Rest in Finland with children

Модератор: Наталья

Rest in Finland with children

Сообщение! » 04 май 2015, 19:38

Rest in Finland with children

Scandinavian neighbor Russia - one of the most popular tourist destinations and vacation in Finland with children are increasingly choosing the family prefers to spend holidays bright, exciting and diverse. In this country it can be great fun, and summer and winter, work out any kind of sport, to gain strength for the new school year and meet with your favorite heroes of fairy tales.
"For" or "Against"?

For a leisure trip to Finland with children can use the airplane, and car and train. Not too long road will not tire, even toddlers and acclimatization in the country Suomi not need any adults or children. Ski resorts and amusement parks, profitable and convenient shopping and good food, meeting in Santa Claus and the Moomins, fishing in clean lakes and hundreds of varieties of ice cream for dessert - all the delights of Finnish hard to enumerate. The unquestionable advantages of such leave can be attributed to the possibility of free accommodation in many hotels children up to 12 years.
Preparing properly

Health policy is to issue the traveler for the duration of stay in Finland, to insure against unforeseen expenses. It is important to stock up on comfortable shoes for the baby, take warm clothes when the winter vacation to be. Going to the ski resorts, you can count on the rental equipment on site.
Passwords turnout addresses

The most popular holiday address in Finland children are known to all the local kids:

In the town of Naantali near Turku is located theme park "Moomin World" and on the neighboring island Vyaski - old amusement park, which gives a real adventurous pirate schooner.
In Tampere, enjoying particular success Särkänniemi attractions where kids are entertained by the inhabitants of the northernmost dolphinarium in the world, and the roller coaster make squeal with delight even the parents.
Hotel "Imatran Valtionhotelli" east of the country was built as a medieval castle. Its spa like an adult, and swimming in and observation of the famous waterfalls rapids Imatra will be interesting, and the youngest members of the family.
The visit to Lapland home of Santa Claus - the main subject of dreams all kids of the world. Meeting with Santa, familiarity with his assistants and friends - the best way to please the child in the Christmas holidays.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Вернуться в Recreation, sports and entertainment in Scandinavian countries: self guided tours, sports, sightseeing, international events in the country

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