4 weeks in an orderly Durkee. It was unforgettable

Модератор: zlata

4 weeks in an orderly Durkee. It was unforgettable

Сообщение DARPA » 31 авг 2014, 15:50

May night in 2012 I was leaving through the checkpoint his military unit, kept the direction of Peter, on the football, we then 2 3 won. I had myself fully aware that last I have at the morning, I would have a big problem. True, I knew for sure 100% that I will not send the disciplinary battalion, and yes even on lip will not sit down, please - explain the long and not interesting. I thought as well otpizdyat, well punished, my oldest call on Dembele, I actually was a senior call me pussy only officers kraynyak will ...

How it turned out, for me, was a surprise ...
Returning back, accompanied by a platoon commander and senior sergeant, I was immediately taken to the office of the commander. He asked everyone to leave and close the door. "Who is going to beat, maybe even with their feet" thought Ostap. But no, Comrade Captain (hereinafter TC) walks around the room with his arms crossed and smokes, I really thought about anything else, lost concentration ... and he as undermine raised my shkibon one hand, shook for about five minutes and said something like that "that because of these traitors like me, play the whole war (he gave me a campaign with a Trojan horse confused) that such a fag like me, during the fighting were shot without trial," Well, everything in this spirit ...

He put me in my place, I adjusted the collar, sat down and ordered me to sit down. Lit a cigarette, handed it to me, I tensed, I think can podebka, right now lit up and he told me how to drag for eto-)) But like smoking heavily and I lit a cigarette. Next came about following dialogue:
- Well, tell me, why did you do it?
- Silent.
- Tell me I'm saying.
- TC, to be honest, I was tired and no longer desire to serve not. I slept for half a year up to 3 hours a day. I fall asleep everywhere, standing in line, sitting on the toilet ... I restful tons zhru, I'm really afraid that I pereklinit and I'll kill somebody.
- Why are you awake?
- Recalling the facts, well, so that the company commander did not insert ...
- Why did you not tell me sooner? When you asked, I'll even midweek in Uval let go.
- Well TC, then Uval, and complain about it, it is not beautiful ...
Thought for a couple of minutes.
- Do you have a foreign passport?
- There is a TC, but overdue.
- Uh, sorry, but I love you for a week in Egypt wanted to send, well, I know one good place, the Congress otospitsya, come back a different person ...
- Allow the question TC.
- Come on.
- What is this place?
- Regional Psychiatric Hospital named Kashchenko.

I ohuel. joker whore

An hour later, I was dressed in a fashionable sweat pants and a t-shirt handed urine - blood on banned substances.

Only in the movies women with the men lie in public offices, in real life department different way all these crazy fucked, but first things first.

Immediately killed the room is dark, the state poluavariynoe worth the stink. Kontinget like a horror movie, ebnutye person most Kolobrodov and lows, someone yells, someone is no signs of life.

Well, I think you got a warrior. I was given the bunk, was pleased that in the corner, well, I think I will sleep ass down, with 2 sides of the wall, if that Otobaya

Surprisingly able to fall asleep, woke up on my stomach, but the pants on the ground, breathed

It was a full day for me the staff zero attention. Only on the third I was taken to the head doctor. Told her briefly the situation. She says, "Come this way, you're not here vyebyvaetsya, behave quietly, I put you diagnosed a nervous breakdown, a month and a rest valish back. Vyebyvaetsya You can of course, but you would tie orderlies and we'll have sacrificed amenozinom and galoperedolom. Gonna piss month - shit and let the drool. "

Whoa whoa, I'm the quiet water below the grass. Okay, but there is a nuance. What is it? At night you will orderly. You're not afraid, we'll tea and cigarettes, sitting listening to the radio, the duties are simple, write the number of the patient who had an epileptic attack and if someone untied, tied back. You have no choice. Smiled.

What to do. I agreed.

I was on duty every night for 8 hours, then I succeeded and I went to bed.
The people in the office was different, they can be divided into groups: 1 Aliki - nariki - 2 abusers are those who for a forensic examination, but without murder, theft, robbery. The most serious Durkee country in Kazan, ghouls on sanity check there. 3 - the real, on the whole head off ebnutye psychos.

