Sunset era of computers and other tails

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Sunset era of computers and other tails

Сообщение DARPA » 18 янв 2016, 13:09

1. Moore's Law, according to which every two years the number of transistors on a computer chip doubles stopped working. This means that lasted nearly 50 years, the era of rapid growth in computer speed, possibly close to completion:

http: // https: // ... computers/

On the one hand, it's sad. On the other hand, maybe even now the programmers begin to think about a little old-fashioned concepts such as saving memory and speed. Again, computers are now obsolete more slowly - and this is quite a favorable impact on our wallets ...

Let me remind you, by the way, that in the first half of the XX century with great speed improved planes and cars. Not at all surprised if we now start any new era, for example, the long-awaited era of cyborgs and biotechnology.

By the way, let out a small list of Russia's high-tech products can be found here:Высокотехнологичная_продукция_России

2. Petersburg Fort Alexander I (Plague) now looks very scary and ominous because of the black smoke:Форт_«Император_Александр_I »

If you wash the fort and paint it white, it will look great and can even become one of the symbols of the city.

Why those responsible for tourism from the Smolny do not allocate to allocate a certain amount of izvёstki brigade and painters to return the original snow-white view of the fort? Here is how it is done, for example, in Sevastopol: ... -6270.html

Similarly, in the Moscow Kremlin no one bothers to allocate one more post of honor guard, for example, to the front porch of the Faceted Chamber and dress them up as a bell. As a result, the city is very cheap get recognizable tourist brand on the type of London Beefeater.

3. Victor Marakhovskii exposes a certain gentleman from NES, writing about the impressive economic successes of Latvia: ... a-RESH-606

Let me remind you that Victor Marakhovskii sufficiently well informed about the situation in the Baltic republics: he was born in Latvia and lived there until the middle of the zero years, working as a journalist and lighting all sorts of criminal topics:Виктор_Мараховский

I quote from the article:

Corrected professor: blue ostrich deceived him saying, talking about some sort of "building productive capacity". There was this, survived the 90th factories triumphantly continued to collapse. All boom - was actually true, absolutely, shameless, a huge bubble of real estate, bloated Scandinavian banks. In just a few years, they have placed half the country for loans, then the bubble chpoknul, Scandinavia foot for debt fell kilometer property in Riga and almost all the land for development, unemployment jumped to 20% and beyond.

By the way, recently Latvia was left without a government: ... 7-k2jd.htm

Riga Mayor even proposed to appoint to the post of prime minister who gets in behind the wheel drunk:

It seems like everything is so bad that none of the Latvian politicians do not want to take responsibility for what happens.

4. Recently, many spread the myth of a bypass road that leads from Ukraine to China via Georgia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. The profitability of this type of route is highly questionable - because even if by some miracle and be able to solve the problem with the customs, still remain two (!) Overload railway ferry and back.

Thanks to geography, the real "Silk Road" from China to Europe can only go through Russia. I recommend an article that talks about it in detail:Новый_шёлковый_путь

By the way, recently earned ABII was created including to finance the construction of projects in the framework of the "Silk Road".

5. The German media reports that Russia plans to establish its own oil brand to sell it for rubles:

Indeed, all this and goes, at least pro-Western force in Russia, and abut all the hooves to slow down the process of creating nefterublya. Actually, that's why the oil trade had run in St. Petersburg - Moscow through liberal exchange flatly refused to participate in this important matter.

6. Russia and Syria signed an agreement, according to which our airbase will remain indefinitely in Syria: ... angeSize=1

We now have a permanent military base in the eastern Mediterranean. That's good: especially when you consider how important this region is for world politics.

7. In Russia there will be multi-functional centers for small and medium businesses:

Similar MFC for the population were very comfortable, I think, and business centers will also be good.

8. You can already trace the impact of an agreement with the European Union on the health of the Georgian economy. In short, everything is bad:

The trade turnover with the CIS countries dipped wildly, exports to the EU grew by 3%. As predicted, the agreement with the EU is only one way: profitable for the Europeans.

9. Dmitry Leikin says that a world government is already necessary to our planet: ... at-976544/

I agree with him completely. If those same Americans handed over its military budget in the space industry, we would have already established colonies on other planets.

10. As I predicted, some schools eSports is becoming part of the educational program. For example, some students in Norway now need to play computer games up to 5 hours per week compulsory:

I imagine the scene in the classroom:

- Ivan, what are you for Warlock IOM has collected? I'm your mother a little school called?
- Well, Marya, I jammed the mouse ...
- So, Ivan, I'm tired, on Friday in the control will be against me at the MFA stand.

