Сообщение DARPA » 08 ноя 2014, 22:41

07.11.14. 13:34. Message from the militia.

"In Stakhanov fighting resumed, Ukrainian troops sent there reinforcements and coated artillery strikes on nearby settlements. There are casualties among the civilian population. The truce finally broken, fighting resumed. National Guard under no withdrawal of heavy artillery, as was stated in the Minsk Agreement. Ukrainian law enforcers conduct attacks strategically important objects, want intends to leave the civilian population Donbass without gas, electricity and water. in the village Trehizbёnka Popasnjansky Luhansk region of the People's Republic as a result of a mine explosion killed a woman. "

07.11.14. 13:49. Summary of volunteer Prokhorov.

"On the morning of the conduct of hostilities in the region of Donetsk complicated weather conditions - fog.
Early in the morning (early in the sixth) militia shelling positions held Ukrainian security officials in the locality Avdiyivka, 11:00 (MSK) fighting subsided. But as of 13:30 Moscow time in Donetsk city intensified shelling Ukrainian artillery. Ukry shifted the fire in the area of the mine waste heaps Panfilovskaya and began to lead the shelling near the village and the October 15th plot.
In NP Marinka 28 Brigade APU after a night of battle casualties counts.
In Debaltseve night were short bouts of local character.
Gorlovka night militia in response to the firing of the M-Ukrainian security officials on Besarabka conducted firing positions in the settlement of the Ukrainian military Maori. "

07.11.14. Analysis of prospects for the army offensive Novorossia from military observer.

"Briefly touch on the offensive VSN prospects this year (I think all the same in the coming days, rather than later, but there may be factors that this date may shift slightly.) The problem of constructing a tactical battle orders of the junta have already been described. Back to them will not. Why am I alone allocated towards the north. There are "interesting" fights where VSN oprobiruyut new tactics to overcome the defense built on the principle of individual Working Capital fortified checkpoints.

The whole system of defense MAT / NG is built on the same principle as in the ill-famous blokpostoah on the track "bahmutka." This company commander fortifications, which, because of lack of forces control nodes communications. And zaganyayutsya these strongholds primarily of the APU (not all of course but many yes. On "bahmutke" like sitting side aembr 95th and 24th IDB). I do not know what kind of moron in the General Staff APU invented it, but it definitely should be given the Order of ... "New Russia". In fact, the best part of the junta are scattered along the front and attach to the Vantage Point / shooting. And get out of fire they can not without destroying this entire system of defense. Nor can they be used as part of the gain in hazardous areas. Meanwhile, many Turbat and sit in the rear, totally unfit for action, and therefore useless in the opposite battle with mechanized units VSN. Appropriate to shove ALL Turbat in the first line under the first impact (although probably no fools after Ilovaysk) and mechanized units APU use as a mobile reserve. Certainly resistance Defense roadblocks in this case will be much weaker and the current offensive VSN would go much faster, but it gives you a chance to avoid defeat to the boiler (as I wrote the chance to hold the line of defense in this form at APU / NG have NO).

Initiative strike is entirely in the militia. So they can apply the main advantage in any war - the concentration of forces and means (ie not able to use than summer APU). Even with parity in armaments (tanks, armored combat vehicles, self-propelled guns) VSN can concentrate fire impact on the interests of their sectors of the front, which already gives them a distinct advantage. And given the fact that the militia acts on internal lines of operation and may re-roll example of the breakthrough and gain through the front for a few days (it will be for the APU 1-2 weeks), it is logical to assume a series of powerful blows to the remote parts of the front. In this case, you must advance "rastaskat" mechanized reserves APU series hopeless battles. In this case, the district Donetsk airport and neighborhood Debaltseve, Marinka. Incidentally tonight mobile reserve command "North" was transferred to the area of the track "bahmutka" (1 BTG. It certainly stabilizes for a while the situation there, but spends so desired and somewhat mechanized reserve. If he just be thrown to replenish loss of block positions, it is the second-level idiocy. VSN gladly grind his artillery. General Staff APU is obviously not what you can protivoprostavit new tactics militia, because making a mistake after mistake).

Well, now to the prospects. Main attacks can be expected in the area north and south.
Purpose. The defeat still combat-ready units of the junta and the output to the borders of the LC and the DNI. This minimum plan. Further special meaning while walking none. To capture / liberation of Kharkov, Zaporozhye, Dnepropetrovsk forces yet (or rather grab a can and you can, but it is politically unwise. By the spring of the local population will not hate the junta, and BCH). Possible and of course the big plan: capture one or two areas of Zaporizhzhya, Dnipropetrovsk and Kharkiv regions to proclaim to them the respective republics and start creating respective administrations. Judging by the election of October 26 it will be logical to Berdyansk, Pavlograd, Raisins. Big plans can be used as appropriate. If part of the APU / NG will be defeated and disorganized enough.