Right now in brief describe the most interesting:

- A man who started in place of duty, I work in the north of the foreman, watch, for about 40 years, 18 of them in the camps. Alien thug romantic, polite, on his knees star impaled. Has a problem, the increased aggression in alcoholic libations. His last jamb packed into asphalt 2x Aqaba. As a result sudmed expertise and judgment, threatened him a fine of 500 thousand or 6 years. The result of course I do not know.

- Major Dima. Sudmed examination took place in all parts of Art. 228, plus a group of people, they have even grown. All his pals got around 20, he is at liberty (well, apparently cooperated with the investigation well), continues to do the same, even expanded assortment, gramulka coke - 6000 rubles, with delivery.

The situation was, sitting on a post, authoritative boys taught how to do chifir, brewed, I sit looking at him and think to drink or not. Dima is a playful look on her face and asked, smoking will be? Dim's just smoked. Yes, no cigarettes, showing paket.-))

Well, I think better than Ganja chifir-)) We were three nights smoked until it was over, the third called his kid they brought us pivas passing in fortochku-)) There are two types of truth on the tail sat at 2 per person, turned on bottle per person, but so fucking was-))

- Alexander Nazarov. 13 years old he was, his head went from being home gas water heater exploded and scalded. He walked shuffling, left hand holding on to the penis, head to one side, and every five minutes licking the walls. Just come to the wall and slowly lick it. Coupled with his oshparinnym person spectacle so-so.

- A man with a syphilitic sunken nose, walked like a zombie with my eyes closed, I love him very averse and go round.

- Leopold - grandfather drunk all the time mewed, sang ditties hell and begged me vtoryaki. What the fuck vtoryaki? Vtoryaki its slang - it used tea bags, he did not brewing, he ate them. I'm shocked offered him a normal tea, he replied that I was fucking in this life do not understand

- The most normal of all, the guy Timur, the driver of bus. Quit his job, the money was decided a week just to rest for a month in a ruled Hacked, when he three days did not respond to phone calls to him from out of town came to my mother. Outposts in no sane state called an ambulance.

Minnow, if you read to here-)) keep in mind it is necessary in the din meru.-))

- Before guys were elderly with Alzheimer's, they did not remember no shit in the morning going to work, all the while demanding food, stating that all feed and they are not.

- There was a small (by age) years, 10 - 13, fat gypsy, all the time he whimpered and said, "Give me sex, I want sex" rarely called her mother. All the time he jerked off and fucked like a dog the feet of those, well, who is not scandalized. His father was a drug dealer, the children are not responsible for the actions of their parents, but the fact that this scum sick son, he is guilty with his crap karma.

I'm ashamed to admit it, but I once squeezed this fool, I saw a picture of him sitting on the couch with Sasha Nazarov took of the head and without force, quietly bowed to pipirke. I do not understand how pizdyuk Sasha Nazarov know what a man's penis and what it eats, but Sasha began to suck. Gypsy face broke back and smiled. Well I just pereklinelo, I was furious, so I was not what killed, well, there was blood.

- Was what that vile man, 50 years old He had to be every night to tie, because he was trying to fuck the neighbor semiconscious state on the bunk (old grandfather), I was furious, punched him in the head, but when I heard that he is a grandfather calls Natasha, I calmed down, well, who knows that for Natasha? Maybe his wife died in childbirth can ...

- The most stinker, remember "treasure" of the "Lord of the Rings"? Homeless people still do banner with his image, the number of whores and the signature and whether he (Vova) man. In short dude looks like a "treasure", the same whiny manner of speaking, almost never slept, ate all the time, and masturbate under the blanket. I direct it became interesting, it riser clock or sluggish rides. All the while begging for cigarettes, it is necessary to see how he did it, whimpered, lying at his feet. I gave at the beginning, out of kindness, but it was useless, he was finishing and the tears start again. Give him a block, block it and MCSD.

- Dude boxer, won the welterweight Peter and immediately went into a pro in the pros 6 fights 6 wins, hit into a religion, on this basis, the roof and left. When he was in broad daylight pereklinelo I zaschimilsya under the bunk, he razebal floor office and called the chief doctor, came running from all over the hospital orderlies 8, the size of Vasya Utkin and tied him. That's how much I was still there, so he was bound, stabbed him, gave gruel with water and a duck. Man drugged amenozinom galoperedolom and I'll tell you a terrible sight.

