The accidents at the nuclear power plant Fukushima in Japan do not create a radiation threat to Hainan Island

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The accidents at the nuclear power plant Fukushima in Japan do not create a radiation threat to Hainan Island

Сообщение! » 17 мар 2011, 11:56

03/15/2011 Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant: accident and earthquake do not threat to the Hainan Island

Map of winds in the area of ​​Fukushima Prefecture, Japan is shown at the top. Winds on the this map shows, that the wind direction in the prefecture of Fukushima, eliminates the creation of even a potential threat to Hainan Island, even in the event of a disaster similar to Chernobyl (which is extremely unlikely), on the NPP Fukushima, which are located in Fukushima Prefecture. The threat of accidents at nuclear power plants appeared March 12, 2011, when 373 kilometers northeast of Tokyo there was one of the most powerful earthquakes in recent years with a magnitude of 8.9. For the first impulse was followed by several strong aftershocks with magnitude above 6.0. Japanese authorities imposed a regime of emergency in the area of ​​nuclear power plants (NPP) "Fukushima-1" and "Fukushima-2". Emergency situations arose immediately on the NPP Onagava , NPP Fukushima-1 and NPP Fukushima-2. The Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant has been shut down since a magnitude 9.0 quake struck northeastern and eastern Japan on Friday, but some of its reactors have lost their cooling functions, leading to brief rises in the radiation level over the weekend. On Monday, radiation at the plant's premises rose over the benchmark limit of 500 micro sievert per hour at two locations, measuring 751 micro sievert at the first location at 2:20 a.m. and 650 at the second at 2:40 a.m.. The hourly amounts are more than half the 1,000 micro sievert to which people are usually exposed in one year. The maximum level detected so far around the plant is 1,557.5 micro sievert logged Sunday. By decision of the Government of Japan, evacuation zone was extended from 10 km to 30 km. Thus, the radiation level in the Fukushima nuclear power plant is much lower, then radiation levels, that were at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, so the disaster, similar to Chernobyl- is not expected.

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Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: The accidents at the nuclear power plant Fukushima in Japan do not create a radiation threat to Hainan Island

Сообщение! » 17 мар 2011, 12:45

03/17/2011 Radiation do not threat to the Hainan Island from Japan nuclear power plants Fukushima

Map of winds in the area of Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, compiled March 17, 2011 at 12.00 Chinese time is shown at the top. Winds on the map shows, that the wind direction in the vicinity of the nuclear plants in Fukushima Prefecture, excludes the creation of even a potential threat to Hainan Island in the event of a disaster in Japan, similar to the Chernobyl (which is highly unlikely), since the NPP Fukushima use other types of nuclear fuel. State of emergency imposed on the nuclear complex in Fukushima (Fukushima station and Fukushima-1-2), where there was several explosions and fires continued leak of radiation. Japanese experts are trying to cool the reactor and the pool Spent nuclear fuel at Fukushima-1. In any case, the above map of winds preclude the migration of radioactive emissions and creating a threat for the Hainan Island.

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Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: The accidents at the nuclear power plant Fukushima in Japan do not create a radiation threat to Hainan Island

Сообщение! » 21 мар 2011, 20:20

03/21/2011 Journalists again scare the tourists in Hainan: buying of salt due to radiation in Japan

