Tax refund, Duty-free shops and features of tax policy for foreign tourists in the Hainan Island

Tax refund, Duty-free shops and features of tax policy for foreign tourists in the Hainan Island

Сообщение! » 28 дек 2010, 18:10

12/27/2010 Tax refund and new tax policies for foreign tourists in the Hainan Island

A few hours ago, was held a press conference by representatives of the Hainan Province Government, where it was reported, that the Chinese Government for the first time in China, from January 1, 2011 open a new tax policy for foreign tourists in the Hainan Province, which implies the possibility of returning to tourists certain types of taxes, when buying their goods in the Hainan Province.

Thus, the actual value of goods for foreign tourists will be significantly lower, than for citizens of the China.

This tax policy applies to goods, such as: clothes, shoes, cosmetics, watches, jewelry, electrical appliances, stationery, medical supplies, sporting goods, etc., a total of 324 types of goods.

To obtain a refund of tax, you must to observe the following conditions and procedures:
1. You may refund of tax, if you are not a citizen of the China, you visit China as a tourist, and you must have lived in China not more, than 183 days of the date of purchase;
2. Tax refund is only valid for products, purchased in stores, listed on the tax refund agreement. Entitled to a tax refund does not apply to goods bought in other stores.
3. The purchase price shall be not less, than 800 yuan (RMB), in accordance with the tax bill for a tax refund.
4. Goods must be purchased for personal use only, within the amount not used for commercial purposes.
5. Tax refund does not apply to food, alcohol and tobacco products.
6. The goods must be exported, when you exit from China.
7.When you will buy in the stores, ask them to give you an original tax invoice and the form of tax refund. Make sure, that all the details, including description, quantity, price, and your personal information, filled in completely and correctly.
8.In the airport look for a special point, designed to monitor and process of tax returns, which is located in the Duty-Free hall.
9. Give your products, the original tax bills and tax refund forms for inspection.
10.When you get a stamp on the forms, you can continue the registration process.
11. Tax refund can be made at your discretion, in the form of cash payments or bank transfers.

At a press conference of representatives of the Hainan Province Government, it was emphasized, that this new tax policy should do towns of Hainan Island, and especially the Sanya City, the most profitable in China places of purchase various goods and will facilitate the development of international tourism in the Hainan Island, attracting numerous tourists, visiting China, as the cost of many goods from January 1, 2011 in Hainan Province will be considerably lower, than in other provinces of China.

So, if you thought, where the most profitable in China to buy goods for personal use, then 1 January 2011 the answer to this question unambiguously- in the Hainan Island, more importantly, that the prices in stores, participating in this program, will not too high, compared with the prices of similar goods in traditional stores of China, or trade margin can neutralize the effect of income tax returns.

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Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Tax refund, Duty-free shops and features of tax policy for foreign tourists in the Hainan Island

Сообщение! » 04 янв 2011, 19:16

01/02/2011 Tax refund and tax-free in the Hainan Island: a list of stores in Sanya and Haikou

We are the first in Russian and English, reported on December 27,2010 about the introduction in the Hainan Island to January 1, 2011 the new tax policy, providing for a tax refund for foreign tourists when buying their goods in the province of Hainan.

Consequently, the actual cost of goods for foreign tourists will be 11% lower, than for citizens of the PRC.

The first tourists, who were participants in this program of tax refund, were tourists from Russia, who on January1, 2011 bought goods in specialized store, intended for the tax refund.

Yesterday was approved and a list of such shops in the Haikou and Sanya. We're still in November 2010 turned to organizations, that can will engage in trade of tax refund program in the Hainan Island, and we asked to provide us any information in Chinese or any other language about this stores, where goods will be sold under this program that we can translated free this information into Russian and English and posted it on the Internet for foreign tourists, they were promised to answer, but a 1,5 months so no one thought it necessary to say anything, so we think they are not offended, if we place at least the addresses of these shops for foreign tourists, as well as other media in English and Russian languages in general nothing about it said, and the program was launched yesterday, 1 January 2010 and wait on it makes no sense, because the tourists are interested-in where they can buy goods in the Hainan Island and get a tax refund, so we write the address of stores (you must to showing these addresses to taxi drivers):

Tax refund and duty-free in the Hainan Island 2.jpg
Tax refund and duty-free in the Hainan Island 2.jpg (29.22 KiB) Просмотров: 3219

While we have found the information only for the three stores involved in this program, as claimed by the Chinese themselves - this is still the only stores participating in this program of tax refunds.

We can put a lot of free information about these shops, and about the products, if administration of these shops send to us this information, or at least formally give to us permission to do so, as promised 1,5 months ago.

