Emigration to the United States: the best country for migrants

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Emigration to the United States: the best country for migrants

Сообщение HainanWel.com(e)! » 09 июн 2016, 12:54

Many migrants when choosing a country of emigration in the first place are trying to determine whether they fit a country for migration: safety, standard of living, wages and other factors. Is no exception assessment of the United States of America potential migrants as the country in which to live comfortably in the case of emigration to the United States. For many migrants, emigration to the United States - this is a real chance to change lives for the better and, therefore, people tend to get into this country by any means. Every year emigration to the United States is gaining momentum and is already in full swing the process of preparation for immigration reform in the United States since the number of illegal migrants exceeds all conceivable limits.
In this article, I want to cite a number of reasons why emigration to the United States rather than to remain to live in Ukraine.

And so, the 8 reasons to choose this country for migration:
1. The legal system.
In the US, laws actually work, and before the law all are equal, and for the seller and for the taxi driver, and for a senator and governor. In Ukraine, the laws only work for ordinary citizens, and the judges, ministers, deputies put themselves above the law. We, in Ukraine, for some reason forget that any deputy or an official - is a servant in the service of the people.

2. Security.
In the US, a very high level of security and in most cases you can leave the bike in the street, do not block the car or an apartment, do not worry - almost 99% of your property is not nothing sluchitsya.Posylki lie at the door and wait ... and wait for the owner. In Ukraine, ordinary citizens now have a volume of military weapons in the hands of that news about an armed robbery or a grenade into the house next door is no surprise. And of petty crimes in Ukraine can not even speak. A couple of years ago there was a case where an employee of the post office in Ukraine stole from the premise sweater and went out to work, is the recipient of parcels came in search of missing. I doubt that this is possible in the United States ...

3. The Head of State.
The American president - it is really a leader who really does a lot for their country: it does not advertise their links with businessmen-oligarchs and does not lobby their interests, and will not give a meter of land of his country and he is respected ordinary US citizens. And in Ukraine? Is it possible to respect the president, who in the first place puts the protection of oligarchs, leading trade and business relationship with Russia, which is actually in a state of war with Ukraine?
4. People.
I like the Americans their kindness and smile and I am pleased to hear - Have a good day, or You welcome. And also like the patience and flexibility on the road and desire to help. And in Ukraine? People with severe facial expressions, which will be held safely by a man who became ill in the street. Although the people are a bit of steel in Ukraine last year is better, but the difficult economic situation is not brought smiles to their faces.

5. Streets and parks.
In the US, the purity and beauty of streets is present in every corner. The parks treadmills with smooth asphalt and benches, which are not dangerous to sit down. Roads in the United States - is generally a song: you go and you do not feel the road as it is smooth and it actually follows the state government and utilities. In Ukraine? Killed parks, roads that are repaired on the principle of "patching" and snow removal resembles a movie-disaster.


6. Children and ecology.
Children in the US receive quality medical care, and schools - is a subject to have any student and parents from the Ukraine, who are beginning to get acquainted with the school level in the United States. In Ukraine, children and the school are on one of the last positions in the country for financing. Often when schools can not find a willing candidate for a teacher position in Ukraine. Who wants to work in the United States Ukrainian school for $ 100 a month? And the environment in Ukraine - it's all the horror, everywhere you look or harmful production or waste disposal in the river or the radiation from the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. In the US, for the environment should be monitored and God forbid someone violates environmental law: come and regulatory authorities is not only huge fines to punish the perpetrators, but also may bring criminal cases, and in the United States is not a small line. It is not in Ukraine, where the reservoir near Kiev destroyed tens of tons of fish, and no one was held accountable.

7. Neighbors.
In the US, protected by private property, no one does not violate your peace of mind, good sound insulation of houses and apartments. The US is not accepted to go for salt or matches to neighbors. In an extreme case, you call back to the phone and asked about the possibility of this "borrowing." In case of violation of your rights to silence and rest, you really help the police, who will come to your call within a few minutes and "will call" neighbors to respect other people's night sleep. And in Ukraine? And mat at the door of your apartment and can steal a newspaper from the mailbox, and drunken disco until 3am with music, from which even 20 centimeters of concrete will not save you.

8. Income.
The minimum wage in December 2015, Ukraine is becoming a 1378 hryvnia. Tell me whether the person can live in the 1378 hryvnia ($ 55) per month? It is that Ukraine has become a country of the dollar? No. Rather, in Ukraine the cost of labor is strongly underestimated. And unnecessary illusions in the next 1-2 years the situation has not izmenitsya.A now look at the situation with the minimum wage in the United States. For comparison, I would like to give the bet for minimum wages for New York (USA), established back in 2014. And so in New York in 2014. The minimum wage is $ 8 per hour, for an 8-hour working day is from 1280 USD per month.

We certainly understand that the factors that would determine the clear advantages of emigration to the United States is much more, but it is above reason for me is very important in determining the country of migration. I hope this short essay to convince you that emigration to the United States - is the right way to a new life and economic well-being of your family.
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Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25


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