Starting from March 17, 2011 in Hainan media was reported about mass buying of salt in the shops, in the cities of Hainan Province, especially in the shops of Sanya City. According to press reports from Hainan Province, salt is bought due to the accident at the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan, in this case appeared in the press, even photos of empty shelves in stores and was informed, that the price of salt has increased by 8 times due to its scarcity. At first we did not attach any importance, since Fukushima nuclear power plant is located about 4000 kilometers from the Hainan Island and radiation can not reach Hainan Island due to an accident at nuclear power plants in Fukushima, Japan. However, as is the case with flooding in October 2010, the news from the media of Hainan Province began to translate and reproduce foreign media only this time the media in the English language, than scared many tourists from the United States and Western Europe. In particular, one of the websites in English about the island of Hainan, published photo of empty shelves in the shop of Sanya City, where there is no salt, and this foto was placed on the front page of this website as the most important news from the province of Hainan, with the inscription under the photo reads: "Japan nuclear fallout fears spark panic buying of salt in Sanya"(see photo number 2 above), in addition, one of the most famous magazines in the U.S. - "The Wall Street Journal" put the photo (see photo number 1 above), which depicts the inhabitants of China, which panic buying up the salt. We contacted the administration of the most famous among foreign tourists store of Sanya City (which is located 30 meters from McDonald's) and they were told, that salt is freely available and at the old price- 1.50 yuan per packet of salt and was not panic buying of salt! The official media of Hainan Island in English and Russian languages, was not reported on this theme and among tourists began spreading rumors about the most improbable of radiation. Russian media have not yet scare the tourists in Hainan, as it to make the media in English. So we had to release this article to refute all the rumors and tell all the tourists and foreign residents of Hainan Island, that is not any threat of radiation to Hainan Island, due to the accident at the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan, the background radiation is monitored in the cities of Hainan Province 24 hours a day and its indicators are normal. Thus, radiation is not threatening any people of Hainan Island! Therefore, you are welcome to rest on Hainan Island!
FOR PHOTOS CLICK HERE: ... ainan.html!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: The accidents at the nuclear power plant Fukushima in Japan do not create a radiation threat to Hainan Island

Сообщение! » 28 мар 2011, 13:48

03/28/2011 Radiation in Sanya, Hainan- levels of background radiation do not threat to tourists

According to radiation monitoring in the cities of Hainan Province, the radiation level in Hainan Island is the 0.077 microsievert per hour (7,7 micro-roentgen per hour), with acceptable levels of background radiation-from 0,05 to 0,2 microsievert per hour. Thus, this levels of background radiation in the cities of Hainan Island is very low and more less, than the level of background radiation in New York,USA (on 28 March 2011, background radiation in New York is 0.145 microsievert per hour (14,5 micro-roentgen per hour). After the accident at the nuclear power plant in Japan, in the cities of Hainan Island was organized round the clock radiation monitoring of the environment. Measurement of radiation dosimetry positions in the cities of Hainan Island are available daily, including weekends, with an interval of three hours. Map of winds in the area of ​​Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, compiled on March 28, 2011 at 12.00 Chinese time is shown at the top. Winds on the map of winds shows, that the wind direction in the area of the nuclear plants in Fukushima Prefecture, excludes the creation of even a potential threat to the Hainan Island. We do not do a radiation monitoring on the Hainan Island and only provide official data from the official Chinese points of radiation monitoring on the Hainan Island. On our website first appeared the accurate data about the levels of background radiation on the Hainan Island, in English and Russian languages, because we want to show, that the accident at the nuclear power plant in Japan do not threat to tourists on the Hainan Island. Thus, radiation is not threatening any people of Hainan Island! Therefore, you are welcome to rest on Hainan Island!
FOR PHOTOS CLICK HERE: ... ation.html!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: The accidents at the nuclear power plant Fukushima in Japan do not create a radiation threat to Hainan Island

Сообщение! » 30 мар 2011, 18:40

03/30/2011 Radiation in China- levels of background radiation do not threat to tourists

The levels of background radiation in major cities of China, according to official Chinese data of radiation monitoring in China at 16.00 on March 30, 2011:

Beijing-0,075 microsievert per hour (7,5 micro-roentgen per hour),

Harbin-0,08 microsievert per hour (8 micro-roentgen per hour),

Dalian-0,07 microsievert per hour (7 micro-roentgen per hour),

Shanghai-0, 085 microsievert per hour (8,5 micro-roentgen per hour),

Fuzhou-0,08 microsievert per hour (8 micro-roentgen per hour),

Guangzhou-0, 12 microsievert per hour (12 micro-roentgen per hour),

Xian-0,06 microsievert per hour (6 micro-roentgen per hour),

Sanya, Hainan-0,077 microsievert per hour (7,7 micro-roentgen per hour).

