Russia proceeds from the sale of agricultural products more than the sale of weapons

Модератор: zlata

Russia proceeds from the sale of agricultural products more than the sale of weapons

Сообщение! » 13 июн 2016, 12:35

1. Russia gain from the sale of agricultural products more than the sale of weapons, our traditionally strong export item. "Bloomberg" says a sad fact - the US, Russia lost in the "war of wheat." A strong dollar and low yields of US farmers crippled business - if in 2014 the United States was a major exporter of grain in the world, then in 2015 they missed forward with Canada and Russia fell to third place:

2. Elections in the US are pretty intricate for not accustomed to the Western view of democracy. Here and show strange and intricate system of counting votes, a candidate who supported the minority is the winner:

Perhaps the whole point of the American elections seen here in this video, in which the head of the US Libertarian Party James Wicks dance undresses to the voters:×4OpMoow

3. To ask me how I solved problems with the mouse and with a light bulb. I answer. A light bulb in a store I changed within 5 minutes by the same. Mouse, I eventually chose SteelSeries Rival 100. So far very happy with it.

Now, it is ridiculous to say, but I had another consumer problem. When I run the 4: 3 video on the Samsung TV, it is displayed in a mode in 16: 9 mode, because of which the top and bottom edges are cut off. Fix it by selecting the appropriate option, it is impossible - this item is for some reason works only in TV mode.

I understand that miracles can not expect the user interface at the "Samsung" in general, all sad, whether we are talking about TVs or, say, a mobile phone. On the other hand, from a technical point of view they have on the contrary, all is well, it is plus.

By the way, about the LED bulbs. Did you know that shopping online is wound on them 100%, and that if not for the greed of networks could be seen on the shelves of high-quality LED lights for 200 rubles apiece? They sent me (anonymously) documents from which it follows quite clearly.

4. Something bad is happening in the "Deutsche Bank". Bank lashed out at the European Central Bank - according to the bank, everything is very bad, a disaster is already threatening "the entire European project", and the ECB should urgently change course:

Presumably, the case of "Deutsche Bank" The situation is especially sad, and the bank is trying to here is not typical for the German bankers way to summon the ECB he needed in order to save resources.

Do not be surprised if the ECB will listen to the pleas of the Germans and still incorporate the sake of their printing press - in fact on the balance of "Deutsche Bank" contains astronomical amounts of securities, and if the bank kryaknet, raised his bankruptcy tsunami will leave from the entire Western financial stone system on the rock.

5. Experiment with "internal offshore zones" declared unsuccessful zakryvatsya 10 special economic zones in Russia, the rest is sharply reduced funding: ... grefa-523/

You know, I do this not surprised. What Should rukovoditstvo special economic zone? Search slum, apparently the same. Ride on exhibitions, talking to businessmen, to persuade them to come and discover some thing.

What happens in reality? Guide the majority of SEZ sitting in their offices and waiting for them when someone will come.

Ever seen on LiveJournal, to the Director any SEZ talked about his possessions and lured into a business? Personally, I have not seen, although viewed TOP Learn regularly.

Moreover - I have plenty of friends of businessmen who complain that they do not know where to invest ... in about SEZ they do not even mention the conversations do not know what it is, and how it applies to them.

Here, of course, we had a great lag behind China. According to the stories of those who work with China, our southern neighbors, just up on the fact that most actively searched for their inhabitants in the SEZ. It is now clear that this tactic - do not focus on the conditions of sweet and dense on the work with potential investors - worked perfectly.

6. In the state Konnetikut problem - the famous houses of sawdust began to be destroyed en masse this time before the expiry of the mortgage. We are talking about thousands of homes in which due to poor cement foundations began to crumble - victims reported that the gap is so great that you can stick your hand in them:

Every time I read the news - whether it is about Russia or, say, the United States goes about like this, it makes me sad. Modern construction techniques allow relatively cheap to build a wonderful home: strong, comfortable, spacious, warm, quiet ... but instead live in decent homes of our time, we continue to read the news about the builders who can not buy any normal cement or hot would be around to observe the technology of its styling.

7. The Swiss rejected the idea of ​​an unconditional income of 2,500 euros for every citizen:

The reason for failure is probably economic - grasping the Swiss live is not as sweet as it seems to the visiting tourists to the mountain, and the prospect hang around his neck an additional tax for the benefit of the parasites they are clearly not pleased.

