As the United States will destroy Russia

Модератор: zlata

As the United States will destroy Russia

Сообщение DARPA » 17 янв 2016, 16:29

In order to subjugate and colonize any country, not necessarily to send troops there. Just to be able to write to the laws of this country.

- And you? You have time until your dollar pyramid collapsed? - I asked him to continue the conversation.

- We are in a much better situation than you, - said David.

In order to buy coffee, you need to extract oil or gas and then sell it. In words, it is simply and quickly. But in practice - it is a big job. We have also to buy a coffee, you just need to click "Print". This principle applies not only to coffee, it touches everything. It's like a competition between workers and wizards. You - the workers. In order to do something, you have to spend a lot of their strength, labor, time and energy. And to us, to get the same thing that you did, or twice as much, just to wave a magic wand once.

You sold us to the West its oil and natural gas in dollars. China sells us their goods in dollars, too. Periodically, we take you and China this you earn dollars and issued to you instead of our IOUs - US government bonds, or as they are called "Treasuries." These pieces of paper are worth nothing, we simply do not have such a large number of assets to ever pay them. But oil and commodities while selling for dollars, and dollars are periodically exchanged for debt paper. It's an endless cycle - the cycle of dollars we have created financial nature.

Dollars that we receive from you in exchange for our paper, we will immediately launch the establishment and maintenance of hostile regimes to you in the surrounding countries have. Or do you think that it is we ourselves pay out of pocket the existence of all hostile to your country? No, of course, is that you pay them when give us your earned money into debt through the mechanism of buying Treasuries. The same mechanism we use against China. We take the money borrowed from countries with a strong economy. And just give the money in interest-bearing debt, the countries with weak economies. Since the return of principal and interest on them, countries with weak economies can not, they have to pay us in kind. That is, its foreign policy. Which in fact we lead and manage the way we want. Even if any of these countries, will come to power an honest and decent patriot of his country and people, he would not be able to change. As soon as he does not fulfill our demands, we will demand from this country to pay off debts immediately. And hungry people of that country, under our strict guidance, he will hang up his overthrow and honest national patriot. Or in this country will be civil war. The same civil war, we have organized recently in Libya and now in Syria. You will continue to give us a loan scheme exchange your dollars for Treasuries. And we received from you on the way the money will fund our supporters, we are fighting against disagreeable authorities in different countries. And the more you will sell its oil and gas, the more we will have money to wage war against you and your interests worldwide. Instead, you earned money you will accumulate our than not secured debentures. And we, the geopolitical successes and new colonies around the world, all the resources that we will use against you.

It is not important what people think and say this or that country. What is important is what they say and do under the control of our government in these countries.

And people, people might think and say whatever you want - it is their democratic right. People should be given the opportunity to receive the joy of the freedom of speech and thought, that they can now enjoy in their own countries, as part of our American democracy. That is, as part of our US power over them.

- But China and Russia recently stopped buying your not how it is secured by Treasuries, - I replied.

- Yes, - said David, which is why we have stepped up your economic strangulation. As soon as we finish with you, we take the same pattern of China. We have enough capacity to block the supply of energy resources to China by sea. But we do not yet have the ability to block oil and gas supplies to China by land - from Russia and Kazakhstan. Therefore, we will proceed step by step - first Russia and then Kazakhstan and finally China.

- We build our monetary system with China and the BRICS countries - I replied. Once we do that, the dollar will be no use to anyone.

- And all the foreign exchange reserves of Russia and China denominated in US dollars, will turn to zero - David said / What you will then be imported to buy food, clothing, medical supplies and equipment?

Russia and the United States as a highly import-dependent. But we have a magic wand - the button "Print". And the mass of colonies around the world. And you do not have either the first or the second. In addition, you do nothing of the goods are not.

Give me a trade brand Russian global scale, in any industry? They are not here. Oil and gas - it is certainly goods. But this commodity, not consumer goods. Kalashnikov and the MIG-and - a weapon rather than consumer goods. What do you make of goods that would be is a global brand? This kind of clothes? Footwear? Perfumery? The food product? Instruments? Electronics? Electrical? Cars? Tires? Building? Plumbing? Household chemicals? You do not produce anything! All this you buy from us for the dollars they receive from the National Assembly for selling us of your oil and gas.

