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Prices in Germany

СообщениеДобавлено: 01 дек 2014, 03:54
Prices in Germany are quite high, and they vary depending on the region: for example, in Hamburg, the price is slightly higher than in the Ruhr area.
Shopping and souvenirs

For shopping, you can go to Berlin, Munich, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt. Here you can go shopping in the various shops, boutiques and multi-storey shopping malls. A perfect time for shopping in Germany - the season of sales from mid-July to late August and January.
What to bring from Germany

beer mug with lid, porcelain, zollingenovskie knives, dolls dressed in national costumes, carved wooden figurines, a variety Nutcracker cosmetics Bavarian hunting hat;
German beer, Moselle wines, schnapps, chocolate, Nuremberg gingerbread.

In Germany you can buy a mug with a picture - 6 euros, beer mugs - from 5 euros, gastronomic souvenirs (mustard, chocolate, cakes) - 1 Euro, German cosmetics - from 3 euros, teddy bears - from 5 euros Nutcracker - from 1 euro, porcelain (company Meissen) - from 30 euros, knives Solingen - from 50 euros.

On the tour, "The Revelation of Berlin" you will visit Berlin Cathedral and the palace Charlottenburg, as well as see the Brandenburg Gate and the Reichstag building. 3-hour tour costs about 25 euros.

The approximate cost of entertainment in Germany: the cost of admission to the zoo (Munich) - 14 euros and hour boat trip on the lake Kёningzee - 14 euros.

The whole family should go to the Dresden Zoo, where you can visit the "African House" and watch the elephants, hamadryas, and various species of tropical birds. Adult ticket costs 12, and children - 4 euros.

For travel by public transport 1 ticket in Munich you will pay 2.5 euros, while in Berlin - 2-2.3 euros (price does not depend on the distance and the city). As for getting around the city by taxi, the planting costs about 2-3 euros (+ per kilometer you will pay 1-3 euros).

If you decide to rent a car, then the rent you pay at least 30 euros per day (all depends on the model of the machine and other factors).

Daily minimum spending on holiday in Germany (a room in a cheap hotel, cheap food in cafes and eateries, entertainment limit) will be 60-80 euro for 1 person. But for a more comfortable stay, you will need 130-150 euros per day for 1 person.

Re: Prices in Germany

СообщениеДобавлено: 06 янв 2015, 03:50
Prices in Berlin

Berlin is one of the main tourist sites for the Russians. It draws its entertainment and attractions. Let us examine what prices in Berlin for services in the tourism sector.
Where to live traveler

In Berlin, you can find affordable and comfortable accommodation amidst the abundance of offerings. It is best to reserve your spot before the trip, if you plan to visit the capital of Germany in the summer. In August and July in the city visited by many foreigners.
Prices for hotel rooms are not very high. They are lower than in Rome, London and Paris. Room rates increases dramatically during cultural events, festivals and exhibitions. During summer, the hotel does not have free space. Remove the beds in the hostel has 300 - 900 euros. Hotel Room 1 * worth from 1200 to 2700 euros. 2 * hotels offer rooms cost from 1,000 to 3,300 euros. The most expensive places to eat in 5 * hotels - from 4,300 to 13,000 euros per day. In the center of Berlin has a network with two stars, where the placement takes place at affordable prices. The most famous and large hotels are located in the central part of the city. To see the sights of the capital, it is better to stay near the Friedrichstrasse (district Berlin-Mitte). This area is considered a tourist. There are many budget hotels.
attractions Berlin

Sightseeing tours are inexpensive. You can explore the local monuments during hiking program Sandeman's New Berlin. The cost of these trips is 5 euros. Tourists pay for services guide that introduces them to the history of the city. Tickets to the museums of Berlin are a maximum of 5 euros. Visit museums at a discount may be those who bought the Berlin card. Sightseeing tour group in Germany costs 360 euros.
catering tourists

In Berlin, you can easily find restaurants with affordable prices for food. Some hotels include breakfast in the room rate. If this service is not available, then you can always buy a sandwich, yogurt, juice or coffee. Snack in the cafe is a 5 - 8 euros.
Enjoy the cuisine of local residents can be in a traditional restaurant. They offer beer, Bavarian sausages, stewed cabbage, sausage, potato salad and other dishes. Tourists leave good reviews about the restaurant, Bavarian, which is one of the institutions of the shopping center Europa-Center. Over a glass of beer will need to pay about 5 euros.
For availability of food prices, Germany ranks first among European countries. Better to make purchases in supermarkets, where products are cheaper than in small shops.