Well, now that can prevent it. No it's not the APU or NG. This lack of order. Though it is very unlikely that this will happen. Judging by the markers are available, the order will be. "

11/07/14 19:39 Operative report from volunteer Prokhorov

"The war continues
On the afternoon working on the positions of dill in Happiness and Villages, Luhansk. Dill again beat the Kirov and PERVOMAYSKIY.
By the way, under Happiness today was the exchange - 5 of our 7 ukropskih military (special forces regiment 8. 80 Brigade, Aidar) and 2 volunteers.

Also continued to wrinkle dill in the Golden and Gorsky (north Pervomaisk).
The district continues shelling Bahmutki ferry dill near the village of Lower.
Under Sokolniki Dremova Cossacks attacked a patrol of dill - 5 wounded only original infa.

Bravura reports ukropskogo command on ensuring warm clothing refuted life - even the elite Panzer 1 ("gonduraskaya") brigade "Timber Wolf" zhalitsya.

Continue to destroy the battery in Avdeyevka dill - they are placed in a cottage house, beating on other positions of the mortar - ukry retreated into the city.
Under Debaltseve - Chernukhin periodically in a shootout.
At lunch at the entrance was a skirmish in Mariupol (Volodarskaya on track).
Fights go near Gorlovki. "

7/11/14 "We are ready to come to the defense and the offensive" - a summary of the Givi at the airport.

According to the commander, with militia firing counterattack the enemy lost a large number of dead and wounded. Under the Donetsk airport killed 10 officers APU, including Colonel - commander of a tank regiment.
"Destroyed 4 tanks, 2" hail ", 2 artillery batteries, destroyed in column 4 of the Urals Sands with ammunition, 4 tanks and BMP 2 - said" Givi ". - In the melee destroyed the mortar crew. At a / h in Avdeyevka destroyed 2 radios, radar trap, which made radio interception, infantry - about 160-170 people. In the evening there was an attempt break tanks and infantry fighting vehicles. The attack was successfully repulsed ... "

07.11.14. Summary of volunteer combat situation with the callsign "Yang".

"In the area of the side bet Dachnoe Mariupol between Kremenevkoy and Volodarsky accident occurred. On the eve of the Kiev Nazis navezli bridge on concrete blocks and slabs, not put up warning signs, pobrasav all left, in the end in the early morning there was a serious accident - in the fog taxi driver late notice obstacle and speed crashed, no survivors.
Yesterday in the Red Lyman was a new event, to replenish the celestial division into four compartments, after verification will be detailed.

The first half of the day was relatively calm. In the first half of the day away Avdeyevka were audible discontinuities. In half of the fourth under Avdiyivka were fighting. Gorlovka still not calm, continue artdueli. About four days in Mariupol near the roadblock at checkout to Donetsk was heard small arms work.
Enemy aircraft afternoon intensified in the air at least level attack aircraft and two transporters.
In the afternoon, the Nazi shelling with MLRS undergone Petrovsky district (six rounds): st. Holiday, md. Briquette, bus transport company, 29 mines; Kuibyshev district: mine waste heap October. Information about the devastation and victims have not yet been reported.

16:20 (HP) In the area of Sand is a shooting battle with the use of heavy armor, KPVT, ACS; high intensity combat, in some areas carry skirmish melee character.
16:30 (HP) in the district of experienced and heard a thin haze of small arms work, KPVT. Fighting continues.
17:00 (HP) towards Miner heard work tank gun
17:30 (HP) is applied again to the MLRS artudar the district first platform, station, trunk.
17:35 (HP) Petrovsky district, near the proximal shaft 110 infantry combat.
17:45 (HP) The Nazis are firing Kastrychnitski with MLRS. In the area of the landside DRG opponent. At the side of the sand is still not easy. "

07.11.14. Message from bloggers.

"Arriving at the Donbass Chechen units, vowing revenge Ramzan Kadyrov" shaitans "warring side Ukrainian Nazis brought the first fruits. Today it was reported that the group had destroyed Wahid Bamatgireeva - commander of Ichkeria militants during both Chechen wars, fought for the APU in the Donetsk airport and its surroundings. "

07.11.14. Highlights from 1 Brigade southeast.

"The last day was a little calmer Novorossia earlier, but the fighting was all more or less important parts of the front.

Donetsk People's Republic
Donetsk - overnight jackals junta mistakenly referred to as APU continued shelling of the city (mainly Kievskoy, Kuibyshev and Petrovsky areas), using all kinds of weapons (ACS, mortars, MLRS "Grad"). From midnight punishers intensified shelling of mine "Panfilov" using incendiary ammunition; morning - m / p Gladkova and October area.

Avdiyivka - early morning militias inflicted on several artudarov ukrovermahta firing points, after which the intensity of the shelling by artillery punitive Donetsk decreased slightly.
Gorlivka - continue artdueli with punishers in n.p.Mayorskoe (ukrovermaht of MLRS "Grad" fired m / p Besarabka militias Strikes Back, complaints punitive, very intense). By evening punishers again dealt a powerful blow to the mortar outskirts.
Marinka area - reported armed clashes, which began in the afternoon, in the suburbs and in the locality Marinka n.p.Krasnogorovka as well as mortar attack near a checkpoint natsgadov n.p.Slavnoe.