Note, that placing any information about the new tax policy and tax rebate refund in Chinese language, as is currently done in Hainan- has no meaning, since this program is designed exclusively for foreigners and Chinese citizens have no right to participate in it under any circumstances .

If someone, from the responsible persons, deemed unnecessary placement of such information about the shops that provide a tax refund for foreign tourists, let them write to us, we will immediately remove from our website all the information about the tax refund in Russian and English languages and will advise all foreign tourists to learn the Chinese language, if they choose to buy cheaper products in the Hainan Island.

We remind (see our website news from 12/27/2010), that this tax policy applies to goods such as clothes, shoes, cosmetics, watches, jewelry, electrical appliances, stationery, medical supplies, sporting goods, etc., A total of 21 categories and 324 types of goods.
To obtain a refund of tax when purchasing you will need to observe the following conditions and procedures:
1. You may refund of tax, if you are not a citizen of the China, you visit China as a tourist, and you must have lived in China not more, than 183 days of the date of purchase;
2. Tax refund is only valid for products, purchased in stores, listed on the tax refund agreement. Entitled to a tax refund does not apply to goods bought in other stores.
3. The purchase price shall be not less, than 800 yuan (RMB), in accordance with the tax bill for a tax refund.
4. Goods must be purchased for personal use only, within the amount not used for commercial purposes.
5. Tax refund does not apply to food, alcohol and tobacco products.
6. The goods must be exported, when you exit from China.
7.When you will buy in the stores, ask them to give you an original tax invoice and the form of tax refund. Make sure, that all the details, including description, quantity, price, and your personal information, filled in completely and correctly.
8.In the airport look for a special point, designed to monitor and process of tax returns, which is located in the Duty-Free hall.
9. Give your products, the original tax bills and tax refund forms for inspection.
10.When you get a stamp on the forms, you can continue the registration process.
11. Tax refund can be made at your discretion, in the form of cash payments or bank transfers.

We're on their own resulted in all of these rules, and do not waiting for official notification,because, in our opinion, unless extended more information about the program of tax refund in both English and Russian languages, then automatically it will lead to the fact, that foreign tourists will be forced to always use the help of local guides, since 99,9% of foreign tourists do not know the Chinese language, and local guides, as we expect, will not work for free, respectively, discounted at 11% due to tax refunds on this program will offset by a charge of local guides, so tourists do not actually receive any discounts, they will only receive the goods at an inflated price (the price of services guide). This can manifest itself in the direct cost of services include a guide to the price of goods in these stores, if these shops will negotiate with the guides about this, and in imposing guides tours and visits to other stores, if a tourist would choose shopping, where there is a tax refund,etc.

In our view, it is necessary to use the experience of Hong Kong and other worldwide resorts, which proved: such a system can work only when the the tourists themselves will buy goods, that foreign tourists should have information in understandable language (English or Russian), foreign tourists must not pay for any service help, tourists should themselves will find these shops and tourists should themselves will buy goods.

But, if in the Hainan Island will listen even to the experience of Hong Kong, then price of goods in the Hainan Island will be the cheapest in China, due to a refund of taxes to tourists! And in 2011 millions of tourists will come in the Hainan Island simply for a shopping, as they ride each year in Hong Kong!

If, however, will continue to apply the old scheme of using the guides, then the whole scheme of tax refund will lose any financial sense, and tourists will not come to buy goods in the Hainan Island, as the prices of these goods will be higher, than in other cities in China and Hong Kong.

It is therefore necessary to place as much information about the system of tax refund in foreign languages, arrange special bus services from the hotels and the airport, etc.

That is quite able to lure millions of tourists from Hong Kong to Hainan Island and will be worth it for the owners of these shops- nothing, just let them send us information about the last of its stores at least in the Chinese language! We will translate into English and Russian their advertisements free for them, and they will start counting of profits, but now, tourists are not enough even for the return of all their expenses.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Tax refund, Duty-free shops and features of tax policy for foreign tourists in the Hainan Island

