Development of urban infrastructure in Sanya City

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Re: Development of urban infrastructure in Sanya City

Сообщение! » 06 янв 2011, 18:39

November 11,2010
In the Sanya City, Hainan has begun a large-scale reconstruction of the longest beaches along the Sanya Bay. During the reconstruction to will built new toilets, showers, parking lots, all to will built 36 new facilities over 10 kilometers along the beaches of Sanya Bay. Also near the beaches will be built new shopping place for the souvenir shops, dealers ban wander along the beach with souvenirs. The reconstruction project emphasizes the preservation of existing vegetation. Reconstruction of the Sanya Bay beaches completed by February 2011.
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Development of urban infrastructure in Sanya City

Сообщение! » 06 янв 2011, 18:42

November 11,2010
Yesterday was approved the plan of China's largest cartoon and animation center in Sanya, Hainan. Animation center in Sanya will made most Chinese cartoons. The area of animation center in Sanya will loan of several hundred thousand square meters, on the territory of the center will transfer their activities many companies, engaged in the production of cartoons in various cities in China. Emphasizes, that the creation of an animation center should solve two main tasks:
1.The creating of cartoons.
2.The children's tours in the animation center.

In the Sanya City will create a multi-creative center, in whose activities will be not only the production of cartoons, but the outreach and cultural and entertainment destinations. Will create a museum of Chinese animation studios, which exhibits - storyboard phase, backgrounds and scenery, animated puppets - will give an idea about the different stages of the cartoons.

It is planned, that, in the tour program, which will be held in the animation center in Sanya, children will see: the exposition room (museum), where collected dolls, models, scenery for the puppet show and cartoon. Will be conducted to familiarize with the history of animation in China, from its inception to the present day. Children can look at the process and manufacturing technology cartoons, see the operator's room, which will tell how the time of shooting, watch film set, in which the shooting puppet movie. After the main stage of excursions, will be organized cinema cartoons.

Thus, for a tour in the animation center in Sanya children will see dolls popular cartoon characters, learn about the technique of the operators and artists, get an idea of the rarest phases of creating the most famous animated films.

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Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Development of urban infrastructure in Sanya City

Сообщение! » 06 янв 2011, 18:45

Yesterday, with the arrival of the first high-speed train from Haikou to Sanya, has started acceptance of the new building of the railway station in Sanya City. New Railway Station much larger and roomier than its predecessor. Inside the building, provided everything for a comfortable stay of passengers and the organization of the railway. The new station is impressive successful combination of classical respectability and contemporary architectural design, the laconic and elegance. The attractiveness of the architectural appearance of the station created by the colors of the external building design, built on a combination of contrasting light and dark tones, and high-arched stained-glass windows of the central part of the station. There are more spacious waiting areas, ticket halls, cafes, bars, restaurants, shops, post office and much more in the new Sanya railway station. Station square will be enough for development of a various service and commercial services. For the guests are built and equipped modern conference rooms. Near railway station located bus stops, parking, pedestrian walkways, lawns and flower beds. Provided for the separation of pedestrian and traffic flows, which provides a convenient way of movement to all functional areas and platforms, as well as entrances to the building of a new railway station in Sanya.
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Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Development of urban infrastructure in Sanya City

Сообщение! » 06 янв 2011, 18:49

November 3,2010
Yesterday signed an agreement with the Chief Executive Officer of Ferretti Group, about the participation of the Ferretti Group in the development of the yachting industry in Sanya. Salvatore Basile arrived in the Sanya City from Italy on November 26, 2010, and two days he participated in a study tour around Hainan Island, to study of local market conditions. Of the mission, Salvatore Basile expressed confidence in the speedy development of the yachting industry in Sanya, under favorable conditions of state support. Ferretti Group was founded in 1968 by Norberto Ferretti and now it takes forefront on the world market of yachting industry. Yachts are designed by a team consisting of about 90 designers and technicians (unit «Advanced Yacht Technology»), and the construction of the courts are at 25 enterprises of the company. More than 3000 employees at Ferretti Group headed by Norberto Ferretti and CEO Salvatore Basile, are working together to improve the quality, technological superiority, high performance, exclusive of innovative design, providing the maximum level of comfort and well taking care of every detail. This total daily desire to excellence has led the Ferretti Group become one of the leaders in the global market yachting industry. The company has offices in Asia through a branch in Shanghai. In more than 80 countries around the world have an exclusive network of the company, consisting of about 85 carefully selected dealers, which guarantee customers the highest quality service at marinas around the world. In signed in Sanya agreement provides for a branch office Ferretti Group in the Sanya City.
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Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Development of urban infrastructure in Sanya City