11. Interestingly, the famous Donald Knuth, one of the most important figures in the history of programming, studied Russian in order to read it in the book Andrei Ershov "Programming BESM":

This book not only helped me to better master the Russian language; I learned from it interesting compiler optimization algorithms. In fact, the early work of Andrew, which served as the impetus for the creation of this important area of ​​computer science, is still causing concern. His method of presentation was also very significant: the block diagram shown for the first time in his book, I later used to illustrate the process of implementation of the program in his article Computer-drawn flow charts («Flowcharts built computer"), published in Communications of the ACM, September 1963, pp. 555-563), and the subsequent series of books "The Art of Programming."

12. Steen Jakobsen, chief economist at Saxo Bank, says that the crisis in the US has just begun, and that the worst is yet to come:

The last couple of weeks we have seen an enviable unanimity analysts: Almost all of them believe that the US economy is quite sad waiting times.

13. What are some terrible news coming from Germany. I will not retell dill - you probably are tired of news about refugees. I note only that in Germany there is a sixfold increase in sales of pepper spray, the shelves are empty, because the suppliers can not cope with the volume: ... pper-spray

And what is meanwhile concerned about the German law enforcement agencies? Well, of course, they catch "criminals" who watch pirated movies online:

By the way, in the neighboring Austrian media reports that thanks to Russia returned to Syria for about 1 million refugees:

If I were an Austrian, I would probably support those politicians who are in favor of friendship with the Russian.

14. The story of the American literary award for foreign young readers. As you might expect, the winners name in the United States, there to wash their brains concentrated Russophobia:

Now the main thing. Rate these were not simple. The instructor was Ossetians. She told me how this affected the Ossetians sometimes not at all literary themes. She went right just after the annexation of the Crimea, the Ossetians started so well brainwash them. He said that Russia had no right to do that on its economy after the sanction of the living space will remain, well and other typical cliches.

And then it all went very smoothly for her. What happened next can be expressed something like this: "One soldier in the field, if it is cut out in Russian." Alice only beginning to argue with the teacher. She said that he openly ridiculed her, and the others were silent, sometimes pohihikivali, but does not mind the teacher. It is understandable. She was the only person from Russia, all the rest - from Europe, from the United States.

15. Emotional article from a French journalist called "Why the West will never win and never forgive Russia":

Indeed, as a joke is now on the internet, it's only in the movies American heroes save the world from the Russian villains. In real life, the situation is reversed.

16. Great photoreport from Volgodonsk, where "Atommash" produce equipment for nuclear power plants:

I do not want to repeat once again it is a cliché, but I can not do with the actual state of affairs: the scale is really impressive.

And here's a video with the stages of production of a modern reactor:

Who made several VVER-1200 - for example, for the Belarusian and Tianwan NPP.

17. CIA experts believe that by 2015 Russia could fall to 8 states:

The funny thing is that they are right. If Vladimir Putin failed equidistant oligarchs in 2004, when the report was published the CIA, Russia really could by now comprehend the fate of Ukraine, whose pro-American oligarchs run since 1992.

18. American journalist sure to try to "open the eyes" Russian on the situation in Russia - a completely senseless idea. He writes that, for example, on the website "Inosmi" and so laid the Western translations of articles about Russia - Russian and laugh at these articles, as western journalists lie too crude and obvious.

And here is what he writes about the American star Michael Bohm of Journalism:

It is quite strange: who needs a promotion when Russian themselves can read the Western media and see with your own eyes all the lies that they tell about them, and how they demonize Putin. On Russian television, there are several political talk shows, where Russian invited Western journalists or politicians; one of them is often a really funny American journalist, Michael Baum, which is mechanically repeats the entire western propaganda, arguing with their Russian counterparts.

Pretty surreal sight - to see how it shows the worst political stereotypes about Americans: the arrogant, naive and ignorant. And here it is life and teaches senior Russian politicians, "explaining" his "true" Russian foreign policy and the "real" intentions of hiding their steps, as opposed to just what they say. This man has a striking lack of a sense of irony. Look at it as funny as it is sad and scary.

By the way, according to Gallup, Russian trust their government much more than citizens of many other countries:

19. This is a very informative counting Russian reserves:

The essence of the counting: reserves have impressive, economic stability is very good.

20. If you did not have the news and the morning "tail" you, too, have already passed, so you still have a "tail" by Paul Shipilina:
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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