The Germans claim that the Russians are poorer Ukrainians

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The Germans claim that the Russians are poorer Ukrainians

Сообщение DARPA » 05 окт 2015, 04:53

Yesterday I listened to one known business radio. And then quite seriously talked about the fact that the new printer cartridges, is more profitable than full ones. And so with fervor even explained that the producer about us you care - protecting cartridges various tricky ways.

At the same time, anyone who has ever had to deal with printers, understands that printer manufacturers get the basic income is from the sale of ink cartridges, and that the price of cartridges deliberately charged at times. Moreover, the manufacturer deliberately spoils printers and cartridges so that they spend more ink.

I was recently unpleasant puzzled when my color laser printer when printing a large portion of the black-and-white pages at first said that he was over the yellow toner cartridge, and then completely refused to print - repeat, black-and-white pages. And I had to buy a new cartridge yellow these extortionists that I was able to reprint his black-and-white documents.

Similar stories of inkjet and laser printers, I can tell you a lot, as well as any pertaining to a person's computer. The essence of the problem is very simple - printer manufacturers as they can steal money from consumers, deliberately understating his life in many ways cartridges.

Nevertheless, on the radio - radio in the business - seriously convinced me yesterday that I have to go and pay the extortionists this money for my own good ...

No, I know, saving on the little things often leads to problems. For example, some companies have a tradition of printing unimportant documents in the so-called "Draft", on the unnecessary documents in which the text was only one side.

What does it lead? First - Printers sometimes fail because of the parentheses, which are often overlooked unhook inserting drafts in the printer. Second - often in the drafts is sensitive information that does not need to know a wide range of employees. And I personally witnessed a situation where a habit to print on the drafts led to the leakage of important secrets.

However, here you can save on the cartridges clearly - it is profitable and reasonably.

Perhaps by now you have ask yourself the question - why am I wasting your time telling the obvious facts? The answer is - to draw your attention to less obvious. Besides that the business media, like computer and financial, did not hesitate to broadcast a lie when printer manufacturers they paid for it.

And none of their colleagues is not disturbed - say, Radio "Oligarch FM» let misinformation on the air, it is necessary to stop this disgrace. Everything is understood.

A second example of blatant misinformation, which together allowed the broadcast business and political media research data is of major Western corporations. It acts sort of an unwritten rule - business media have no right to question the competence of Western banks and rating agencies. Even when they are absolutely blatant nonsense.

Here's a recent example - the German Allianz, one of the largest insurance companies in the world, said that the Russians are poorer Ukrainians: ... 96539.html

More poorer appears, Kazakhstan. The Germans sure if the Ukrainians live richer Kazakhs as much as 2.5 times. I'm not too lazy to download the German report: ... r15e.html/

Allianz The report stated that only Russia is financial assets in the amount of 297 billion euros, or about 22 trillion rubles. A familiar figure. Just about the same amount estimated capitalization of the Russian stock market:

Maybe the Germans under the riches understand only shares that people have? If so, it is understandable why we pushed to the bottom - in the Russian stock market is a toy for their hateful to the real economy, he has quite a bit of attitude. People prefer to invest in an apartment in a real business, not in stock.

However, it should be noted that the long-suffering Ukrainian stock market is now about 100 times lower than in Russia. The Germans somehow claimed that the average Ukrainian richer than the average Russian ... probably still Germans thought otherwise.

Now I will quote a fragment about the Russian Germans from the study:

The escalation of the crisis in eastern Ukraine prompted the EU to step up its sanctions against Russia. The import embargo on agricultural products imposed by the Kremlin in return pushed domestic food prices up, forcing consumers to spend a larger chunk of their income on food. In addition to the sanctions, the drop in oil prices and general uncertainty surrounding the continued geopolitical conflict also had a negative impact on the economy.

The Russian ruble lost more than 60% of its value against the euro last year alone and the country was plunged into a recession. This naturally puts Russian households in a much worse situation than they were one year ago in euro terms: at the end of 2014, net financial assets averaged EUR 900 per capita. If the ruble-euro exchange rate had remained stable, per capita assets would have totaled EUR 1,450.

