China and Saudi Arabia establish strategic partnership

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China and Saudi Arabia establish strategic partnership

Сообщение DARPA » 19 янв 2016, 16:56

Chairman Xi Jinping and King Salman of Saudi Arabia to hold talks and take part in the signing ceremony. The parties will publish a joint statement on the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership relations ", - said Zhang Ming at the press conference."

These things happen to be a significant event on 19 and 24 January, when the chairman of Xi comes with an official visit to Saudi Arabia. It is also expected to discuss regional and international agenda.

First, of course, I want to note that we are talking about the "comprehensive strategic partnership", and it will most likely means going beyond simply boosting economic cooperation. And as on the agenda are international and regional issues likely to be discussed by the LIH, to oppose it, as well as the role of the two coalitions (Russian and American) in a war with him.

Simply other serious topics, for which the cost sharply start to establish "comprehensive strategic partnership" is not there. Under normal circumstances, it is an ordinary partnership, but not the strategic.

If so, in what way the negotiations will go? And why do they all have a place to be right now?

In my view, the fact that China has actually turned Pakistan into a satellite. Pakistan is also a powerful lever of influence on the "flood". And no wonder, because that Pakistan had committed to put the Saudis nuclear weapons on demand. And if Pakistan is increasingly dominates by China, hence the warming of relations between the "filler" and China are inevitable.

Besides the Pakistani factor, there is a community of interests - this resistance LIH. And do not use here too formulaic approach. The Saudis, though Wahhabi Sunnis, but they are antagonistic to LIH. Firstly, because it is not their tool. Secondly, this tool including directed against Saudi Arabia. With that, the tool is extremely hostile to the general Muslim shrines, which promises to reach the infidels and destroy the Kaaba Saudis.

Given that China is his usual cautious manner supports it Russia in the fight against LIH (not a coalition of the United States, which in fact proigilovskaya), we appear to have witnessed a very smooth formation of brittle and unsuited alliance would seem mutually exclusive elements: Russia China, Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia etc.

Alliance Against what? Against LIH. For what? For the preservation of the status quo and a world map. In addition, Saudi Arabia, like China or Russia - not tuned expansionist state in contrast to Turkey and LIH. So, in miroustroitelnye war, it happened, we are gradually on the same side.
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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