GENERAL SUMMARY OF MILITARY ACTIONS at Donbass, Novoross, UKRAINE September 2, 2014

GENERAL SUMMARY OF MILITARY ACTIONS at Donbass, Novoross, UKRAINE September 2, 2014

Сообщение DARPA » 03 сен 2014, 22:08


9.2.14. Review of the liberation of the Lugansk airport.

"On the fifth attempt, the militia released Lugansk airport. Towards the end of the airport was defended by about 300 punitive, among whom were many Georgian and Polish mercenaries. According to radio intercepts, at the airport for the time of the siege, they lost 483 people. Militias to fight entered the territory of the airport at noon August 31 after a powerful artillery barrage. Mercenaries took refuge in a bomb shelter built in the days of the Soviet Union (as they have done repeatedly). Once over the heads of punitive appeared boots militia artillery ukrov opened fire on the airport. they were released six ballistic missiles of plants "in point" near the settlement dislotsiruemyh Happiness. According to the airport, blows constantly MLRS "Grad" Ukrainian army. Division militia occupy the airport, suffered losses and was forced to withdraw. Wounded were evacuated in armored vehicles. Unfortunately, the evening of the same day at the airport ambushed reconnaissance militias. Their APC was shot point-blank.
In the night of August 31 to September 1 mercenaries attempted to break through, but were stopped by the fire of heavy machine guns. In their ranks began to panic, as evidenced by data radio intercepts. Realizing the futility of further resistance, surrounded at the airport, punishers requested assistance from international mediators from the Red Cross. All day 1 September negotiated.
This morning, September 2 surviving foreign mercenaries and local punishers under the guise of the Red Cross convoy left the airport in the Lugansk region Georgievka what was agreed with the military command of the LC, which provided a safe corridor. The militia did not open fire. The ruins of the airport were able to visit everyone. "

02/09/2014. 00:55. Posted by Staff militia.

"Significant strength of the Ukrainian army and Nats.gvardii withdrawn from the NPT. While we find it difficult to explain the meaning of this maneuver. Perhaps troops decided to focus on the defense of Zaporozhye and Dnepropetrovsk regions may want to do regrouping and retrofitted parts or completely convinced of the futility of the attacks on the DNR .
Thus, the security forces, according to intelligence, leaving all the checkpoints along the route Donetsk-Mariupol, they were strengthening only at the entrance to Mariupol. Earlier, security forces of militia knocked Yelenovka, then they left Volnovakha. Also troops left Marinka and Kurakhovo the south-west of Donetsk. Column technology punitive retreated through Kurakhovo twelve o'clock.
In Starobeshevo district troops withdrew from Starobeshevo, Maryanovka, New World, Icy, Novoekaterinovki wide, Komsomolsk. "

According to residents of the occupied punishers Kiev junta of Slavyansk, 02 September through the slave from a northwesterly direction toward Kramators'k proceeded column with five rocket launchers operational-tactical complex (NTC) "Tochka-U" - two missiles at each facility and five vehicles with personnel.

In thin militia destroyed a warehouse with PD, there are about a quarter ukropovskogo junk.
During the day the Nazis again fired Petrovka, our little porihtovali airport. Already the 2nd day goes Yenakievo and outskirts. Makeevka - relatively quiet during the day, the evening was again fired district Cheremushek.

Sabotage and intelligence group Kharkov guerrillas attacked a checkpoint tonight Ukrainian occupation troops near the bridge over the river Seversky Donets, track direction Raisins - Artemivs'k.

Criminals ukroem-army, making a fire in Yenakievo September 2, 2014 and killed a lot of civilians, will never see their loved ones. They eliminated and they are no more.

Ukrainian punishers with a possible retreat going to explode Luhansk TPP. On the eve of the territory of the power to call in more than a dozen pieces of equipment and buses from the punitive battalion "Aydar". This information is confirmed by the employee plant.

Tonight armed forces launched an offensive on the LC city Happiness. The city closed stores and other institutions.

On the eve of the LC militias were fighting for a settlement Merry Mount, located in Slavyanoserbsk area. It is a key point, since it is from this place is monitored over the crossing of the Seversky Donets River near the town of Bliss, where the Luhansk TPP.

