which you can catch on. Left simple - higher education, managerial experience, information about successful operation.

And checking the information reported by applicants?

Absolutely. We double-checked all the information, including for managerial success. After all, it was necessary to understand suits us or not. It was after many test candidates and denied. This - the negative side.

But there are also positive. There were a certain number of candidates who would like are not yet ready to become leaders, but they could add some command. We decided to take such candidates for training in group or certain enterprises.

But there were and there are certain bureaucratic problems that prevent the proper conduct of the contest.

What is the problem?

For example, we have company. As the position of director of the enterprise may be vacant? Head left, and we as a governing body have this vacant position to appoint a temporary person. By law, we must assign the competition within 10 days from the date of release of office. We must appeal to the Cabinet, we were allowed to appoint an acting director of the company. But who before the meeting of the government will lead? "Ukroboronprom" deprived of this right, the Cabinet has not yet decided. And it comes to the point of absurdity: at the strategic enterprise dismissed director must own orders appoint an acting.

What are you doing to address this issue?

We have asked the National Security Council - a body that takes care of the defense industry to solve the bureaucratic mistake.

What are the challenges facing the new leaders?

Attention is drawn to the financial performance of the company - the yield, profitability, finplan for the next period. The second problem - a performance of defense contracts. The third point - the preservation of the collective payment of salaries and taxes.

In addition, we have established in the contract index KPI. Monthly and annual KPI shall be approved by the CEO. For example, if one plant to produce 2 cars - a feat, then another 150 APCs - very little. Therefore, for each of the Directors are separate tasks, which can determine their success, lowering subjective evaluation guide.

It was reported that at the Kharkov plant them. Malyshev and Lvov armored director dismissed for failure of defense procurement schedules. What is the situation now?

In Lviv Armored we have two prototypes, "Watch." They have already been transferred to the troops, and by the way, on their own half of Ukraine passed to the landfill. There are certain requirements of the customer - the Defense Ministry for some kits. For example, another instrument panel, rather than the one that was originally incorporated in the design documentation. All the technical requirements of the customer being finalized by amending the technical documentation and finalized in the course of the test. For mass production of the plant is ready - we can now proceed with its production. But to start production, if there is no full harmonization with the army, it does not make sense.

There are predictions that the test run?

They started a month ago. According to preliminary estimates, we have to go out in October - early November.

And what is the situation with the "stronghold"? Earlier this year the concern management announced upbeat production plan 40 tanks a year ...

Not to say that the production of "bulwark" all rosy and easy. It's very easy. On the other hand, a year ago they were not produced at all. Today, we already have some series.

About how much is it?

I do not think that would be quite correct to voice number, because "bulwark" is in the defense order, and in a number of export contracts. I can say that the appointments to the armored plant them. Malyshev say that there was not all good. Now we are on a very large batch of tanks bought metal. To improve the situation with the supply of components. In short, the pace may not be such, as we would like, but let us live to see the end of the year, and we will give official information.

As considering these problems runs an export contract with Thailand?

Today the boundary point on the contract with Thailand for the supply of five units made contact. The next point - 31 December.

"Stugna" better than "Javelina"

Since we are already talking about exporting in May the president has put the leadership of "Ukroboronprom" problem - in the next few years to bring Ukraine in the top 5 largest arms exporters. Given that our primary reserve - machinery Soviet times, the question arises: How can we displace its European partners to get the lead?

Weapons - this is only one part of defense products. For example, the aircraft AN. The military is different from the pattern of civil? Only the internal characteristics. How to plant "Antonov" in recent years was made aircraft? Yes, almost did not have them! And if you say in which sectors we can compete, then it's certainly - aviation. We remained almost completely closed production cycle. Calculate the volume of a niche market today very difficult. The enterprise for various reasons, did not want to grow, in any relations with Western companies not to enter, and, accordingly, there is no accommodation of orders was not.

But in other areas Ukrainian defense?

Take armored sphere. Armored vehicle "Dozor". It is at the price of almost 4 times cheaper than any US or European counterpart.

What is the estimated price of "Watch"?

