10 IT-paid jobs, which will appear in 2020

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10 IT-paid jobs, which will appear in 2020

Сообщение DARPA » 29 сен 2015, 01:49

So far I have not constructed a virtual space and interfaces to communicate with them, and the thought that he woke up, pull the right to look at your bracelet or a biometric chip, taking care of my health, and do not start hugging husband takes me chills. However, experts predict it to us a reality:

- Wake up and connect to the global process of uninterrupted transmission "big data"
- Scan all your 5-6 (minimum) of devices that are interconnected and are worn on the body,
- Start to move from one virtual world to another.
You decide all sorts of cross-sectoral task in seconds, continuously you use simultaneous translation from one language to another while absorbing the world's information, go fly so cool glasses augmented reality and listen to the advice of its probe on the "oh, what do I put on a dress, if now a little sad mood, gives a lilac color with the smell of chocolate. "

And now, indeed, the future of popular profession for which will pay well.

Neurointerface, artificial intelligence, new quantum and optical computers ... now everywhere. Humble. All the feelings and experiences are transferred per kilometer. Mass prosveschenie.Zasilie "digital agents" performing routine work for a person
Come on!

In this new and beautiful world there are many places of creativity, ecological and systems thinking, people, a priori, will develop interdisciplinary communication skills. Those who only yesterday "only master" computer, the speed of light work in a multicultural and multilingual matters space (unless, of course, your age does not lose the knack information).

There will be designers of virtual worlds, creating conceptual solutions. But first they zasyadut for their tables to create a new philosophy, the rules of social interaction. The virtual worlds are fixed are not isolated cases, when large companies have placed their offices. Everyone will remember with a smile the year 2015, when all its infancy and there was no economy, sensations and landscapes worlds.

Together with them will work interface designers who want good and "friendliness" of interaction between man and his gadgets and software. Interfaces as comfortable as possible for all, and few places rated "3" in the Google live image to your painting the experience of using the downloaded software. In 2014, this popular specialties celebrated its first "anniversary" - the number of vacancies published in the world has passed for 2000.

It is clear that the need for such work and the architect together with the architect of virtual information systems - people, without which the software and equipment will be developed taking into account the biological and psihoparametrov. You think different? Okay! Then you - a variant of the individual order.
What makes the second mate at this time? And he is still working for the benefit of the Fatherland - the master database, create an algorithm of actions support the effective work of people with data warehouses.

By "work" occupations can be attributed DESIGNER neurointerface. Do not even ask me if he would know the biology - of course, will be, and how! Management of complex devices from a distance no longer be a fantastic story, if you remember about Mindfleks or a certain, then doubt the realism is not necessary. Because of the scope of the game all the discoveries in the area smoothly perekochuyut in management: domestic and industrial robots become friends of those who will be connected to them.

DIGITAL Linguist will help all these comrades find a common language, in fact it will form the duties of translation context and meaning oragnizatsiya semantic web search. Working together, being at the end of the world will be easy and accessible, because the man and the computer will speak the same multiyazyke.

And that does not take one multiyazyk in lawless jungle, everything will follow and normatizirovat NETWORK lawyer - a man who in the legal issues of virtual worlds will be just as well to be guided, as in the Civil Code. Something "slyamzit" someone in the network will be completely impossible. Probably, the courses "Power of Law" will be put on this issue in educational institutions. Or just too kindergartens.

On the "periphery" of virtual worlds will wield the organizers of the Internet community. No, electronic forums, even with all the technical innovations will not be less. A games and educational sites - can be found in many times more.

About how all this works and who is behind it, they begin to say IT preacher who travels through towns and villages with a short course or educational programs. They become that kind of communications professionals who care about improving information literacy in the region, dating from the end of the audience with new solutions and advanced technologies. Just imagine comes a man in the capital of Russian heartland city Uryupinsk (I'm not oppress anyone, they just recently registered naming as its brand) and starts a recording to give, "such and such services can help you, such a program you rescued from ... ". Of course, these IT preachers have now, however, they are doing their job so far free of charge.

Rounding out our top 10 professi1 DEVELOPER BIG DATA - an extraordinary person and interested in the existence of vast amounts of data associated with each other. He loves the analyst, analytical models, even a sandwich for him is not a set of products and complex component of the virtual world.

And now the questions that you may have already occurred.
1 Who will need these workers? What kind of mythical companies interested in the approximation of a fantastic future?
2 Where can I learn all this?
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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