However, there is the idea of ​​an unconditional income and another problem. As we can see by the example of the Americans, living on welfare hereditary unemployed are not a way of life, what is expected of them radical socialists. Typical American unemployed do not paint pictures, do not write music, do not move forward science and even ennoble his modest work surrounding greenery. Typical American unemployed or quietly degraded before TV, or cobble together in gangs, turning areas of their compact living in a kind of ghetto of dystopia.

Perhaps someday we will approach close to the time when "the robots will work hard, and not man." Then, yes, something like unconditional income need: to somehow deal with the problem of unemployment. But in this case I still consider reasonable not to impose immediate benefit for all, and ... begin with the retirement age. Reduce the retirement age by 5 years, and then for another 5 years.

Yet so years to 30-40 the nature of man as a whole is formed, so the average age of a person's chances to become an outcast where as lower than that are not worked a single day in the life of a representative of the youth.

8. Pro-Western liberals zakiladi blogger silverlj outs on d3, now he can not comment on it properly. This seems unfair. If you are registered on d3, please put plus Silver:

9. American clothing brand called "make America once again a homosexual» (make America gay again). Thus fashion manufacturers themselves against the electoral slogan of Donald Trump - "to make America great again» (make America great again):

Thus American voters put before a choice - the greatness or homosexuality. I wonder what they will choose in November?

10. "Economic Development" published a plan for the development of the Russian economy:

In the short term, Ulyukayev department intends to build on the investments in infrastructure, in the medium-term - on the development of domestic production of all in a row.

Note that the program appears to be quite controversial, and has thus clearly no-go place - the same type of ideas about increasing the retirement age, which, in my opinion, we should not increase and decrease.

11. As analysts predicted, the long period of near-zero interest rates led the Western world to the brink of the collapse of the social system.

From the United States have reported massive complaints of food stamp recipients to lack most of these coupons. Most hungry already threatened to revolt:

OECD Organization reports a double (!) Reduction of future pensions in the past 15 years. Those who set aside money for retirement now can count on about half the retirement than those who set aside money in 2000:

The elementary laws of economics do not cheat, as in Yeltsin's Russia, for the mindless inclusion of printing presses will pay retirees.

Bank of Israel, meanwhile, warned that unless urgent action is taken, the country could collapse the entire health care system. "Beds" is becoming less and in need of these "beds" of patients, on the contrary, more and more:

In a recent discussion of the Israelis blamed all medical tourists who come to Israel and take away "bed" the natives:

I however, this approach seems somewhat superficial. It is obvious that the root of Israel's health problems are in the field of money, well, medical tourists, be sure to pay for their stay in Israeli hospitals to complete.

12. US Senator Robert Menendez, a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, said that the problem of the Crimea - a "past":

From this we can conclude that the Americans finally recognized Crimea reunification with Russia a fait accompli, and more talks on this topic will not raise with Russia.

By the way, the Crimean prosecutor Natalia Poklonskaya started a blog on LiveJournal. Subscribe:

13. Speculators in the US began to put on the oil price increase to the level of 100 dollars per barrel:

To me it seems quite understandable. The last couple of years, oil is extremely sluggish invested in exploration and development of new fields - hence reduction in production volumes replaced by the rise will not be able in the next 2-3 years. But if so, it is logical to assume that the global market run short of oil, and that will cause a sharp rise in prices and to a relatively fair level of 100 dollars per barrel, or even up to even higher levels.

14. The Bank of Japan warns of shock in the bond market:

Negative rates could lead to a repetition of the events of 2003, when bond yields rose sharply, which resulted in their sale.

If we consider that in 2003 Japan's financial system disease seriously aggravated the consequences of the expected shock can be very painful for the Japanese economy.

15. A businessman from Moscow decided to move to America - for the sake of a quiet, well-fed and secure life. Bought in the US operating business, carefully checked all the papers, cut off many crooks, who tried to fool him with numbers, I found a fair option:

A characteristic detail. In Russia, where "business clamp", the businessman managed medium-sized company, a private ISP. In America, the businessman had actually sink to the level of self - he bought a company computer repair, the only officer which was its owner.

The story is typical of the entrepreneurial emigration. Owners of small businesses after moving to work in the West usually hired employees, the owners of the medium or large business open after moving something very modest.!
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Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25


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