Other localities DNI
Debaltseve - not subside artdueeli and local clashes, the situation is tense but stable.
Dzerzhinsk - night militia artillery struck a powerful blow to the fortified area in the vicinity of the mine ukrovermahta "South", destroyed a large ammunition depot.
Dokuchaevsk - punishers continue shelling residential areas with areas n.p.Volnovaha (2 inflicted blow of MLRS "Grad")
Telmanovskiy area - clashes continue on this sector of the front, during the day the artillery militia systematically shelled strengthen punitive near n.p.Granitnoe and Novolaspa.
Yasinovatskiy area - no overnight clashes subsided in the suburbs and n.p.Yasinovataya PGT Sands. The militia fired a number of firing points punitive attacks artillery n.p.Tonenkoe and Orlovka.

Mariupol - the situation in the suburbs of turbulent (near PGT Lomakin checkpoint natsgadov subjected to shock MLRS "Grad" by militias)

Lugansk People's Republic
Popasnjansky district - overnight militia repeatedly shelled strongholds ukrovermahta near n.p.Popasnaya (of MLRS "Grad") and Chernukhin (mortars). Happy resumed militia attacks on checkpoints in the area of punitive n.p.Gorskoe. Natsgady also were shelling, but residential areas - night raid mortar subjected margin NP Gorsky, Chernukhin and gold.
Slovianoserbsk Raion - epic on the track "Bahmutka" and in the nearby villages continues. At night, the militia twice from MLRS "Grad" hit a roadblock near n.p.Krymskoe punishers, then added a few times with mortars. In the area on a land mine blew n.p.Sokolniki pluchit and wounded 7 punishers. Happy militias resumed artillery suppression natsgadov near n.p.Frunze. In turn punishers shelled residential areas and n.p.Trehizbenka Frunze (there unspecified number of victims among the civilian population)
Stanichno Luhansk region - in the area and the Old n.p.Olhovoy Aydar afternoon intensified fighting. It is reported that the militias are making efforts to reach and operational environment punitive occupying n.p.Schaste. In the suburbs of the Villages Luhansk also restless - flash shooting, DRGs are punitive. And MLRS "Grad" militia during the day also hit on a pontoon crossing r.Seversky Donets near n.p.Nizhnee

occupied Territory
Slavic - continues to receive information about moving large units in the direction of Donetsk ukrovermahta (afternoon spotted a convoy of 20 units, including 3 trucks "Ural" with howitzers, 3 bus LAZ with personnel, 4 armored personnel carriers, and 10 trucks with ammunition). "

07.11.14. Message from the militia.

"The Army has destroyed Novorossia ferry across the river APU Seversky Donets - according to official figures killed 1 Ukrainian military. In Lysychansk are fights, working DRG militia. The militia continues to destroy the battery Ukrainian security officials in the locality Avdiyivka - they are located in the suburban area, in other items beat of mortar - Ukrainian security forces retreated into the city, threatening homes. By the evening of fights near the settlement Gorlivka continue. at the settlement Chernukhin, periodic skirmishes. afternoon at the entrance was a skirmish in Mariupol (Volodarsky on the highway) . in the afternoon intensified aircraft APU, in the sky above the Donetsk have been seen at least two-level attack aircraft and the transport. "

07.11.14 Message from voenkora "Borisych 2" about the battle in Nikishin:

"In Nikishin was a serious fight." They beat so that sweat stream tech "- militiaman wrestler of today fight in Nikishin.
From 12.30 to 14.30 militia stormed the checkpoint was shooting battle, dill managed to repel the attack. From 14.30 to 18.00 was artduel.
According to the wounded - one at 300 militia, walked over walkie, came under fire ... By Dill got exactly one 120-I mine - hear the cries of the wounded.
We worked Ukropov Nona. Soldiers Biker company arranged her hunt. Nona start cowardly to leave. Incite failed. Tatar got a bit of the liner. She otrekoshetila from the bag and got into the eyes, not serious. In general militia fighters worked harmoniously, but believe that with such intensity fire miraculously remains intact. Fired up one of the houses where quartered dill. Also, hear the cries of the wounded dill different places ... koshmarnuli them well.
Mortar managed to destroy going to the aid of dill BMP and Ural (rode it for people or with people). Newly burned APCs. Who exactly APCs destroyed while it is not clear whether the new mortar, or distribute the guys from the company Biker ... 3 APCs and IFVs URAL 7 days.
Dill drove their tanks from 3 to Kamenka Nikishin ... they did not like the attitude of militias to their art.
At the end of the day we can say that despite the heavy fire and artillery superiority ukropovskoy, the militia has fulfilled better. In Nikishin until this battle was the TV.
Before the battle, the important thing was torn down in the shelter and animals. During combat, Black dog guarding the cage with mumps, but the cat walked fearlessly under the alarms.
Dill all not rest offended watered and the alarms of "treschetok."
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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