- Father, drive Mumu, after a stroke, does not talk but only mumbles, goes bad hands like cotton, but every night he managed to untie all the time he was in the shit and I disdain to touch him ... he hell moo, cats clawing at heart as I could not stand it went up and I say, you say bitch well enough to please than I help you? You already got. In response Mumu Mumu. Here I thought there was, well, he probably understands that I may want that. I ask you that you want? Moos but nods his head. I quickly found out that he wants to drink stupid, drink, smoke given. He calmed down a bit and even smiled. The next day he was on the day I was approached and shook his hand, saying the following, Mumu Mumu mumu-)))

It is not really much bukaf, this about the others will not tell, try shorter finish.

In principle, all duty were normal and without PE, I immediately explained to unleash one tether back immediately, otherwise it will raise the whole department on the ears. The first night, I remember straight ochkovat, untied my man (bitch loud) and starts Kolobrodov, I told him as a girl - tselochku supposedly respected too early, go back-))) As a result, I have all the office passed around on the ears, called the rescue , ran all hell orderlies strapped on to me neighing ...)))

Do asshole one phone was gone, not crazy with sudmed examination, I do not even know what kind of phone ... I then authoritative potsiki presented that I have the same appeared ...

And it was like, three weeks, maybe I'm already there chalilsya tired a little, persuaded the guy from the second floor (there is adequate all lying and who sudmed expertise, and the gratings were not), they say I watch over, I'm not going to bed and you got me on a blanket in the window later. He neighing, I explained that a walk, popyu beer and lunch in return. Type it and he called me back zataschit-)) And so it did, he pulled me, I tick caught wheelbarrow reached the station, I passed Mobil, we went to my favorite promenade, settled with takserikom, scored pivas, get drunk, called a taxi and went back. Oh and then sold MOBILE hacham-))

As a result, call the main door opens with a nurse ohrenevshy expression. The question where are you from? Could easily otmazatsya that handed over analyzes or was at the head physician, but since I do not knit bark, she ponyala-))

After that my mother on the same maskarike bought a used phone-in and why these fagot decided that this is the phone, had to give - ((fuck it.

As punishment for AWOL put me on amenazin, thank God, that without galoperedola. The fact that Hitler stabbed amenozimom I already knew what he was banned in all civilized countries (the Russian Federation is not included there), then he has more side effects than Messi Goals I learned from the Internet. For good, this injection do with ledokoinom, lest it hurt, but then I punished me herachili hard cash.

I will not give you my condition, glitches was not, and could not be, I just felt boiled in chains. Rolls hurt so much that I could not do anything, do not sit, not stand, do not lie. I have 20 hours a day went like a bear - a rod and howled with aching pain, it is not lethal, just does not stop.

In the end, I could not resist, went to see the head doctor and categorically said if you do not take off a shot, I give you my word that sebus of these walls during the day. Helped prick canceled. Ass a couple of days ill, and then going to the smoking room, I heard the voice of Ensign Pilyavskii "warrior, with things on the way."

Outcome. To me it was a lesson for their actions need to respond. Our head schtuka weak, need to be friends with her, if it does not make friends, you can be on the other side of the fence and the same lousy - raspizdyay soldiers will put me on the binding.

I never knew how the Germans managed to reach what they were doing with our civilian population during the Second World War. Now I know, it is easy.

Here I am kind and sentimental person, on top of me to even put on a knitted distasteful. I gave all the cigarettes, tea, food, listening to their nonsense. Two weeks later, I was already just fuck, disgust rolls over, in terms of the bindings I turned into hendmastera level 80, I'm not particularly obedient Suva soul. I swear it to me no pleasure at all, on the contrary. Maybe I became fiercely on what I'm doing? Maybe the Nazis turned into sadists also on what they are doing? They were ugly, embarrassing, riding the roof and all that they are poured into a force for our people?

I'm afraid to imagine what it would be be late, I say there is an orderly at least a year.

If anyone is wondering if someone has mastered to the end, to be continued ....
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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