The acceptable levels of background radiation are from 0,05 to 0,2 microsievert per hour.

Thus, radiation do not threat any people in China.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: The accidents at the nuclear power plant Fukushima in Japan do not create a radiation threat to Hainan Island

Сообщение! » 03 апр 2011, 00:23

04/02/2011 Levels of background radiation in China in April, 2011 do not threat to tourists  

The levels of background radiation in major cities of China, according to official Chinese data of radiation monitoring in China at 18.00 on April 04, 2011:

Beijing-0,076 microsievert per hour (7,6 micro-roentgen per hour),

Harbin-0,078 microsievert per hour (7,8 micro-roentgen per hour),

Dalian-0,071 microsievert per hour (7,1 micro-roentgen per hour),

Shanghai-0, 083 microsievert per hour (8,3 micro-roentgen per hour),

Fuzhou-0,081 microsievert per hour (8,1 micro-roentgen per hour),

Guangzhou-0, 11 microsievert per hour (11 micro-roentgen per hour),

Xian-0,06 microsievert per hour (6 micro-roentgen per hour),

Sanya, Hainan-0,076 microsievert per hour (7,6 micro-roentgen per hour).

The acceptable levels of background radiation are from 0,05 to 0,2 microsievert per hour.

Thus, radiation do not threat any people in China.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: The accidents at the nuclear power plant Fukushima in Japan do not create a radiation threat to Hainan Island

Сообщение! » 05 апр 2011, 16:21

04/05/2011 Concentration of radioactive isotopes of I-131, Cs-134 and Cs-137) in Hainan, China
CONCENTRATION OF ISOTOPES IN CHINA-04.05.2011.jpg (58.33 KiB) Просмотров: 7762

In Sanya City and other cities of the Hainan Island, according to the radiation monitoring at 18.00 on April 04,2011 the concentration of I-131 is 0,1 mBq/m3, this concentration forty thousand times (40,000 times) lower, than established norms of radiation safety, which are used for human security in all conditions exposure to ionizing radiation artificial or natural origin. Radiation safety standards establish the basic dose limits, permissible levels of exposure to ionizing radiation to limit the exposure of the public. As can be seen from the table above, in the cities of the Hainan Island was not detected radioactive isotopes Cs-134 and Cs-137. Thus, the radioactive isotopes do not threat to people on Hainan Island. Even the concentration of I-131 in the cities of Hainan Province, almost 5 times less, than in the Khabarovsk and Vladivostok (Russia), and even less than in the U.S., Canada, South Korea, China, Iceland, Norway. We do not do a radiation monitoring on the Hainan Island and only provide official data from the official Chinese points of radiation monitoring on the Hainan Island and in China. On our website first appeared the accurate data about the levels of concentration of radioactive isotopes on the Hainan Island, in English and Russian languages, because we want to show, that the accident at the nuclear power plant in Japan do not threat to tourists on the Hainan Island. Thus, radiation is not threatening any people of Hainan Island! Therefore, you are welcome to rest on Hainan Island!!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: The accidents at the nuclear power plant Fukushima in Japan do not create a radiation threat to Hainan Island

Сообщение! » 06 апр 2011, 15:28

04/06/2011 Dumping of radioactive water from ​​Fukushima NPP, Japan do not threat to Sanya, Hainan, China

