Unnecessary items that people buy in stores

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Unnecessary items that people buy in stores

Сообщение HainanWel.com(e)! » 14 мар 2016, 12:30

Modern people are wasteful, but when you consider that a large part of the society in general is deprived of essential goods, such as clean water, food, clothes, you can just marvel at what amount of money thrown at the completely useless items. In fact, most of the things and goods that people are not only buying but also produce, in fact, lying about the house as trash or thrown in the trash.

Well, so if we consider the Russians as the research object to rid yourself of the savings in the world, we must in the first place. In all the resort cities of the world, only Russian and glad they have the reputation with a broad mind, who can nicely relax. Well, the hotel owners are always very well respond by saying "better a Russian tourist, ten Chinese people," even though the Chinese economy in the first place in the world.

Take for example the current economic crisis in Russia, the Russians there that would like something more reasonable to take their finances so they Rushed to buy up all unnecessary electrical stores. Which to their disappointment, with modern advances in this area can not be subject to capital savings. One would like to ask them "why the heck" you need say Rice Cooker? which completely replaces regular saucepan; pancake maker or say? From pancakes, pan always coped well; Bread and most owners continue to buy bread in the store. Here is a small list of kitchen utensils, which usually is idle idle: toaster, evaporator, food processor, coffee maker, table grill, blender, juicer, kitchen scales, jug blender.

Well, if the electronics, so to speak, you will not bring harm to health, the people in the world to somehow harm their health, are willing to spend billions of dollars. It's about homeopathic remedies - capsules, tablets, extracts, tinctures, decoctions and other active supplements that people consume tons, firmly believing in a miracle cure for all diseases.

Particular attention should be given, so to speak, natural and homeopathic remedies, which as we all know do not contain chemicals and other toxic substances. Some of them, shark cartilage, which allegedly miraculously increase male potency and completely cure cancers. In such pills people last year spent more than 115 billion dollars, which is more than the GNP say, not some of the poorest countries. I would like to note that scientists have observed the health of the patients (176), who took these drugs, once again witnessed the "placebo effect" (a substance with no apparent therapeutic properties).

Generally with medication, according to the professor of the Moscow Medical Academy Pavel Vorobiev, we are not so bad, we just awful. 10 9 of medicines sold in pharmacies are not proper testing, 7 are simply ineffective, and more than 30% are simply harmful to health, in view of the fact that they contain chemical compounds. According to the professor ... some means of uselessness or low efficiency, which is proven by many laboratories in the world, continued for decades sold in pharmacies in Russia. As an example, he cites the well-known brand "Essentiale", which supposedly cleanses the liver, but in fact the same effect almost none. Or the well-publicized anti-viral "Arbidol" occupying the second position on the marketability of its category, which is just as meaningless. Last year, Russians spent on medication more than 1.3 trillion rubles, but did not become healthier. This begs the question: what is the interest of pharmaceutical companies, so people do not hurt? And all at once falls into place.

Actually, that would maintain their health, people willing to spend a fortune and natural products do not fall within the exception of embezzlement. "Without pesticides", "GMO free", "no dyes", "Without additives," "no preservatives" - such high-profile labels, we are accustomed to observe in recent years on many packages of different products that attract us with their "harmless". In general, companies with such marketers who invented it, can only envy. Vparivayut individual items several times more expensive, but because of the inscriptions ... it's just awesome, as it were, said Don Vito Corleone - nothing personal, it's "just business." If we talk about the nitrates, they stimulate the growth and maintained in all animal and plant organisms, even in the same soil that never fertilized. Another question is the concentration and the degree of harm to all those additives that in our country this is strictly and carefully controlled. Sam was a witness as destroyed several fields due to the fact that the farmer did not have certificates for seeds. Generally, in the near future Russia is poised to become a leading exporter of organic products and we hope we will continue to have natural products, in addition, they are tasty.
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Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25


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