What I do not like in Germany?

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What I do not like in Germany?

Сообщение HainanWel.com(e)! » 15 мар 2016, 18:30

In Munich, we have been living for more than three months, so I feel the right to write about what I do not like in Germany in general and in particular in Munich. Of course, then this list may change or disappear, but now it is what it is. Some might say that I pick someone that bad gathered information about the country before moving, and someone will remind me of the cultural adaptation stage and say that I have a "phase of hostility." Maybe, but I invite you to their list of grievances, and you can agree with it, disagree or provide your own version.

1. The migration crisis.
No comment here and everything is clear.
But the crisis has exposed the migration are other problems of German society: a completely thoughtless tolerance; the lack of freedom of speech, which is reflected in the one-sided presentation of information, and there is no possibility to write comments (be afraid of the people's anger?). In fairness it should be noted that, of course, there are publications that print an alternate version of the events, and where there are no comments, but they are few, and the comments are very vague and mostly prefer to bypass the sharp corners.
"In Germany, there is no problem with the migrants? Ridiculous! And sad."

2. High taxes and complicated tax system.
High taxes do not become news, but the fun is not added. Still, a very sad look on the payslip, when there is only a little more than half after all erased. And add to this the 17.50 to Rundfunkbeitrag (that the beast is read here) on a monthly basis, you pay extra, so it becomes very sad. I also believe that progressive income tax does not give an incentive to the development and growth - the more you earn, the more will be taken away. And if you take a vacation money or want to get a second job, so there are no money see. This is wrong: the person must be able to make if he wants to. Moreover, the tax system of classes quite complicated and causes a lot of confusion. So, we initially put the wrong classes, and we have a few months loses sn. How to deal with it, see my article "Changing the tax class and going to the Finanzamt". Ever since the first of January of 2015 began to collect health insurance for 1% of the sn more.

3. A terrible bureaucracy and red tape, the complete absence of electronic documents.
What I mean: if you want to get health insurance, open a bank account (even in the Internet bank), etc - please be patient, get to different instances different folders and get ready to receive paper letters in large numbers and go to the post office to send a letter of reply . They lack documents - will receive a letter, want to clarify something - get a letter, and so can continue indefinitely. Folders will swell from letters, but it's not get off the ground. Obtaining insurance and bank account can take several months. This is what I wrote in "What must be done in the first week in Munich." The existence of the e-mail if they have no idea. Even about the actions of advertising comes via regular mail.

4. Lack of interest in qualified specialists.
This may sound strange coming from a man who had come to Germany just as the Blue Card on the program specialist. Now I will explain. As it is known, for IT-specialists, engineers and many other professions have the following condition: the minimum s / n 38 000 euro per year and this figure is constantly decreasing. This is a negligible amount (for Munich for sure), to which I would not advise anyone to agree only if the house really bad and there is nothing. I believe that if Germany was interested in specialists, the minimum wage was higher, and therefore more attractive for visitors, people would not have to bargain with the employer, to calculate, and they will live on this money. There is also a lack of respect and lack of interest I attribute the fact that for the very visa have to pay had arrived specialist (read my article "How do we go for the Blue Card"), no assistance, financial support, language and integration courses do not offer - to twist as you like yourself. But if you are a refugee, then yes, you will get everything on a silver platter.

5. No order.
Before coming to Germany, I was sure that somewhere where, as here everything clearly and correctly. But no - for all have to watch yourself - and to ensure that the employer changed the tax class, and to tax all correctly issued, and to ensure that excess is not written off, and that all have to pay. In a word, and here it is necessary for everyone to follow and not to trust anyone.
By confusion I would have classified more and the fact that the very first "surprise" day of winter, when the snow fell, the train began to be late for 20 minutes at least, on the electronic scoreboard with a schedule was nothing unclear - on schedule were some trains, and came into the others.
I did not like the mess and with trains during our trip to Bad Tölz - when the train slowly "falling apart" on the part and was leaving in different directions, and the passengers ran from car to car and tried to find the right one. In the DB, of course, a lot of clutter and disorganization.

6. No one says in English.
80% of those with whom we had to face here do not speak English. And this is not Russia, which are so fond of kicking, because, they say, they say languages ​​its population does not own. Germany - the center of Europe, and English is almost nobody knows this can occur even among computer users. So do not tell me more tales. What's really annoying is the fact that even if a person says in English (you know exactly did you meet him, and said), you write it in English, it will still write to you in German!

7. High property prices.
100 sq.m. can cost 500 000 euros and above. Well, where is the good? But where is cheap, because there is no work from the word at all. Of course, you can take almost a free and almost life-long loan, but somehow it does not inspire optimism.

