What will change Putin's speech at the UN?

Модератор: zlata

What will change Putin's speech at the UN?

Сообщение DARPA » 29 сен 2015, 02:09

I'm sick of the Russian television. Just one hour of the morning air, I just thirty learned today that Putin will smear the international community in his speech at the UN.

How to say. As more time will tell. Then again. More and again.

Photo: Press office of President of the Russian Federation

Our television knows no measure. This lack of professionalism from them. Zadolbali have their anti-sanctions, Ukraine, import substitution. What can change Putin's speech - we suddenly hear, understand, accept, love?

Obviously not. All and all without Putin know. Know about US aggression in Ukraine and Syria, is known and the double standards, knowing that war with Russia was not for democracy but for the loot.

Today Putin's speech will not change anything. I would say more, just ignore it. Will a small tip in the NYTimes, and the Washington Post article erupt angry that Obama came down to talk with the dictator.

But our TV will honk six months. To tell us how all the world leaders cried listening speech. How to repent, they supported as applauded. To the extent we get exhausted, we had memorized every word of the speech.

We will never win the information war. While for the propaganda we meet gay men, while they are trying to fucking blue screens in our brains, no good, but disgust, will not succeed.

"Dull" Americans are thinner.

They did not torture their people political talk-show, analytical "but" expressive nightingales. Political propaganda they goes through other channels.

I started watching the show about the Mormons. Disgusting morality bogomerzky way families and communities. Who cares, google this sect. Worst of them - only eunuchs.

The first series, I spit at the screen before it was disgusting. But then, behind the guise of Mormon creators showed people. Happened Stockholm Syndrome, where instead of the black spots of evil, you start to see colors.

Mormons have their own experiences, their own morality. I may not agree with it, but by the fifth series is no longer considered them the devil incarnate. Then came even sympathy, understanding. And for this - almost a feeling of rightness.

Ten episodes ago I saw in Mormons bastards, and now is ready to speculate that polygamy has its advantages. One wife dies, for example, so the children will be engaged in the second, not allowing them to become orphans.

Or even, for example, one of the wives do not like sex, but it is interesting to talk to, or she is able to wash the floor. Fie on it while in bed, in the Mormon marriage she can do what she turns out much better.

The same thing happened with the war. Ask any American who defeated fascism, he was untroubled answer that, of course, the United States and some allies. Brad Pitt and who is there still appeared in Inglourious Basterds? Who saved Private Ryan, is not he, Michael Corleone went to the front, indignant attack on Pearl Harbor ?!

Babbitt is not looking policy. Housewives get information on the validity of the films and TV series.

While our hapless PR technologists gouge from all channels about the triumphant march of the anti-sanctions, Americans make movies. Their population, and our too, to shit on the news. It watches television, to have fun. From there it all his knowledge, preferences worldview.

After Brokeback Mountain, Americans stopped spitting in gay men. After Belle - in whores. About today Putin's speech at the UN General Assembly, no one remembers. About UN Americans have only one information: the walls of the Security Council nasty Russian representative did not let take a series House of Cards, a reptile.
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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