Сообщение! » 04 фев 2011, 16:02

01/25/2011 Hainan helps to develop tourism in the Singapore and Hong Kong

According to statistics, in 2010 the number of tourists from Hainan Province in Singapore increased by 22%, about also increased the number of tourists from the Hainan Province to Hong Kong. This increase the number of tourists from the Hainan Province at first sight quite complete rather strange, especially considering, that neither in Singapore, either in Hong Kong do not have such beautiful beaches and a clean air, which is on the island of Hainan. The main advantage of Singapore and Hong Kong is the presence of much more diverse shops, designed to tourists of the broadest level of income. Singapore and Hong Kong are currently recognized global shopping centers, that attract tourists from many countries and Chinese tourists from the Hainan Island more often travel to Hong Kong and Singapore. As we have previously mentioned before, Hainan province now has the best advantage of all the regions of China to become a global shopping center, because only in the Hainan Province, introduced a system of tax refund from 01 January 2011 and already has three stores, offering tax refund under this system (addresses of stores read on our forum). But the prices at these stores by quantitative within them figures are more like telephone numbers, so the goods in these stores are not designed for a large number of tourists, as similar goods can be bought much cheaper in other cities in China, as well as in Hong Kong, which is why foreign tourists in 2010 in Hong Kong have arrived in more than 100 times more, than them to come to the Hainan Island. But if prices do the same the levels, at which they exist in other cities in China and Hong Kong, then, subject to the refund of taxes at 11%, in Hainan Island would sell the cheapest products in China. It seemed to be simple- in the Guangdong province produces the most variety of goods at the lowest prices in the world and has only to purchase those goods in Guangdong province in bulk and bring in Hainan Province of China for sale in stores, where there is a system of tax refund, then, subject to refund in 11%, these goods would become cheaper the same goods in other Chinese provinces, and especially a lot cheaper than in Hong Kong and Singapore and in the Hainan Island immediately will want to go the millions of tourists. But instead, the goods are offered at very high prices, due to which very few tourists buy those goods. In addition, shops, where there is a system of tax refunds, are not making virtually no effort to advertise in foreign media information, addresses of these stores, along with a complete description of the scheme on the purchase of Russian and English languages is on the Internet only on our website, and the information we had to find the Chinese language itself, without any help from any members of those stores. Also, people from Hainan Island, was founded in Hong Kong the Hong Kong Hainan Commercial Association (HKHCA), which is the main sponsor in 2011 a grand fireworks display at the Lunar New Year in Hong Kong, Victoria Harbour. It is reported, in grand fireworks to be involved about 30,000 fireworks on four barges in the Victoria Harbour, the fireworks will be last continuously for 23 minutes. Unfortunately, we could not find anywhere else posts about the organization of such fireworks in the Hainan Province, so those, who want to see how well can organize the fireworks people from Hainan Island, may visit Hong Kong. Fireworks will take place on February 4, 2011 at 8.00 p.m. local time, in the Victoria Harbour.
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Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Tax refund, Duty-free shops and features of tax policy for foreign tourists in the Hainan Island

Сообщение! » 22 июл 2019, 10:39

Statistics of duty-free shops duty-free shops on Hainan Island, China in 2019
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Category: Hainan economics

Created: Monday, 22 July 2019 06:15

Hits: 1
After in April 2011, according to the decision of the Government of China, the implementation of the duty-free trade program began in Hainan Province, in the first half of 2019, the total revenue from sales in the duty-free shops of Duty Free Fries in Hainan Province reached nearly one billion US dollars .

Duty free shops in Hainan Island, China in 2019 were visited by 1.381 million customers who bought 8.943 million different products, which is 16 percent more than in 2018. Also in the first half of 2019, the annual quota for duty-free shopping on Hainan Island increased from 16,000 yuan to 30,000 yuan and without restrictions on the number of purchases.

The total number of duty-free duty-free shops in Hainan Island, China reached four in 2019, after the opening of two new duty-free duty-free shops in Haikou and Tsyunhay district. ... na-in-2019!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Tax refund, Duty-free shops and features of tax policy for foreign tourists in the Hainan Island

Сообщение! » 23 окт 2020, 13:44

New duty free policy - Hainan sells the cheapest iPhones, electronics, alcohol, cosmetics in China
Category: Hainan tourism news:

Created: Saturday, 04 July 2020 09:34
Starting July 1, 2020, a new policy was introduced at duty free shops in Sanya Haikou cities on Hainan Island, China. the tax-free shopping quota per person per year for travelers on Hainan Island rose to 100,000 yuan from 30,000 yuan earlier, and the 8,000 yuan tax exemption limit for a single product is canceled.

There was also a significant expansion in the types of goods for duty-free trade and the addition of 7 types of goods, including electronic consumer goods, perfumes, cosmetics.

Already on the morning of July 1, 2020, mobile phones of brands such as Apple, Huawei, BOSE, etc., electronic watches, headphones and other products officially not taxed, in connection with these these goods are sold cheaper than the average price in China by 15-20%, if we take the iPhone 11 Pro Max 256G as an example, the duty-free price in Hainan is 8625 yuan, which is 2000 yuan cheaper than the price in China.

Field sales staff said that, in addition to being tax-free, buyers can also get a discount of 10% on one product and 20% on two products.

But there are limitations - the total number of single purchases of alcoholic beverages per person does not exceed 1,500 ml, the number of cosmetics products should not exceed 30 pieces per person, you can buy no more than 4 pieces of mobile phones per person, the number of other goods is unlimited and the purchased goods must be taken from Hainan at a time.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25


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