Europe begins to see? Or is it the opinion of the European dissident?

Модератор: zlata

Europe begins to see? Or is it the opinion of the European dissident?

Сообщение! » 19 мар 2016, 13:28

Even if Putin "still gone, his departure will not solve Russian problems, as there is no liberal and pro-Western opposition in Russia, and the Russians themselves do not trust the West."

As you quote?
We assume that it is the revelation of the number one.
It visited the Swiss newspaper columnist, after which there was an article "Russia Europe mistake."
Unpronounceable name of the newspaper, and the Internet in general could not pronounce the name: Tagesanzeiger newspaper journalist QUO Affentranger.
But that's why once they do not like purchased by the Kremlin.

We assume that this is the author's thoughts.
And they are insight, revelation, or delusion - you decide.
I'm still going to assume these theses revelation.

Thus, the revelation of the first on the pro-Western forces in Russia.
In Russia there is a liberal and pro-Western opposition, and the Russians themselves do not trust the West.

Revelation second, about Khodorkovsky and Kasparov.
"... The West must recognize that he would never be president to name Khodorkovsky and Kasparov in Russia, though Khodorkovsky and tries to give the impression that Putin - his last obstacle on the way to the presidency."

Khodorkovsky, by the way, just gave another interview. You can read and compare, he clearly argues with sober Tsitoy (I'm praivlno realized this woman's name?).

Revelation third, about the sanctions and Putin.
The sanctions policy was counting on the fact that Putin's popularity would fall, and the Russians will rise.
"The West always believes that he should free the Russian people from the tyrant, but the Russians did not want to be liberated."

Revelation fourth, about the Russians.
Yes, TV is affected.
Yes, many, if not all sociological services are under the control of the Kremlin.
"But it was not Putin himself brought up the people, and the people chose Putin in their heads."

Incidentally, this is the very point.
Putin and his ruling group and the different that they do not try to educate people, and try to use the people who have, in their own interests.
And clearly follow the mood of the citizens.

they are a reality, perhaps, and form, creating the current agenda and explain through the media and his political scientists how to understand what is happening.
But the specifics of some is built on the basis, based on the national spirit, if you will.
And then the authorities are not simply passive, they flesh Russians.

Revelation of the fifth. For they love Putin.
He "stopped falling after Russian careless reforms of the Yeltsin era, and the Russians are grateful to Putin for it. ... And his words to the effect that the collapse of the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the XX century, the Russians sank straight to the soul."

Revelation the 6th, about military traditions and military world.
"Crimea, and followed him the war in eastern Ukraine and the bombing in Syria have turned Russia in the eyes of the Russians in what they have long dreamed of - a great power."

Revelation of the Seventh, about shovels.
West was an illusion, and "the belief that" the old Soviet clients become extinct, a new generation of Russians will bring change, and change the country. "

That, I believe, a hasty judgment.
The new generation did bring change.
But the revolution will not be, that's for sure.
It will be a slow change of life and customs in the direction of those orders, which exist today in the developed countries of Europe.
Just do not rush things too.

Browser with unpronounceable name Affentranger about the revolution understand.
This is the eighth revelation itozhaschee.
"Making predictions shelf life of one or another of the authoritarian regime - a difficult lesson Something unpredictable can happen with Putin, but with all this it is clear that Putin's successor will be someone like his younger brother, and perhaps even more unpredictable.. radical and authoritarian. "

Although this is also wrong.
Putin's successor will indeed be his successor.
Most likely, not even a critic, and very very unlikely that overthrower Khrushchev - a successor.
But it definitely will not be more authoritarian and radical.
If Putin - a tyrant, then this is the last tyrant in the nearest Russian history.

In general, tell me, what is it?
Europe begins to see?
Or smart people are everywhere, but they are not always able to identify the leading trends?

There will be changes in the European policy towards Russia and Putin?!
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