America on the path of the USSR 70s

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America on the path of the USSR 70s

Сообщение! » 24 май 2014, 15:14

Russia and China are united against U.S. hegemony

Concluding a multi-billion dollar gas deal with China, Vladimir Putin showed the West that he has to turn to, says political commentator Charles Krauthammer . According to him, the Obama administration should be clearly understood that the long hegemony of the United States ends , and China and Russia are the core of a new coalition , which challenges the West imposed after the Cold War status quo.
On the background of high-profile Western threats of termination imports of Russian gas to Europe, sounded in connection with the Ukrainian events , Vladimir Putin provocatively Europe demonstrated that he has to turn to, says the famous American political commentator Charles Krauthammer . In Shanghai, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping signed impressive energy agreement , which resulted in over thirty years of Russian exports to China Siberian natural gas to 400 billion dollars.
Russian-Chinese deal , says Krauthammer , also makes a mockery of the " American boastful statements" that the U.S. was isolated from Ukraine Russia . Even Germany does not want to risk it and go for a serious flare-up with Russia and therefore does not impose significant sanctions. "Putin paraded landmark agreement on energy partnership for 30 years with the world's second economy . Yeah, isolation " - ironically expert.

The Obama administration believes that the Russian- Chinese alliance - it's just a sample of retreat maneuvers of the 19th century, with its balance of forces , which carry two people who do not understand the realities of the 21st century , ruled by laws and regulations . But the Chinese, with Russian just laugh , writes Charles Krauthammer . They entered the World Trade Organization for the sake of gaining commercial benefits - but then still actively continued their " cyber espionage and intellectual piracy ."

" Putin's visit to Shanghai - a response to Nixon's visit to China. As a result of their strategic plot , carried out in 1972 , the geopolitical situation in the world has changed drastically at the expense of Moscow. Now Putin has turned the same situation against us - writes Krauthammer - Together , China and Russia are the core of a new coalition of anti-democratic autocracies , which disputes the West imposed after the Cold War status quo. Development of partnership between them symbolizes the emergence of the first after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the global coalition against American hegemony. "

At a conference this week , the Asia Cooperation Xi Jinping proposed an entirely new continental security system , including Russia and Iran , but excluding the United States. According to the journalist , is a challenge to the world after the Cold War , dominated by the United States. If this proposal is accepted and implemented , it will put an end to long-term period of unipolarity .

But the U.S. president shows complete passivity and even " blissful ignorance " and linking it to Asia remains a dead letter . But the retreat of America from the Middle East , where the influence of the U.S. is at its lowest point in 40 years - this, according to political commentator , a fait accompli.

" This retreat is compounded by Obama's proposed massive cuts in military spending , while at the same time, Russia is rearming and China is creating modern armed forces that America will soon be able to forbid access to the Pacific. Decline - is not a state . Decline - the result of a choice. In our case it is the choice of Obama. And in this area, he has achieved outstanding success "- sums disappointing result for the United States Charles Krauthammer .!
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Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25


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