Map of currents near Fukushima Prefecture, Japan is shown at the top. The map of currents shows, that large ocean currents -Kuroshio and Oyashio prevent the penetration of radioactive water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant to the coast of Hainan Island, as these currents are directed to the opposite side of the Hainan Island, currents Kuroshio and Oyashio are directed to the North America. The Kuroshio Current runs off the coast of Japan. It is a strong and very large warm surface oceanic current traveling 40 to 121 km/day at 1.6 to 4.8 km/h. At about lat. 35°N it divides to form an eastern branch flowing nearly to the Hawaiian Islands and a northern branch that skirts the coast of Asia and merges with the waters of the cold Oyashio Current to form the North Pacific Current. Dense fogs develop along the boundary between the Japan and Oyashio currents. Air moving over the warm Japan Current becomes more temperate and acts to moderate the climate of Taiwan and Japan. The Oyashio Current is a cold subarctic current that flows south and circulates counterclockwise along the western North Pacific Ocean. The two currents collide near eastern shores of Japan forming the North Pacific Current. Thus, radiation is not threatening any people on Hainan Island. Therefore, you are welcome to rest on Hainan Island!
MAP CAN BE VIEWED HERE: ... ainan.html!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: The accidents at the nuclear power plant Fukushima in Japan do not create a radiation threat to Hainan Island

Сообщение! » 09 апр 2011, 16:04

04/09/2011 In Sanya, Hainan, China was banned to import a food products from Japan

Yesterday it was announced about ban on import of food products, (including packaged foods and beverages) and agricultural products, produced in the following prefectures of Japan: Fukushima, Gunma, Tochigi, Ibaraki, Miyagi, Yamagata, Niigata, Nagano, Yamanashi, Saitama, Chiba and Tokyo. Were also taken steps to tighten sanitary and phytosanitary measures for food and agriculture products, originating in any other parts of Japan, - these products will be tested for the presence of radioactive isotopes. Particularly strong controls of fish, arriving from Japan - are now required in special documents indicate the location of fish catches, fish factory address, complete description of the route, which this fish gets into the Hainan Province. If at least, one of the above places was located in the territory of the provinces of Japan, of which is prohibited to import food, the importation of such fish would also banned in the Hainan Province. Thus, this measures exclude even a potential danger for tourists in Hainan Province. Therefore, you are welcome to rest on Hainan Island! News about the accident at the NPP Fukushima can be viewed here: viewtopic.php?f=32&t=723!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: The accidents at the nuclear power plant Fukushima in Japan do not create a radiation threat to Hainan Island

Сообщение! » 12 апр 2011, 01:30

04/11/2011 Concentration of radioactive isotopes I-131, Cs-134 and Cs-137) in Hainan, China
Concentration of radioactive isotopes in China.jpg
Concentration of radioactive isotopes in China.jpg (51.98 KiB) Просмотров: 7658

In cities of the Hainan Island, according to the radiation monitoring at 18.00 on April 11,2011 the concentration of I-131 is 0,12 mBq/m3, this concentration 35,000 times lower, than established norms of radiation safety, which are used for human security in all conditions exposure to ionizing radiation artificial or natural origin. Сoncentrations of Cs-134 and Cs-137 are 0,10-0,12 mBq/m3, this concentrations 8,000 times lower, than established norms of radiation safety Radiation safety standards establish the basic dose limits, permissible levels of exposure to ionizing radiation to limit the exposure of the public. Thus, the radioactive isotopes do not threat to people on Hainan Island. Even the concentration of I-131 in the cities of Hainan Province, almost 5 times less, than in the Khabarovsk and Vladivostok (Russia), and even less than in the U.S., Canada, South Korea, China, Iceland, Norway. We do not do a radiation monitoring on the Hainan Island and only provide official data from the official Chinese points of radiation monitoring on the Hainan Island and in China. On our website appeared the accurate data about the levels of concentration of radioactive isotopes on the Hainan Island, in English and Russian languages, because we want to show, that the accident at the nuclear power plant in Japan do not threat to tourists on the Hainan Island. Thus, radiation is not threatening any people of Hainan Island! Therefore, you are welcome to rest on Hainan Island! News about the accident at the NPP Fukushima can be viewed here: viewtopic.php?f=32&t=723!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25



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