In fact, we organized a direct exchange with you your irreplaceable natural resources for our products. Just as once in the past, we have organized with the natives exchange their gold for our glass beads. Both then and now, the price of natural resources expressed in the glass beads, we set up, not you. Right now, we have lowered the prices for oil, gas and all commodities. What does it mean? This means that now, so you can get from us the same number of our iron, kettle and sneakers, you should give us twice as much of your natural resources. Since the prices of commodities and resource sharing set us, we simply increased to twice the price of our conveyor consumer goods, against the price of your irreplaceable natural resources. As you can see, the principles of sharing our glass beads gold natives do not change. Changing only our words and minor details. For example, between resources and beads, for the convenience of time-deferred exchanges, now we use intermediate paper - our dollars. But the mechanism for the exchange of natural resources for beautiful jewelry and sweets, has remained the same.

- David, did you think that we are worthless, and nothing on earth can that we can not do that? - I asked.

- I did not say and I do not think so - retorted David. We just warned you that you are worthless, drinking and anything not capable.

In fact, you do not make any of this, not because you can not. And because we have banned your produce. If the natives were able to make themselves beautiful glass beads and sweets, then perhaps they would give us in exchange for these trinkets, their gold? Of course not. Or at least they have, and we do not, appointed to the prices. Because in this case, they would have a choice and an opportunity to refuse the exchange, if the exchange would have seemed to them unjust or unfavorable. If you made the above items, how would then our working mechanism for the exchange of your natural resources on our candy and trinkets? Therefore, we have forbidden you to produce any goods.

- I do not understand how you have forbidden us? - I protested.

- Legally! - Granted David said. We forbid you to produce goods and to develop economically by your own laws.

More precisely it's not your laws, and our. This is what we wrote them for you.

And for him you now live.

Of course, no direct ban on the production of these goods in our laws is not for you. But if we consider them together, then any commodity production in Russia is under the legal ban, with a triple guarantee. We spent a lot of grants for the creation of your domestic legislation in such a way that it completely blocked the development of your industry and agriculture.

We wanted to write your legislation so that anyone who lives in Russia and engaged in a useful productive work, could not be at the poor and at the same time, to be honest. And we did it!

Have you always been listening to your many economists and really love to discuss the problems of your economy. But it is meaningless.

Economy - is a tree that bears fruit. And the law - it is the soil in which the tree grows the economy. You can as much as necessary to water your tree, hill and tie it to disperse clouds over it, giving access to sunlight. But if the tree is your economy grows on sandy soil and stone of the legislation, it will never bring you fruit.

We wrote to you the law - this is the sand and stones for your economy and commodity production. So you basically do not have either the first or the second. Therefore, Russia's share of global GDP, less than 4%.

The only thing that really profitable business in Russia in the framework of the law written by us - is to extract natural resources for their subsequent exchange for our products. That is, according to our-your laws in Russia is beneficial to do what we need. We are not beneficial for you to have your products on your local market. And the more we do not beneficial to any of your products sold in our markets, creating a competitive product of our producers.

We do not need Russia as a competitor in the commodity markets. We need Russia only as a supplier of raw materials we need and a market for our goods.

- David, we successfully make and sell aircraft SuperJet - I said.

- This is because the production of these aircraft, based on a government program - he said.

The state program - is inherently a regulation that limits the blocking effect of the legislation is written by us on this or that branch of production. So where are the state program, the case you are not as bad as everything else. But international investors in the state program and the benefits are not bought. Because state programs and incentives, and at any time can be curtailed or canceled. Investors are looking primarily for basic domestic legislation. If within this framework legislation in the country to extract natural resources profitable, investors are willing to invest in this money and do this kind of business.

And if in the framework of the basic legislation in the country to produce profitable products, the investors will invest their money in the organization of the production of goods. We have written your basic legislation so that any, even the most successful tovaroproizvodstvennaya western company with a worldwide reputation, work for you can not. She ruined after some period of time, which will depend on the strength of its stock of accumulated earlier.