Сообщение! » 06 янв 2011, 18:52

December 5,2010
At yesterday's meeting of vice-president of the European Investment Bank with the Municipality of Sanya, discussed in detail provision of a large loan for the construction of environmentally friendly sources of energy in Sanya City. It is reported, that loan amount will be approximately $ 125 million, but the exact amount of the loan is not called. This meeting was due to the the fact, that on December 3, 2010 the Ministry of Finance had signed with the European Investment Bank for an agreement on granting to China the target loan of $ 660 million dollars for development of energy-saving technologies and construction of environmentally friendly sources of energy. The European Investment Bank is the European Union's long-term lending institution established in 1958 under the Treaty of Rome. A policy-driven bank, the EIB supports the EU’s priority objectives, especially European integration and the development of economically weak regions. Recently, the Bank has also been actively supporting European R&D projects as part of EU's objective of building the world's leading knowledge-based economy. The EIB is an international financial institution, a publicly owned bank. Its owners are the Member States of the European Union, who subscribe to the Bank's capital - EUR 164 billion. As shareholders the Member States are represented on the Bank's main independent decision-making bodies - the Board of Governors and the Board of Directors. Since the year 2000 the Bank itself became a member of the EIB Group (including its venture capital arm - the European Investment Fund). The total subscribed capital of the Bank as of end-2007 was EUR 164 billion, of which EUR 8.2 were actually paid-in. Because on average EIB extends around EUR 50 billion per year in the form of various loan products, the Bank uses its AAA credit rating and funds itself by raising equivalent amounts on the capital markets. For the fiscal year 2007, EIB approved around EUR 56.5 billion in various loan products of which EUR 48.7 billion were within the EU and EFTA member states with the remainder dispersed between "partner countries" (in accordance with the terms and conditions laid down in the various agreements linking the European Union to some 130 countries in South and Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean region, Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean and the Pacific).European Investment Bank and China has long-standing and very fruitful cooperation - the European Investment Bank currently has invested in China 2.45 billion U.S. dollars. Of that money is almost 120 million euros have been invested in restoring earthquake-affected areas in Sichuan province. The remaining amount was invested mainly in energy-saving technology and the construction of clean energy sources in different provinces of China. To the west of the Hainan Island, with supported by the European Investment Bank was being built wind farm, which was commissioned in October 2010.
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Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Development of urban infrastructure in Sanya City

Сообщение! » 06 янв 2011, 18:56

12/09/2010 International Youth Winter Camp in Sanya City met the first guests

Yesterday in the Sanya City met the first international students in International Youth Winter Camp. Group of foreign students, in the amount of 151 persons, visited the world famous Nanshan Buddhism Centre in the Sanya City, where they spent seeing the sights. The educational program of the International Youth Winter Camp aimed at strengthening the leadership qualities of young people, to raise their level of participation in international cultural communication, as well as formation of professional and interpersonal relationships. Participants will receive knowledge and experience will contribute to raising interethnic communication.For many young people will be a unique opportunity to meet with counterparts from neighboring countries and taken together participate in the activities of the International Youth Winter Camp. As a result, young men and women can improve their communication skills, acquire knowledge in the field of social planning, as well as deepen their knowledge about other cultures. Now International Youth Winter Camp in Sanya visited students from six countries: New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Brunei and China. Summer in the Sanya has worked International Youth Summer Camp and we have already reported on our website about groups of Russian students, which visited International Youth Summer Camp in the Sanya, and now expected arrival groups of Russian Students in the International Youth Winter Camp in Sanya, in the very near future, as has already been achieved agreement with several Russian universities.
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Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Development of urban infrastructure in Sanya City

Сообщение! » 06 янв 2011, 18:58

12/22/2010 The First International Asian Mathematical Forum in Sanya,Hainan

Today in the Sanya City has opened the First International Asian Mathematical forum. Participate in the Mathematical Forum in Sanya are: representatives of all known Chinese universities, three Laureates of Nobel Prize in physics, the ten winners of the higher international awards in mathematics, five senior representatives of the most renowned universities of the Asia, America and Europe, as well as about 200 mathematicians from 13 countries. Such a number of highly qualified representatives of the sciences before never gathered in the Hainan Island. The main purpose of Mathematical Forum in Sanya- is to make Hainan of the main international platform for the development of natural sciences. It is assumed now conduct annual international mathematics forums in the Sanya City, which will increase popularity of Hainan Island in the international academic community, and create national base for training and exchange of scientific achievements. The subjects of discussion on this Mathematical Forum in Sanya mainly affects the organizational side, the scientists will share their thoughts on the best organization of work International Mathematical Forum, but next year will discuss the major scientific issues, that attract significantly more visitors from many countries. Therefore, on June 10, 2010 was the meeting of the Governor Hainan Province and the heads of provincial departments with leaders of major Chinese universities, after which, it was decided to build in the Sanya City the largest Conference center in China, where the annual plan to conduct Dozens of international, Asian and all-China forums and summits in mathematics and physics, at this time is almost over draft of Conference centerr, its area will be 93,380 square meters, and in the Conference center will create the best conditions for fruitful work and exchange views with scientists of many countries.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Development of urban infrastructure in Sanya City