The militia took Donetsk airport, which has long been held Ukrainian military, according to ITAR-TASS. This area is a strategic point for the security forces.
According to the militia overnight assault lasted airport, which began at about 23:00 MSK. By the morning of the militia managed to establish control over the object. In addition, witnesses reported that last night were fired Petrovsky district of Donetsk, the village and the area of the mine Lidievka 29 shelling killed one resident of the city.
Now Donetsk continue to fire, explosions heard in neighborhoods Peaceful, sunny and Tekstilshchik, there is information about a wounded, witnesses said.

Most militias are locals - it's a fact. Yes, there are people from Russia, the Crimea, the various regions of Ukraine, and other countries, but they are a minority. At the same time under the gun are, of course, not a professor of philosophy Donetsk universities, but not alcoholics with drug addicts, as the likes of broadcast Ukrainian propaganda. In contrast, the "social bottom" as time is insanely happy arrival of Ukrainian troops, because if the militia drove the fringe on the earthworks, after the "liberation" of cities by the ATO, they really got the freedom of action. Or a counter example: in Donetsk shooting galleries, considerably annoy the local population, said strict guys DNR - and addicts together went digging trenches. As for the volunteers, it is, as a rule, people are desperate, many of them have nothing or almost nothing to lose. Typical militia - a man of physical labor, the former military (often "Afghan"), whose political views are a "red-white" mixture described Andrei Nikitin.

9.3.14. Message from the City Council of Mariupol.

"More than 500 shelters ready in Mariupol, if necessary, to take people, about 300 basements prepare soon. Nowadays fully prepared to shelter the population of more than 500 basements, where held the light, to provide water, toilets, and other elements of life support. In 282 basement work continues, even at the stage of completion. Large seekers are located, for the most part, in the workplace. bulk of the premises - the basement. "

Militias from places they write that the airport Donetsk stripped and all of it ukry fled in disgrace. Almost just ukry caused severe artudar on snow, apparently in retaliation for the airport.

9.3.14. 15:22. Posted by Staff militia.

"The militia is trying to push the Ukrainian executioners in the northern suburbs of Donetsk and repeatedly attacked the positions are there,. Thus, in Gorlovka militia under the command of Igor Bezlera reported that their subversive group destroyed the artillery crew security forces in the village of Panteleymonovka from which troops fired on the eve of the city Yenakievo. second September Yenakievo under artillery fire killed six civilians - two artillery shells hit the bus station, where the passengers. militia artillery also shelled the position of security forces in the village of Lower Jug and city Avdiyivka. destroyed three tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers eight, six units of motor vehicles . enemy losses in manpower consisted of 20 men killed and wounded. LC night in the militia passed 23 mylyh settlements. "

Information on Lisichanskiy. Huntovskie punishers with mercenaries dug in on the outskirts of the city. Strengthen bunkers with concrete slabs, dug Tank. By City travel only in large groups and accompanied by police, on the other fear. On the technique seen black crosses. Rumor has it that the division is called "Sich". I quote: "some with black crosses on the technique seen as a kind of" Sich ".

9.3.14. Posted by military analyst: the threat of Crimea removed.

"The junta removes troops from Perekopa and drives them to Mariupol and Odessa. With a plan of military provocations by the Armenian and Chongar can say goodbye. Huge losses punitive battalion" Crimea "by brandishing as seriously weakened the potential for deployment in Crimea reconnaissance and sabotage activities. Junta originally made ​​a fundamental error when part of his forces began to concentrate in Perekopa. they were insufficient to capture any of the Crimea, or to reflect the impact of the Russian army from the Crimea, and several battalions with reinforcements, quite possibly the junta is just not enough time in the decisive battles for Shakhtyorsk Red Ray. as a result, they still had to drive on the Donbass, but when they are strategically change anything longer can. well Crimea and thus did was removed from the agenda, the junta now frankly not up to it, so that the ambitious plans of the military and political pressure on the Crimea was ordered to live long. "

On the part of the Ukrainian military Yelenovka long fired from "Grad" in Donetsk. September 1 militias ousted Ukrainian troops from the village Yelenovka. The battle lasted for several hours, after which the militia recaptured position APU. Self-Defense Forces surrendered about 270 soldiers. In the video - left by the ATO checkpoint.
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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