8. The stalemate with the removal of the apartment.
This is the biggest problem in Munich. Today, I was already in the 30 apartments, and responded, perhaps more than 300 ad, but there is not even a standstill. What I do not like kvartirosdatelyam - income level, our nationality, that we do not really speak German, probation, or what I housewife - we do not know, and we continue to look for. I already wrote a short article about finding an apartment, but when we are, I hope, will find a new home, then I'll write a large and detailed article on this topic with my thoughts about why all that bad, I do not like in German homes and how to deal with it.

9. That in apartments all over the counter.
Water meters and electricity is no surprise, but the counter for heating threw me into despair - the walls are thin, heat the apartment is hard enough, all the heat goes "into the pipe," just turn off the battery - already cold and kvartirosdatel may ask you less often include battery. Someone recommended to keep the battery at 2-3 (1 - minimum heating, 4 - max), but we have so heat is nothing is impossible, so wool socks and a warm jacket, fliska become a fixture of domestic life. Why not make a fixed payment for heating, so people do not feel cold, and did not save, I do not understand. In my opinion it is all unnecessary saving, which is nothing but harm does not bring.

10. Shops.
Here I have a few complaints:
A) Schedule.
The fact that shops are closed on Sundays, it is quite possible to survive, but the fact that they do not work all the holidays that can reach three consecutive days - horrible. Firstly, after the holidays to the store is not clear when to come - sooner you come, the goods have not brought, and later - have all eaten. After Christmas in 2015 on the shelf with dairy products have only one bank of sour cream, and the rest to 11 hours have all been dismantled. A purchase products on the weekend is also a problem - in German kitchens refrigerators are very small, not much to rely on, and the balcony is not everywhere.
B) Deliveries of goods.
Grocery stores are beginning to work at 8 am and close at 8 pm. Around 9 o'clock - still spread the goods, and if you come at 7 o'clock in the evening, the shelves are already empty and no one is going to report to the contrary everything is cleaned, clean and the staff is already preparing for home care. Really do not want to earn? After all, until the closure of the store for another hour and can come quite hungry buyers.
The line can be up to 20 people, and no one even moved. Maybe after 10 minutes open the second box office, but then the first closed shortly.
D) A lot of convenience foods, canned soups, sauces and other food bags of garbage and a normal day fish with fire will not find, not to mention the sea cocktails and other seafood. Continuous fillet is only good burgers, and carcasses of tiny forelek. I for fish, herring go to the Russian shops: Salmon soup set 1kg - 2.50; 760 grams of minced salmon - 3.50.
D) The huge package: potatoes - 2.5 kg (1.25 euros), carrots - 2 kg (0.90 euros) and so on. I do not know how fast it is necessary to have products to use them before they will germinate or rot. We do not have time, and smaller packages or not, or it's organic products are more expensive, and therefore buy a large package and it turns nedoest anyway cheaper than taking a small package. You can, of course, go to the vegetable stall and take it in bulk, but the same potatoes there is 1.99 per kg. And then we are told that the food is not enough, and children are starving in Africa and sell in bulk and at the right price can not possibly guess.
E) When it comes to clothing stores, the quality and variety of things plunges into horror: all the same everywhere - jeans, shirts, jackets - and synthetic. After Russian stores can only sigh heavily and remember the dress between them it was so difficult to choose the one thing because they all liked. Anyone interested, take a look at my article "European fashion. You want this? ". it follows that the streets are very few beautiful and well-dressed people, the eye to rest not on anyone.
F) It is not like that the city swarmed chain stores - Zara, H & M, C & A, Oliver, Rabe ... They are everywhere! The range is almost the same, the quality is poor, select nothing. From this shopping it becomes completely unattractive, but the people around - the same. Where does a small business, a small, but individual shops, diverse range of?

11. The high cost of basic things.
shower cap is 1.95 to DM; 100g hips, not whole, and milled, is 3.49; castor oil, 150 ml of about 4 euros; bunch of dill 1.49 (in pots of 0.99 seen very rarely), a small light bulb 120W - 2.99; glue 30g shoes - 4.19; universal glue 50gr - 3.99. For comparison, 1 kg of pork pulp costs 4 euros.

12. Dogs.
Yes, I do not like dogs, especially when they are large and when in public places without a muzzle and leash. I am afraid of them, and all the talk about the fact that "my dog ​​is kind and does not bite," please do not show me. The stores - without a muzzle and eerie howl, left at the entrance; parks freely run, run up, start sniffing carnivorous, how do I know that he will come to a head in the next moment ?! And in Germany, the dogs love them a lot and they are mostly very large, and for some reason the owners do not consider it their duty to call the dog back, when she rushes to someone unfamiliar.