The escalation of the crisis in eastern Ukraine has prompted the EU to strengthen its sanctions against Russia. Cash Kremlin ban on imports of agricultural products raised food prices in Russia, forcing consumers to spend more of their income on food. In addition to the sanctions reduction in oil prices and the general uncertainty surrounding the ongoing geopolitical conflict also had a negative impact on the economy.

The Russian ruble has lost more than 60% of its value against the euro over the last year alone, and the country fell into recession. This course Russian households placed in a much worse situation than the one in which they had been a year ago (if you count in euros) at the end of 2014 net financial assets amounted to an average of 900 euros per person. If the exchange rate, the euro remained stable assets per person amounted to 1,450 euros.

Of course, you can already see the main problem of the Germans. They seriously think if they derived the figure of 900 euros per person has any relation to real life. And the Germans are not confused by the fact that in Russia for one person accounted for 23 square meters of living space, only normative value of which amounts to 11'600 Euro:Жильё_в_России

But no, the Germans seriously considered, if the Russians - this is such a necessity is erratic, which does not have anything other than shares. And what shares we go to stores to buy it more costly for the past two years, approximately 38% of the food: ... avit-20-9/

Nothing new here likewise writes about Russia Swiss Credit Suisse - giving year after year, even more ridiculous figures and opinions about our economy:Рейтинги:Global_Wealth_Report_от_банка_Credit_Suisse

The Swiss last year even hear our laughter and made "an amendment to the wind", said though for 2013 the Russians have become richer twice, and if now we are still poor, but maybe not the most impoverished in the world.

I have these fantasies remind Europeans about Russian study of ancient Greek historians who with the same seriousness wrote that Scythia inhabited by people-polupsami with human bodies and dogs' heads.

Now please look at the typical news is a serious national press: ... 8799.shtml

The collapse of the ruble made Russian Ukrainians poorer assessment of one of the largest insurance companies in the world - the German Allianz, which publishes its annual study on welfare - Global Wealth Report.

Liberal journalists, no matter how they were praying in the holy West still could not help but suspect that there is something not clear. Perhaps that is why Article pedaliruetsya the fact that we are talking about "financial assets" rather than real. However, to take another step and question the quality of intelligence on the Germans "," I have not been able to.

But, please, RBC: ... 03cc3a51e0

RBC dashed off a long article, which implies that journalists read the report, and even pick up on the first page. However, the strain while reading the brain to lay down a couple of numbers on a calculator and understand that the Germans rub us the obvious "cranberries", the experts have not been able to RBC.

When I analyzed the past times the bones similar study by Credit Suisse, in a comment to me looked with journalists trying to protect their articles. Ends with these efforts the same way - realizing that to justify the level of nonsense "Ukrainians richer Russians" is not possible, they quietly disappeared, and next year another report their publications Credit Suisse treated neat silence.

Himself as Credit Suisse - as well as the group Allianz - from my articles neither hot nor cold, as all the big business media has long tamed and does not even think about how to question a single word western Titans.

However, today I'm writing an article is not to once again kick where it hurts our journalists, not even to refute the study of the Germans - it's so absurd, perhaps even playing into our hands as a good example of the incompetence of the Western economists.

I just want to show that the articles on economic issues, which we can observe in our traditional business media are for the most part the information noise that has nothing to do with the real situation. Put squad lazy students comment at its discretion, news of major Western news agencies - and you will not notice much difference from the same RBC.

It compares favorably with the better unless VestiFinance.Ru, who is not lazy to translate good English-speaking analysts, however, it is too small to significantly alter the weather.

Hence morality. At this point you have no choice but to include the brain while reading the economic news and to question every fact that you are trying to apply as the obvious. If you decide to relax and trust reporters, to be sure, you will certainly be deceived. And even if the process of deception told journalists from other media, they tactfully keep silent - not to wash dirty linen in his party.
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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