Why Russia-the largest and most resource-rich country as a third-rate state living

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Why Russia-the largest and most resource-rich country as a third-rate state living

Сообщение DARPA » 16 янв 2016, 14:07

Pseudoscience political economy is the question: how to get and multiply wealth. Of course, not popular, and their wealth - those professors of political economy covers. The three most famous books in the history of political economy, deal with this particular issue. This is the "Wealth of Nations" by Adam Smith - but we have to ask: "What kind of Nations?"; "Capital" Karl Marx - but we have to ask: "Whose Capital?"; and "Principles of Political Economy and Taxation" of David Ricardo - but we have to ask: "Whose Political Economy and Taxation someone?" Do not assume that this is obvious, and, needless to say. - It really does not matter of course.
The main contribution, his most publicized work, entitled "Capital" by Karl Marx Rebbe, introduced silent about two main things. The first - he was silent, that in addition to the production of things and goods, of which he basically says, and there is a special kind of production - the production of money and money-substitutes so-called securities, which also function as money. Therefore, in addition to the production of capital, the resulting labor of the workers, there is a more efficient capital - financial, speculative, resulting from the air, by simply printing on paper, production of paper money, and the issue of so-called "securities" that, too, in fact case, is nothing like the same paper money.
It follows that the capitalists are different, that is, the capitalist capitalist - discord. There are capitalists-primary financial capitalists - so to say, the major capitalists, and there are capitalists who are not capitalists, as these "capitalists" always borrow from financial capitalists - bankers who are engaged in any country of the main production - the production of money.
Yes, Rebbe Marx concealed, that the most important production in any country - is the production of money and securities in general.
Rebbe Marx concealed this is not casual because it is concealed and second, that the production of money controlled by the Jews, and the whole capital, therefore, is actually Jewish.

Another Jew, Adam Smith in "The Wealth of Nations", declared the basic simple idea that free trade, that is, movement of capital, supposedly beneficial for all, and not primarily traders and bankers, that is the Jews.

A third of the Jewish classics Political Economy - David Ricardo in his book "Principles of Political Economy and Taxation" rehabilitated percent calling it in another way - rent. And just rehabilitated, calling the rent, that is, the percentage of "scientific", and, therefore, legitimate. You just have to remember that in the era of dominance of Christianity percentage was a criminal offense, and to the "scientific rehabilitation" percent Jew David Ricardo, people treated the charging of interest as a criminal offense.
After David Ricardo Jewish speculators could without a twinge of conscience to make a percentage of that, which could reach up to his hairy paw.
Here is the whole essence of the classical and in its spirit, the Jewish political economy that the Jewish capital is obtained simply by printing paper money inflation and other pseudo-market, by charging interest at all; and that Jewish capital freely through all borders; and that it is not visible at the same time, i.e., as if non-existent. It's like a steam engine: we can see that the engine goes, and how it works inside - we do not see, we only see the exhaust steam.