Source: http://www.votpusk.ru/story/article.asp ... z3NyiHeXgu

Re: Prices in Germany

СообщениеДобавлено: 06 янв 2015, 03:52
Prices in Munich

Munich is a popular tourist city in Germany. Even the capital, tourists visit less often. The reason for this lies in the fact that it was in Munich Oktoberfest. The festival takes place in September and October. Therefore, in these months is observed in the high season. Prices in Munich during Oktoberfest take off several times.
Accommodation tourists

If you are planning to visit the city during the high season, the place in the hotel must be booked in advance. Book the best options for the year prior to the visit. When choosing a hotel, consider not only your budget but also the purpose of the trip. If you want to save, then stop at the hotel near the train station. Accommodation is cheap there. The hotel is near the station - is the best option for those who are planning to travel frequently from Munich for sightseeing.

The city has hotels with different star rating: from modest to luxurious hotel establishments 5 *. Remove double room for a day can be from 50 to 1,600 euros. Accommodation is possible in famous hotels, the Marriott and Hilton. Room in a good 4 * hotel costs about 8,000 rubles per night.
Tours in Munich

The average cost of tickets to the museum is 11 euros. If, during the excursion visit to the museum, then a ticket you have to pay extra. Sightseeing bus and walking tour of Munich is worth 130-280 euros per person. Sightseeing walk through the city will cost 180 euros. A trip to the Alps 8 hours with a visit to the castle is worth a minimum of 480 euros, if you go with an individual tour. Beer lovers offer beer tour with visiting breweries and beer tasting. The cost of entertainment no less than 100 euros per person.
Where to eat in Munich

The city has a lot of catering establishments. Stay hungry there is unreal. Good and inexpensive meals are served in any district of Munich. On every street there are restaurants, cafes, taverns and pastry. All restaurants serve large portions. Usually dinner includes a generous portion of meat, side dish in the form of potatoes and cabbage. By eating bought a mug of fresh beer. A complete meal costs 15 euros. Mug of beer separately - 3 euros. The cafe can get to the business lunch, soup tasted for 3 euros. In Munich there are Chinese and Turkish restaurants. Low prices there. The average bill is 5 euros. If you want to prepare their own meals, shopping for groceries. Milk (1 liter) costs 1 euro, potatoes (1 kg) - 1 euro, chicken - 5 euros.

Source: http://www.votpusk.ru/story/article.asp ... z3Nyirrdnq

Re: Prices in Germany

СообщениеДобавлено: 26 янв 2015, 20:01

Prices in Dusseldorf

Largest city on the Rhine is Dusseldorf. This is the main tourist and economic center of Nordrhein-Westfalen. Dusseldorf - the capital of shopping, business, fashion and culture in western Germany.
Accommodation in Dusseldorf

In this city, there is accommodation for every budget and taste. Five-star hotels offer rooms at 180 euros per person per day and more. Breakfasts are often not included in the room rate and are quite expensive - 30 euros per person. In Düsseldorf, there are more than 58 hotels 4 *. Another 20 4 * hotel is located in the suburbs. Remove the standard room in this hotel you can from 85 euros per night. Breakfast costs 24 euros. The best suite in the four-star hotel will cost 300 euros per night. In small hotels 4-3 * room rates are available. Rent a conventional double room costs 65 euros and breakfast - only 10 euros per person. Two-star hotels cost even cheaper. Per day in one of these hotels must pay no more than 50 euros. You can have breakfast for 6 euros.
Excursions in Düsseldorf

Tourists are attracted primarily the old part of the city. There are many ancient buildings, churches and monuments. Sightseeing tour group with Russian-speaking guide on this part of Dusseldorf is worth 50 euros. As for museums and galleries, in Dusseldorf them over 20.

Tourists visit the concert halls, art exhibitions and other interesting places. Many guides include a tour visiting the national restaurant. German beer to try much to the guests of the town. This tour lasts at least two hours and costs 90 euros per person. Excursion program for the day will cost 300 euros.

Destinations are also worthy of attention. Near Düsseldorf is located in Cologne. Arriving in Dusseldorf, a foreigner can tour the castles of the Rhine. Very popular tours in Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands.
Power in Dusseldorf

It offers guests numerous restaurants, bistros and pubs. Also popular brasserie, which are a cross between a pub, restaurant and cafe. There serves steaks, seafood, beer and wine. In restaurants, the middle class prices are affordable for the budget traveler. A good dinner for one person costs about 40 euros. Order wine tasting can be for 10 euros.

In Düsseldorf, there is a very cheap cafes, where prices start at 1 euro. There sausages served with different sauces. There in the city and Japanese restaurants. They offer rolls at low prices. One serving costs 1.5 euros.