Cause of the appearance Russian fighters in Syria

Модератор: zlata

Cause of the appearance Russian fighters in Syria

Сообщение DARPA » 21 сен 2015, 20:58

Most of the self-proclaimed experts on the deep Syrian domestic situation blame the transfer of the Russian armed forces in the deterioration of the positions at the front of the Assad regime. Disagree crisis (in the medical sense of the term) of the Loyalists at the current trend may continue for a long time, as long as they keep silnonaselennye regions and ports knock them out of the urban agglomerations can be years.
I absolutely honest (unlike many) can admit that in grades opposition and the Islamists do not understand, and the names of cities in Syria or tell me a damn thing. I so happened the interests of several other knowledge. In particular, I said a lot of word of Incirlik, interesting seen in the MO boring briefings Australia and terrible gugloperevode site of the French Air Force.

The last months clearly intensified work around Syria. What was done from that to slip the whole year:
- "decent" countries joined the coalition sorties over Syria. Earlier, France, Australia, Britain refused because of questionable legality, the Arabs can not believe I'm not sure that they fly regularly.
- Turks gave access to its air bases for the United States Air Force and began attacking themselves (though they strongly as always has its own atmosphere and they are bombing the Kurds).

It is quite possible to make a conclusion about the imminent serious strengthening of activity of coalition aircraft in the Syrian theater. It is possible to format clashes with loyalist forces, screaming "they want to attack us" and quick solution. It is worth to recall the old post with the story of the role of CENTCOM the F-22 to the conflict - that they are there in order to nip in the bud any feeble efforts "would-be adversaries".
Loyalists in contrast to the more classic IG state and the army, and as a consequence they have hit on what aviation and SLCM. Rapidly "ended" KP, depots and air bases to quickly bring them into a state of agony with local finishing moves during the year on the force.

In fact, not very important - whether there is an insidious ™ plan from the Coalition in this regard. It can not, but the Kremlin seems to have concluded on the basis of whether the intelligence, deep analytics Whether ™, that such a plan is.
What can I do? You can resort to the proven axiom of mid-end of the Cold War - Russian soldiers not to shoot at American and American in Russian. Through puppets - with pleasure, but directly there.
For example during the Vietnam War, the US Air Force was Forced to chase the individual truck with ammunition, but does not touch the ports in which the weapons were unloaded clogged Soviet dry cargo.

Before you laugh at this "outdated stereotype" - the whole point of the second year running the US operations Atlantic Resolve to give the East Europeans even ephemeral, but a soldier with an American flag. Poles even after 08.08.08, and woke up several years demanded (and got to the Ukrainian crisis else) at the American air unit, at least on a rotational basis. Not by NATO, namely that American planes were. Explicitly states that all guarantees under the Charter of NATO - just words on paper, we give you the American soldiers do not care how, just chtoby_byli.

Why not play the same card? The presence of several Russian fighter planes on the runway, and deliberately ostentatious, protect it from the impact better than three battalions of S-300 (especially with the Syrian operators, no offense to them).

What else could be the problem the Russian Su-30 and Su-24? Escort by air with more land is possible to apply the limited air strikes.
I think the intervention, even if it will be expanded, limited to the creation of some "Green Zone" for the reception and distribution of military and humanitarian supplies. There will be located training centers, and even, to taste, shtab. Aircraft will be used to ensure its safety and only.

What are the consequences it is difficult to predict. It is quite possible this will solve the problem of maintaining a patient in crisis, and there is tea in the amendment will (a Shah or a donkey ...).
Sharply negative developments in the form of confrontations coalition and Russian troops do not expect because of the axiom supra. The only thing that confuses me - a potential danger from Arab eccentricities chudosoyuznikov USA.
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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