Do you think that the production of money in any country is very simple, they say, the Treasury Department prints money to give salaries to people, and from these "salary" of money, plus a certain amount of printed money to reflect the value of outstanding products and services and make money circulation ? - It's in the Soviet Union tried to do, and in Nazi Germany, but it was an exceptional state.
In the capitalist, and now, consider in all countries of the world, it is based on the cash flow debt and fictitious, to say the counterfeit money. How does this turnover is? Who carried out the production of money? - Production of money carried out by private banks. Each bank has a license for the independent issue of money - bank notes. How so, you ask. So it's pure falshivopechatanie! - It falshivopechatanie, but it is legally and delivered to the stream. The Bank makes money is easy - otplyasyvaya of debts of citizens. People come to the bank and borrow money. These funds make up the bank's capital. On this amount the bank can print money - bank notes. It would have been, thank God, only this amount. But banks are not interested. The trick lies in the fact that even in their own banking regulations, they can print banknotes in excess of its secured debt, that is hardly the citizens, ten times. - Banknotes - on all sides fake money. That is, banks - is officially falshivomonetnye existing institutions - counterfeiters in the law. Plus, the source of capital is the interest that they are fighting for giving a loan of his counterfeit money. You look at any dollar that is written on it? - "Paper of the Federal Reserve Bank." Spit on the name "Federal" - is a distraction. This is the name of a narrow circle of the largest US banking houses. What is written on all the money "democratic" Russia? - "Bank of Russia Notes" -zabudte of the Soviet Union, on money which was written "state treasury note."
It is now no Treasury do not make money - by order of the head of state. Who are the Treasury subordinate printing office of private banks, one of which, called the central bank of any country is the body that makes all the decisions for the money. And not some kind of president or king, which in financial matters even meddle not give. Any president or king, can only get the money borrowed from the hands of the banks. And the banking system is now his octopus compresses the entire world. In the language of Karl Marx, we live in a "bank socio-economic formation."
This raises the important question: how to get a license to become a banker and enter the elite of the elite, to make money out of thin air and not a damn thing to do? The answer is simple - it is even far enough to be a Jew. For this we need to genetically belong to a small number of selected bankers families. Banking monopoly - a family business. Now you, if you could print money out of thin air - you would give someone a monopoly on the production of money? - That's just it! Here they do not give and spend all your money in the first place to ensure the protection of its money monopoly. And with that kind of money can be removed and put presidents and kings at their own discretion. One of the Rothschilds and said, "Give me the power over money and I do not care about the rest - I will control everything." It is an open secret, that is known to all, that all the banking business - a Jewish monopoly of a few super-rich people. Their superbogatstvo is that they do not earn money, they print them out of paper, so they are the same names of the magazine "Forbes" has never prints in various lists out there, "the richest people in the world." Forbsovskie compiled lists of those billionaires who one way or another, but earn their money and do not print at will. And now you can understand the whole point of world politics in general. As the banking business - a Jewish monopoly, these Jewish bankers naturally help their countrymen finances to the scales always outweighed their benefits.
Thus, you get the essence of the political disaster that occurred to mankind? - At what stage of the power over the money lost on the sovereign rulers to the shady bankers, therefore the rulers have lost their sovereignty, and now the rulers are not working to their nations and countries, and on the banking Kahal - Financial International. Remember what I said Rothschild? - Who owns the monetary authorities - in order and sovereignty.

Karl Marx shamelessly lied and that there is progress, outlining a ladder socio-economic formation: the primitive - slaveholding - feudal - capitalist - Communism. In fact, what is called "civilization" has always lived and continues to live only for one - slave system. This system, where the Jews are the slave owners and gentile nations - slaves. The system, outlined more kriptoevreyskim ancient Greek philosopher Plato. Since there were Jews, and took control of the whole of what they could lay hands then, the Jews - slaveholders (universal caste masters) carry only one socio-economic formation - the slaveholding. Gradually expanding geographically slaveholding formation in the direction of the Middle East to the whole world, Jews have cleverly called slaveholding formation - "civilization", and those nations that are more Jews could not enslave the Jews called the "wild and uncivilized." In reality, the Jewish "civilization" brings goyim 6-day working week, 20-hour day. A promotional magazines, travel, luxury resorts, French wines and beautiful girls - it's not really for the goyim, but for the ruling caste - the Jews. Whatever societal changes, Watson, did not occur in all 6000 years, Jews controlled, human history, and in fact, Jewish, "civilization", in fact, a struggle is going on inside the Jewish leaders of the two parties, in the divergent opinion on methods of slavery gentiles. Some Jewish leaders - "with a human face" - prefer to take care of his servants, that is not only exploit the goyim, but give them a little shelter, food, the opportunity to play in an amount necessary for reproduction of the labor force and a bit of entertainment. This kind of Jewish leaders we see in Stalin, Mao Tse Dun, Fidel Castro, Joseph Tito, Ceausescu and other socialist leaders of modern times, as well as leaders such as some European kings and some of the Roman emperors, in fact, (Marx), the slave system .

Other Jewish leaders slaveholders extremists - the preferred form of slavery in the form of extreme slavery, when the owner is not responsible for its gentile worker - it is squeezed to the last drop of sweat, and such a slave owner not interested in where and how to live it the employee and the powered. And once a slave owner uses his slave, he throws it in the trash. If he prevents him initially, the data simply slaves genotsidiruyutsya on religious, ethnic, ideological or even some fictitious pretexts. Examples of this kind of extreme slavery - a lot of modern capitalist countries, some communist countries, such as Russia Trotsky, International Spain 30's and Mexico 20s, the first ten years after the war in the Eastern socialist countries, Gender-Potovsky mode Cambodia, Germany 20s of the 20th century, Russia and Ukraine, starting with the '90s; negros in the Americas, Africa and South America to this day in Southeast Asia, the Philippines, etc. And in the Middle Ages and ancient examples of this irresponsible form of slavery many gentiles. In the story "irresponsible type of slavery gentiles" prevails. While "a responsible form of slavery gentiles" - rarely found in history, because due to the predominance of Jewish goenenavistnikov "irresponsible form of slavery gentiles" is the main form of management in different countries. A dedicated Karl Marx as "the primitive socio-economic system" - is, in fact, was a period of time in the life of every nation when before them have not yet reached the Jewish slave owner. Clearly, this period of human history, the Jewish scholar of Marx's no interest, and he announced his "primitive", "barbarian", "has already passed," and therefore "does not represent the interests of" (for Jews).