I can not name a price, because it varies depending on the contract. But I can say that our nearest competitor in the area is 350 thousand euros. Again, we are playing into the hands of that product hryvnia, and sold in foreign currency.

Farther. BTR-3 and BTR-4. This is - modern technology, and even the head of the National Security Council after the inspection said that the best of this technique we have nothing. Those tanks, "Hold." High-precision weapons - missiles "Stugna", "Le Corsaire", "Combat". For technical specifications they avoid even the "Javelin", but the price is 10-15 times cheaper.

However, in Ukraine it is waiting just for "Javelin" ...

You know, it's - from the category of movies or rumors. Just a year ago, "Stugna" was not, it does not produce. When we passed the test more missiles and tested professionals, so they said it - just super and asked whether it is possible to increase their production. We said - of course, it is possible. Design Bureau "Luch" maximally boost their production.

What else can get into the export list?

Any unexpected positions, for example, cars. Porsche, Mercedes, Audi -Good car? But electrician for these brands produced in our factory "Carpathians" in Ivano-Frankivsk. They make the whole package of distributing electricity and transmit foreign counterparts. I ask a question to the Director of the plant - and the "Watch" do the wiring? No, he says. And it turned out that developed technical documentation, they are not included.

Further, optical moments. We have an operating time of combat units from the point of view of optics as well as firepower. Fighting module "Squall". You can take any BMP / MTLB and set to the module. And the price of "Squall" is much cheaper than any Western analogue. However, it is now finalizing.

We are not only talking about the products' Ukroboronprom. " Weapons, which is produced domestically, sold beyond through our special exporters. And at the same time, we also earn. Even helping us to develop related businesses, we are able to develop the whole group.

Also changed the philosophy of the approach to exports. Previously, you could take any tank, no matter in what condition, quietly sell and earn something. Now we can provide services for the modernization of equipment. There are countries that can not afford new equipment, and they will buy equipment that is written off and removed from the arms, for example, the countries of Eastern Europe that joined the European Union.

Drones, which are now being developed at our facilities, much cheaper than their Western counterparts, and they are 100% will be in demand.

But another question - the needs of the internal market and the situation in the country. All that in the next few years will be, for the most part will remain in the country.

One reason for the need to maintain exports even in wartime called the importance of competition in foreign markets with Russia ...

You can conquer the markets due to what? The first version - due to the most modern production facilities. I must admit that we do not have them now and in the near future will not appear. The second - due to market conditions, which develops on the market. Here we come up with something unique like "Stugna." I am sure that this niche of us is not going anywhere. And the third - to take advantage of a misfire the competitor. Yes, Russia is now under sanctions, and we understand that in our core markets, we compete with them. If you take, for example, the airline industry. In Russia, too, it is developed, but given the fact that Russia is under sanctions, a number of aircraft equipment are ready to bring in Ukraine. There Plant "Aviacon" in Konotop, who repairs helicopters. Almost all enterprises in Eastern Europe contract with this plant, and do not go to Russia. This - their position of principle, and the plant is due to this overload, and is constantly expanding.

Let's go back to one "export item." It - BTR-4, which was a scandal in relation to the supply of defective vehicles to Iraq. How this situation will affect the interest of foreign partners in the Ukrainian technique?

As for the Iraqi contract. Unfortunately, we have a real picture - Equipment delivered and not travel. What happened is now - our equipment is checked in the hostilities in the east of Ukraine. It may appear cynical, but in terms of competition - is very important.

The second point - the transition to NATO standards. Our main businesses received certificates ISO 9001, which gives us the opportunity to be represented in foreign markets.

Another question on the quality of the BTR-4. If you look at how he is going to Kharkov armored plant, it looks like an anthill. There's a large number of people in a very small area. We are solving the issue of new production capacity.

With the increase in the production of these APCs another problem. The case is made for him on one particular plant. When the APCs had to be a small number, there were no questions. They were brought and sold. We estimate that the cost of buildings at its own production will be 2.5 times less. We are in an experimental mode at several factories put stocks and gather them from the metal, which has passed all the tests. This makes it possible to save on costs and provide more.