13. Obsession with sports.
All the running around, day and night, in rain and snow. If you do not run, then walk with sticks if you do not go, then swim. Come winter, begins agitprogramma about skiing. In grocery stores begins urgent sale of all that is necessary to skiers and snowboarders. Then spring comes, skiers start to feel sad, but not for long: a new agitation - Spring is coming, buy our trainers and get in shape! And start buying exercise equipment all at the same Lidl and Aldi. In museums there is no one, but "Dinamo runs." I think the one that sports propaganda distracts from more important German and global issues?
For sport can be attributed, and a passion for bicycles, which was laid in these years. I have nothing against the two-wheeled friend, but in the city, in my opinion, is not the most convenient form of transport, especially for me, the pedestrian, who still tries to think and accidentally step on the bike path, and immediately hear the bell or horn. In doing so, I stop cyclists constantly on the sidewalks! What I still do not like to bike in the city, so it is wheelchair-trailers for children. I do not know how parents are afraid that the trailer is not otstegnet, turn over, and suddenly a child becomes ill or he decides to get out at full speed? And I was even "touches" mothers who rear the child in a child trailer, front bag, and she pulls it all by yourself, the last effort pedaling. It makes you want to come up and say, "Buy a car!", Since there are plenty to choose, and for a place in the parking lot still has to be paid when renting an apartment, so at least there will be a fine car. Yes, and bicycles are constantly steal!
My article on the theme of cycling: "Where is rolling Munich?"

14. The passion for fast food

Against the background of the preceding paragraph, this paragraph seems strange. But it is - a lot of fast food in the shops, cafes and restaurants, fast food order to work, and do not take food out of the house. Every day, all built to McDonald's, Doner, fried sausages and fried potatoes, pig stomach, from which flows the fat, deep-fried fish and so. In this shopping center every day, crowds of people sitting on benches, stairs and around flower beds, eating their "junk food". Once seen quite comical situation - when I left the house, a man was running hard, when I returned, he was hard to eat a Big Mac, sitting on a bench. So where is the logic?

15. Water.
This is my subjective opinion of St. Petersburg =) where the water is hard, my hair after her as a tow, if you do not use fabric mask. Without a filter, I would not recommend drinking it - so, unfiltered boiled water gives an eerie white precipitate. Very quickly overgrown scum kettle, and cranes are constantly white coating.

16. Psevdoekonomiya.
I mean, semi-automatic doors in the metro, trains, buses, when it is necessary to open something turn, press and. Very handy when your hands are busy! And especially "good" when it's dirty, and the button on the bus, too, does not differ cleanliness. What prevents to do normal opening doors - puzzles, and do the current system provides a huge cost savings?

17. GEMA
Of course, this organization, which is constantly prohibits watch videos, films and programs on YouTube. Have to look for workarounds to install special software (I should ProxTube), a word to dodge. Well, who would be worse if I look at a new clip or a historical film?
It also includes the fact that in Germany can not be free to use torrents for download, you will face a fine or even imprisonment. Therefore, once again we are looking to circumvent the prohibitions. I feel detached from civilization!

18. The intricate transportation system of Munich and expensive public transport.
The transport network is sufficiently convoluted Munich - it consists of colored zones as well, in turn, divided into ring zones. To understand what I mean, you can see the map on the MVV site.
The fare depends on where and how you drive: if you move inside the white area or drive to the airport in the red zone.
Tickets also are different: there Streiff (Hello beginning of the twentieth century (so old-fashioned it looks)) - a paper ticket with 10 strips cost 13 euros - if you have a short trip (valid for 1 hour, up to 4 stops on the bus and only two stops U-bahn S-bahn), then folded one strip and shtampuete, if you are traveling more - it may be 2 or 3 and 4 strips to infinity; have tickets for the whole day (they, incidentally, is quite beneficial if you drive a little and you suddenly need to spend a whole day on the road), the white zone is for one person - 6.40, for two - 12.20 (by the way, tickets give a small discount when you visit certain cultural places); there are weekly and monthly tickets. My husband ticket from 1 to 3 ring but for the whole day and is worth - 64.40, I have the ticket from 1 to 4 ring, but only between 9 am and costs 57,70. A ticket to the airport (red zone) for the whole day, including all public transport will cost 12.40 for one, and for a group of up to 5 people - 23.20 (why one person is paying so much as a group of 5 people - a little? ). Also I do not understand the pricing of the Bavarian ticket: for one, he is 23 and for two 28. Why single traveler should pay more?
To understand what it would cost to travel - it is difficult. I always use a MVV website or its mobile application. It is necessary to constantly monitor so as not to go further than the zone and constantly think about how to save on travel, maybe somewhere to walk somewhere to go first on his driveway, and then stamp the Streif ... Solid headache!
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