German Gref at anything. This is what we all downshifter

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German Gref at anything. This is what we all downshifter

Сообщение DARPA » 17 янв 2016, 16:39

German Gref at anything. This is what we all daunshiftery. And he is a resident of the moon. On the Moon, he built virtually a monopoly in the financial sector. Gazprom also not formally a monopoly, although the West periodically called for an end to the gas ionopolistom. But there Novatek is! However, Gazprom does not deny that the monopolist. Because of this background octopus Novatek - a stall in the alley. So, Sberbank. He has concentrated 80% of deposits, for example. He crushes everything it managed to reach. If this is of interest.

Troika Dialog was the largest broker of Russia. Now this piece of Sberbank. And two years ago with the transfer babosov MICEX brokerage account at Troika Dialog in branches, Sberbank managed to take commission. Cashier-operatorshi BEAC puzzled question: "You do not oborzeli !?", replied: "The system is set up so .. I'm sorry. Not defines as its own." This is despite the fact that serving Troika Dialog Bank was not for a reason - it was the Savings! Prior to that agent Troika Dialog Raiffeisenbank not thought of taking a commission when the customer is necessary to remove the cash from the stock exchange. Savings behaved as pushy and petty zhlobskie Gopnik.

How "friendly", he absorbed the same top three? Logic dictates that a profitable business parted reluctantly. A Troika Dialog - a super profitable business for shearing sheep. At the stock exchange because the three categories of players - bears, bulls and sheep. And the third category of sheep ever prove everything and bears and bulls. All but the broker. Your broker is always a percentage of wherever he went the market. Sberbank and he was a major broker. But he absorbed the biggest competitor on the MICEX. What can we say about some Yandex-money. But this is not a trifle Savings disdained.

So it is not clear, c whose supply commercial banks have been unable to establish the percentage of the payment of the procurement of goods through their branches. Why are they suddenly voluntarily lost customers, raising the percentage to draconian sberbankovskogo, and why, to pay the registration fee, to go to the Savings Bank? And not in any neighborhood bank? But Gref did not participate in the cut and schemes, and in general it has nothing to do with it. Nowhere.

As at anything gnobimy power shiny as polished chrome boots opposition Kasyanov. He was the prime minister on the moon. This is not a pipe, he led economy. However, intellectuals Gaidar, Chernomyrdin and Gref. After Misha 2 percent honest loudly shouting about corruption when it popyorli in stock. I just do not notice it, being in the prime minister's chair. Then he received his sight. And up sanctions lists.

So Gref suddenly saw the light and began to talk about lost competition. How to be something he is not among the favorites, while still Minister of Economic Development, developed to handle the Russian economy. Is not Gref was concerned about "the preservation of strata" and said:

"In the Jewish culture, the science of Kabbalah gave life and three thousand years has been the secret teachings, because people knew what to remove the veil from the eyes of millions and make them self-reliant. How, then manage them? Any weight management implies an element of manipulation."

According to Gref, in ancient China Lao Tzu scrambled their theory, fearing to bring the truth to ordinary people. Gref has owned the truth? But why he was not concerned about the restructuring of the waning economy? It was clear that truth is any more or less sensible, despised elected guardian of strata Gref, a commoner, if he was not involved in stealing and squandering of natural resources - will sooner or later end or oil, or gas will evaporate. And the country that does not know how to do anything except resell other people's products, will remain out of work.

But Gref and Shahray lived today, and were going to rest, cut and fatten in life, rather than sometime in the indefinite future, when eaten will be plundered, and all raw energy superpower. Gref cowardly not opened branch of Sberbank in the Crimea, featuring Western partners, "I own". He can not admit that Krymnash this act of justice. Especially, do not recognize Gref and Prokhorov Donbass. Since then followed their departure into oblivion, at best.

Before opening a truly free market, it is necessary to get rid of everyone who rolled into the Procrustean bed of oil. All crooks drive. Starting with pimply pridurochnogo tax inspector from the district office to the oligarch Prokhorov and Prime Minister Medvedev. The giant thought Prokhorov has not justified its existence, and not running the E-mobility. Room Medvedev need a leash, he never learned to make decisions. Tax inspector - a small pest and parasite. And all this riffraff she just does not have vanished, with oil at $ 100 and Western loans. And once they perish when oil prices fall to $ 20. That's when we will see who uncompetitive - who are down and who shifter.

Cleaning - that's what awaits Russia. From cowards, scum and trash. Prize is coming, and the countdown was launched March 21, 2014. And then there's handy oil prices dropped. Again required unexpected moves. Gref thinking about competitive society. And you need to build a just society. Without keepers strata Gref, Koch and Shakhrai. Without mimicking Zyuganov and Mironov. Without opportunists Matvienko and Misharin. However, performers come in handy. But precisely, without mediocrity Gryzlov and Sliska. The only question is, who will? Where new initiatives wolves, ruthlessly devouring old zazhirevshih sheep? Ready to ambush you have new young reformers, sharpened knives. It will cost you slaughter the cohort without companions and guardians. They just slide converged on the brakes in the worn track. But the budget requires sacrifice.
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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