Regarding Ukraine's integration into NATO. Earlier, the management group stated that this process will take three years. How will this affect the structure of the "Ukroboronprom" for the Ukrainian army and the defense industry in general?

We can not consider "Ukroboronprom" in isolation from the state. Today, the vector of development of Ukraine clearly marked - the European Union. We have also removed restrictions on membership in any alliance. NATO - a prospect for us. We really like the example of Sweden - they are not members of NATO, but they have all brought under NATO standards. If you look globally at our options in this cooperation, "Ukroboronprom" in 2014, mainly engaged in repair techniques. In 2015, the focus has shifted towards modernization and new technology. But it is necessary to state clearly shaped our development program. We have a number of armored vehicles today - BTR-70, BTR-80, BTR-3, BTR-4 plus the "Watch", MTLB, BMP.

But half of the said equipment is obsolete, both physically and mentally ...

If at the state level it is decided that the army goes, for example, the format of the BTR-4, then the rest of the machinery can be sold or modified. After the APC must be compatible with NATO in communications, combat power, support of NATO caliber. Those moments with thermal imagers, the fighting strength of protection.

For example, there is a T-72 tank. In Poland, he - NATO standards, in Ukraine - no. The difference is only one - the caliber of the gun. If you take all the rest - these are two identical tank. But today, we must honestly say - we have in stock is large enough remnants of Soviet ammunition. It would be wrong to give them up. On the other hand - which is easier: to make 300 tanks and 300 trunks order?

In the beginning, the management group reported that Ukraine will establish its own production of artillery barrels ...

There are already 120-mm mortar, which is now being tested. He was made at the "Lighthouse". In today's large-caliber guns to make impossible. We simply do not have such technological capabilities. There is one plant, we made a systematic order and have the first batch arrived.

What is this plant? He was not part of the group?

This is - a private factory. Incidentally, he put the barrel 120 mm mortar and was praised after tests by the military.

This company can provide and NATO trunks for the same T-72?

Yes, no problems. We have a choice: invest or how much a million dollars in a new plant, or to order a private company. We are now at the stage of formation of the required product catalog. That is, any private trader can take a catalog and offer the production of concrete products. And due to this, we can move forward.

You are working with such companies only in the format of private partnership, or there is a prospect of their involvement in the group?

This makes no sense. From private owners may be several types of employment. It may, for example, to sell wheat, or to engage in cargo storage, making parallel trunks. This - his problem, not ours. Involvement of private traders in the structure of the state is - except that nationalization. On the other hand, even at the minimum profitability private owner will realize that he has a steady package of orders from the state.

Continuing the theme of NATO. At the beginning of the year "Ukroboronprom" got access to the catalog of NATO logistics for the program of import substitution. What results from this?

Access to the catalog was given a number of our businesses as an experiment. For example, there is a node that previously produced in Russia. We know that it is not produced in Ukraine, where it is produced in the world is unknown. In this directory you must enter the item number and get a list of all manufacturers. We are actively working on the program of import substitution, it is made of more than 30%.

This is - almost figure the end of 2014?

This - a little rough figure. For example, seven months of joint work of enterprises "Lutsk motor" and "Motor Sich" will lead to the production of 11 pieces. A lot or a little? If in the aviation engine is more than 3 thousand units of the nomenclature, the 11 against the background - some thousandths percent. We have a growth trend. Globally, we still depend on products that are not produced in Ukraine. We are on the way of import substitution - what was made in Russia, for us, is now made, for example, in Poland.

Production plan

This year, under the control of "Ukroboronprom" was handed over to the concern "Antonov". There are some in the defense industry, which can enter into a concern?

When viewed from the concept of effective owner, the structure of the state was the Ministry of Industrial Policy, which was totally ineffective in terms of management. Ministry of Economic Development is not always due to objective reasons could come to the enterprise. Our group was able to build up its work systematically enough. I'm not saying that everything is so good, there are problems. But in the face of our state sees better owner than the other structures.
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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