All scientific work in the field of Jewish political economy start since the appearance of paper money - since the appearance of the Jewish capitalism, which, like pizza - Italian, is only Jewish, and all of these efforts are attempts to justify the Jewish professors peoples economic robbery Jewish speculators.
Production and distribution of money on this planet is in the hands of diffusely widespread across the planet of the Jewish nation. How and why this happened, but it happened a long time ago, so that if you ask, they themselves do not know it already. Jewish political economy ignores the question of production and distribution of the money, pretending that the problem of the Jewish gentile production and distribution of the money, but there are only a Jewish problem of production and distribution of products gentile production.
It is not the economic system, as we have tried to assure this, and in what place in the economic system occupied by Jews. If enough - that this economic system brings misery and death goyim.

The answer to the question of how to get rich the fastest way, the Jews had been found long ago. They alone with anyone they do not want to share. This method - the return to duty and the charging of interest, more than - usury, speculation and money symbols. Usury old as history itself; The Old Testament, that is ancient history of Israel revolves around the issue of debt collection. Hence, the attempt to get away from the Jewish political economists analyzing the money issue, which is inseparable from the analysis of interest and usury, has no justification.

Many scientists have tried to explain the emergence of capitalism. The revolution in economic relations made a steam engine, some have stated. No electricity, said others; the emergence of the working class, said others. Revolution has made a Protestant spirit, claimed fourth, like Max Weber. And it has been more to the point, because the cause of this capital (read: illegal) was the abolition of the ban on interest, produced a Protestant revolution. Until that time, the Christian church was still quite valid in their right mind to prohibit usury. So, really, the Protestant Reformation and the Jewish revolution in economic terms identical to the capitalist, and thus the Jewish revolution. However, there is a purely technical point coincides with the Protestant revolution, which had a crucial importance in the scale of the Protestant, of religion, and of the capitalist economy and of the Jewish policy of the revolution.

The reason that capitalism arose was so destructive for the consequences, was a revolution in the art of usury. The invention of the printing press and the ability to produce unlimited quantities of money and were one reason for the coming of the Golden Calf secondary to this land, it was and still is so deadly for mankind. Up to this point, before the emergence of paper money, usury among the people was limited scarce resources. What was the money, and, consequently, the blood of industry and commerce? Land, slaves, gold, jewels, silver - the money had real value, a feature of which is their scarcity and limited availability. Restricted cash related to, a limited ability to debt! Limited ability of debt related to, a limited ability to enslave people, that is the limited power over people! That is, to the capitalist-Protestant-Jewish paper revolution, the people were never as slaves, as they became after its occurrence!

We divide the history of mankind in the time before and after the birth of Christ - Christ drove the money changers out of the temple and Christian church prohibited interest. Jewish moneylenders sat on a diet, their time was over. But they did not lose heart, a thousand years they have been working on rehabilitation percent, and the sly, under other names, they were able to deceive people. From the Reformation to the Jewish civilization of the Jewish percentage of returned and humanity returned to primitive barbarism - the period of savagery, cruelty, to the period of the return of interest, per cent, the Golden Calf, Mammon, the capital of capitalism. In this sense, we can firmly assert that the Golden Calf, which beat Jesus Christ expelling the moneychangers from the temple, once again became the object of worship and the triumph of Protestant, or, equivalently, the Jewish-capitalist revolution. Jin capital, Golden Calf, Mammon, the spirit of Satan, the spirit of Moloch, the spirit of the Jewish god Jehovah was again out of the bottle.
But now, in contrast to the time before Christ, the Golden Calf, the god Mammon, thanks to the invention of the printing press, it became unlimited in size and power.
On the ground again darkness fell.

Prior to this, no one has been able to become the owner of infinite wealth, which is always something whose debts. It was possible to find the treasure, get an inheritance, it is advantageous to marry, or to conquer another country. Another way to obtain vast wealth at the expense of others, in addition to an open robbery, was no more. Before the invention of paper money can not be increased indefinitely, and infinitely human duty to enslave people.
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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