How to bargain about wages?

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How to bargain about wages?

Сообщение DARPA » 23 сен 2015, 17:03

Suspect that stand more than you earn?
Here are 10 signs that you are underpaid:

1. HR watching you, and sensitive to any of your contacts with other companies.
Checks whether your resume is actively on recruiting sites is to talk about this, he asked to sign a paper in which you promise not to go to the interview and did not communicate with the employees of other companies.

2. Your working day lasts more than 8 o'clock.
Not because you're constantly drink tea and go out for a smoke, but because a large number of tasks and is constantly increasing.

3. When someone cut his duty shift on you.
On planёrke every new offer to take you to task.

4. You do not know how many earn other employees in your department and in other departments in similar your position. This information was intentionally hide.

5. When you say that thinking to leave, no one from the inner circle does not recommend asking yourself at your place, did not want him to take.

6. The last time you raised the salary of more than a year ago.

7. You are working in their positions longer than your head.
During his time in the same position you replaced the head 2-3.

8. When the head is missing, you perform his duties (publicly or privately).

9. Your experience / portfolio is better than all the staff working with you.

10. You think that your colleagues and employees in similar positions in your best dress up other companies, to travel and buy things that you can not afford.

If you notice any of these symptoms, most likely you are underpaid.
How to confirm your suspicions?

Go to the section for employers on any known recruiting website.
If you are not registered as a company, you will not see a piece of information - the names of the candidates. But this you do not need. You can find filters for people who work in the same industry in the same region, in the same positions that you and look at the level of salaries.

If your income corresponds to the average salary or the bottom of the fork, you should be getting more.

Come to the management and to discuss the situation. Needless to say, that the employer is paying you enough, or that you have increased costs. It is necessary to bring arguments: that it is good you have done for the business, which indicators are raised, which received the premium, how much to increase traffic, increase sales and so on.

The country has a crisis, all companies with money hard. Therefore it is necessary to offer the chief a useful framework on which it can begin to pay you more, for example, do not increase the salary and bonus of the bonuses for your achievements.

Make it clear that you are loyal to their company and do not want to run away to competitors, but be sure to mark the date (for example, three months) during which you want to see changes.

Most likely, the chief or HR personnel try searching your site for old money.

But if you really valuable specialist, which must be confirmed by a few points from the first list and your arguments, you will raise the salary.
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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