Of course we kept the possibility for commodity production, which in your territory are engaged in our big companies. But for these companies and for any big business in Russia, we have laid in your legislation the principle:

"Or get away to our offshore, or die." Therefore, any big business in Russia, can work in the framework of the law and still be profitable only if its financial flows completely or partly pass through our offshore. Otherwise, within your framework legislation, products of big business becomes uncompetitive. As a result, any Russian tovaroproizvodstvenny big business does not use offshore schemes, gradually dying. The law is the law and there is nothing we can do about it!

Writing for your laws, we help our agents of influence, introduced us to all the organs of your control. We have them pay for it by clicking the button "Print". And to protect these laws, we are helping your courts and your cheers patriots. They are our allies and our weapons against you, that works in our interests effectively and free. Think hurray patriots do not want to, they want to shout hurray and tread down all those who shout hurray sees no reason or unwilling. Any improvement - it is always a change in the existing. A change to the existing, hurray patriots perceived as an attack on their ideals and the power they truly protect. Therefore, anyone who offers any legislative improvements (changes), they are trampled like a herd of elephants. Or declare a heretic, encroached on the sacred and burned at the stake, as once their ancestors burned Giordano Bruno.

In their minds the legislation that we have written to you, is an integral part of the value system which they defend. Our colonial imposed on you, anti-people and anti-state base internal legislation of the Russian Federation, is an integral part of the system of power, which they sincerely protect. Anyone who proposes changes (improvement) of the system in any part thereof, for jingo are personal enemies and the enemies of the government - as heretics, Westerners, sausage and so on. That is, your patriots always announce your thoughtful patriots - our allies. What really helps us. Think yourself patriots do not want to, but they represent a majority.

The majority - it is always a gray mass. Smart is always a minority, geniuses - always one. This applies not only to you - the people of Russia, it is a well known fact that is true for the population of any country in the world.

Therefore, when most amicably and for any reason, shouting hurray, instead of thinking, the voice of the patriotic, the thinking minority becomes inaudible. Or sounds like the voice of the enemy. Do you remember those of our agents in your power system as Shevardnadze and Kozyrev? Among your thinking patriots, while there were not a few people who openly said that Shevardnadze and Kozyrev work for us and under our supervision. And at every opportunity, they merge the interests of Russia in our favor. But your patriots guided by their conditioned reflexes, immediately denounced all opposed Shevardnadze and Kozyrev - enemies of the people and the authorities. Because both Shevardnadze and Kozyrev at the time, were themselves in the current government. What do not want to think jingo, always a sign of the highest holiness and indisputable right. Therefore, Shevardnadze and Kozyrev served us in their posts very long and very effectively. They fruitfully and successfully participated in the destruction of your country, acting on our instructions and in accordance with our plan. Kozyrev now lives the way we have in the United States and not a disaster. Unlike you, we never forget to thank the person for his service to our interests. People in power, and positions, are aware of this, because they see it on a lot of examples. Therefore, all things being equal, most people choose the service of us, not you.

After all, to thank someone for serving our interests, it is enough to push all the same magic button "Print".

In the same way, by clicking "Print", we purchase all over the world the best minds in medicine, science, computer technology, economics and politics.

You spend a lot of their hard-earned money for the maintenance of your fundamental and applied science. And we simply outbid and entice to itself your scientists for 5 minutes before they were going to announce his scientific discoveries. If outbid and win over to themselves some of your scientists, we can not, then this is nothing for us in essence does not change. Because as I said earlier, no production have not. This means that you basically can not get no economic benefit from the introduction into production, scientific discovery and development of your scientists. You just are not what they implement. Well, I come up with some of your Academician Alferov blue laser, so what? We gave it to him personally penny Prize for his scientific discovery. And then he started on the basis of his discovery, a multibillion-dollar industry Bly-Ray drive, Bly-Ray media and Bly-Ray movies in this new format. And what concrete economic impact of scientific discovery, you got your teaching? The right to be proud of? Yes, you can really be proud of and very proud that Bly-Ray - the discovery and invention of your Russian scientist. It is simply just one example, but this is happening all over - you put your money in the development of fundamental and applied science, and economic impact of the implementation of the results of your scientific work in real production in all sectors of trade and industry, we always get.

- So you like pirates, steal the achievements of our scientists and inventors to illegally profit from it! - I protested.

- Nothing of the sort, - said David. We in the US have this kind of patenting as patenting concepts.
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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