how to rent an apartment in Moscow

Модератор: zlata

how to rent an apartment in Moscow

Сообщение DARPA » 11 янв 2016, 14:40

I was like "a professional come in large numbers" sometimes ask in PM or by mail, as well as what you need to consider in order to successfully rent an apartment in Moscow. Given that I live in the capital soon four years, I decided to summarize the experience and write this brief summary list of the main points that need to be addressed. So,

13 tips on how to rent an apartment in Moscow

1. Forget about the realtors. No need to go into any of the agency. Take the apartments themselves. Open, for example, - and forward. Of course, this is not the will protect you from contact with agents who work with the owners of apartments, but this is not so bad. At least, you yourself will not be bound personal idiot who can only that slip you the same options that you yourself can find on the Internet.

2. Never, in any case, no way, under any pretext not waste time browsing the apartments without a photo. All normal apartment though somehow, but otschёlkany to show "good person." If the announcement of the lease without a photo - there is a 200% inflated linoleum on the floor, greasy walls, hanging wallpaper on the corners and sagging stained couches. Only with a photo. Only. Only with a photo. Never without a photo.

3. But the picture must be studied carefully. Over time you will learn even good (like) pictures to notice tiny signs that the terrain is zasrannostyu in full growth: sagging plush furniture, old filthy wallpaper, problematic plumbing in the bathroom and the toilet ... Look, look at pictures like Holmes and Watson to spending time on the trip through the city, you do not have to turn on the verge of another bomzhatnika.

4. Do not be lazy to look at 10 different areas. No need to rush on the first available option. Will be better. Exactly. In the end, you can not afford a hotel for the night looking for - you will live there by a year or more. In housing, even if removable, to be nice. It should not be a compromise - "Well, okay, come down." Do not come down. All defects will increase with time of flies elephants. So, in a removable housing must satisfy ALL. There you should be fine.

5. But, in a rented apartment that was good, you need to consider the options for a higher price. Budgeted rent 5000 more and you'll see how much better you will come across options. But you in this apartment, I remind you live. Why suffer and go to the bathroom with a toilet, to which, even after cleaning touch with disgust? What a year or more to live in an apartment where unpleasant to go to the bathroom? Do you live here and not be tolerated.

6. To remove housing should be more expensive, but close to the subway and work (if any). It's from the same series as the comfort of the property, its cleanliness and comfort. It is better to rent an apartment for 40 thousand, but in 3 stations from the ring than 20, but to which you will go an extra half hour, and then another couple of stops on the bus. It's not worth. Comfort and the proximity of housing to your daily route will pay off handsomely. You'll be fresh, it is better to think in the same job, you will be happy, finally.

7. Unfortunately, a lot of nice apartments are located in homes with gas. "Alas!" - Because according Mosgaz every tenth gasified apartments have a problem with leakage of household gas. So even if the person you are careful to close all valves and carefully use your gas economy, there is no guarantee that your neighbor grandfather sklerotik not explode you along with all the porch. Why do you need such a dependence on other people's razdolbaystva? So my advice to you is gasified at home - in the furnace. In search of the real estate, alas, there is no filter on this parameter, but the gas is easily eliminated by the house storey building: put a tick "in the building of 13 floors," and all the gas will go out of your house search.

8. By the way, the number of storeys. I advise you not to waste time on the apartments, say, below 6 floors. The reason is simple: option can be beautiful, the window may go into the yard, but let's not forget that we are talking about an apartment in Moscow - a city car. And if you live on a low floor, you'll hear all day and night cycle fleet, slamming doors, etc. signalyaschih brawlers.

9. That is because that Moscow - a city of cars, it is strongly advised to choose an apartment with windows into the courtyard. Because even the most low-speed I pass under the windows of the life of torment for the year very strongly.

10. London, namely Moscow - Albion. In the summer - yes, all is well with the sun. But the fall and the first half of winter are some hopelessly impenetrable dusk. Sun will miss so much that want to bite your elbows and appreciate every ray of sunshine. That is why I advise you to rent an apartment facing south or south-west, to the sun peeped into the apartment. Habitation on the north side, along with the Moscow endlessly overcast autumn sky can crush even the most staunch optimist. By the way, remember the advice about the high level: the higher the floor, so you will have more chances to see it is the sun. On the second and third floor, you will not see the sun never, even if your windows will go on a sunny south - everything is stupidly blocked by neighboring houses.

11. gazebo - an axiom of Moscow removal rate. Even if your window into the yard, even if you live on the 15th floor balcony to be glazed. "The noise of the big city" - is not an invention. And in order to properly relax and sleep soundly at one of the window frame in Moscow will be enough.

12. I choose? Determined? One of the most important factors for a successful rental apartments - home. And then usually one simple, but Iron:

if communication with potential landlords you anything do not like, though any trifle, at least something, even though unconscious - turns and walks away. The slightest doubt about the apartment owners in the future can be a great hemorrhoids because harmful people (albeit with a cloying smile) you can make the whole brain during the actual period of the lease. The owner of the apartment must be like like a mother, in perfect harmony. Otherwise, you should not even communicate.

13. But even if everything is fine and you feel that all is right raschudesno MUST sign three papers:

- The contract of employment;
- The act of transferring the apartment and property;
- Receipt of payment.

The owners sometimes do not want to sign a lease for the simple reason that hide their profits from taxation and do not want to soil oneself what else papers. But this - their problems. And normal home, overcoming fears, everything okay sign. If people do not want to enter into a contract of employment - turns and walks away.

The act of transferring the apartment and the property made by the entire situation right up to the apartment of a small lamp at the bedside table. Also written to all found scratches and chips on the furniture, and more. If there is a spot on the carpet - it is also to be recorded. Although the mind, if there is a spot on the carpet, then this apartment should have been screened out in the initial stages. This formality will protect you from a painful fantasy owners, that "this is a scratch on the stove that was not" at the end of the lease term.

Receipt - is necessary. In fact, this is your only document proving that you, Ivan Sidorov paid the money for accommodation. If a receipt is not present, then the owners can throw you out of the apartment at any time. It is necessary to you? No. So you definitely need a receipt. If the owner does not want "any of these receipts" under the pretext of his tax evasion - turns and walks away. This is his problems. And we need to live a relaxed and comfortable apartment in a year. And that no tyrant have not pulled off in the middle of the lease. So receipt - is necessary. She, by the way, you will become an indispensable assistant in the event of conflict with the owners - even the uporotyh fear in their faces when swinging a receipt with the words "And maybe take a walk to the tax?" Any idiot claims then dissipate like smoke. So, the apartment - your home, and a receipt - your castle.

To sum up:

1. Remove yourself without Realtors.
2. Look only options with photos.
3. Take your time, we study the picture very closely.
4. Look not one, but several apartments.
5. Better expensive, but better.
6. Better expensive, but close to the metro and center.
7. Select the house without gas.
8. Floor higher.
9. Windows in a court.
10. South-facing southwest.
11. glassed-in balcony.
12. Hosts should be ideal.
13. Documents: contract, act on the property receipt.
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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