Сообщение! » 06 янв 2011, 19:02

12/23/2010 Improving sanitary conditions in urban areas of Hainan Province

According to the plan, approved in December 2009, to the end of 2012 in the cities of Hainan Province, will built 1587 of public toilets and replaced trash cans on cans of new construction, total investment for these purposes will be 221 million yuan (about $ 33 million). On December 20, 2010, in the cities of Hainan province has already been constructed 520 public toilets of the modern type, and 128 are under construction. The most notable success has reached the construction of public toilets in Sanya City, where from January 1,2010 to December 20,2010 on health and hygiene maintenance was allocated 120 million yuan (About 18 million US dollars), in one city of China in 2010 is not built so many public toilets, as in Sanya. In 2010, on the streets of Sanya city were installed the trash cans of new model, the municipality of the Sanya City has significantly increased the number of janitors, cleaning daily on the streets and looking for clean-daily, from 7.00 to 23.00, 1708 janitors do garbage collection on the streets of Sanya City. The above measures to ensure sanitary conditions, have significantly improved the attractiveness of potential resort towns of the province of Hainan for tourists.

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Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Development of urban infrastructure in Sanya City

Сообщение! » 06 янв 2011, 19:05

12/26/2010 Haitang Bay will be the best in Sanya, Hainan

This year in Haitang Bay of Sanya City began the most ambitious construction projects, that exceed in scale construction projects in other parts of the Sanya City. The coastline of the Haitang Bay is 21 km and it is located east of downtown Sanya, just behind the well-known to all tourists Yalong Bay of Sanya City. On such an unusual name gulf exists local legend: 1000 years ago on this place was located a fishing village and a girl, named Haitang, sacrificed to Dragon, to save the local fishermens. All these features of the local folklore, but in reality the scale of the ongoing construction projects in the Haitang Bay are striking. In the Haitang Bay will be located 32 five-star hotels, such as: Hilton, Kempinski, Sofitel, Fairmont, Grand Hyatt, Sheraton, Shangri-La, InterContinental and Renaissance,by the end of 2011, ten of them will be open to tourists. To build of Haitang Bay infrastructure invested about 4 billion U.S. dollars, except for hotels, here will be placed: the Olympic Village, the construction of which we have repeatedly reported on our website and brought pictures and drawings, a Duty-free Center, medical center, a marina, exhibition center for trade fairs and exhibitions, the aquarium and a water park. Landscape design of the Haitang Bay has developed the world famous company EDSA from the USA. Rooms in the newly hotels soon will be booked on our website, at the lowest prices in Sanya City: ... ation.html!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Development of urban infrastructure in Sanya City

Сообщение! » 06 янв 2011, 19:15

01/02/2011 Tax refund and tax-free in the Hainan Island: a list of stores in Sanya and Haikou

We are the first in Russian and English, reported on December 27,2010 about the introduction in the Hainan Island to January 1, 2011 the new tax policy, providing for a tax refund for foreign tourists when buying their goods in the province of Hainan.

Consequently, the actual cost of goods for foreign tourists will be 11% lower, than for citizens of the PRC.

The first tourists, who were participants in this program of tax refund, were tourists from Russia, who on January1, 2011 bought goods in specialized store, intended for the tax refund.

Yesterday was approved and a list of such shops in the Haikou and Sanya. We're still in November 2010 turned to organizations, that can will engage in trade of tax refund program in the Hainan Island, and we asked to provide us any information in Chinese or any other language about this stores, where goods will be sold under this program that we can translated free this information into Russian and English and posted it on the Internet for foreign tourists, they were promised to answer, but a 1,5 months so no one thought it necessary to say anything, so we think they are not offended, if we place at least the addresses of these shops for foreign tourists, as well as other media in English and Russian languages in general nothing about it said, and the program was launched yesterday, 1 January 2010 and wait on it makes no sense, because the tourists are interested-in where they can buy goods in the Hainan Island and get a tax refund, so we write the address of stores (you must to showing these addresses to taxi drivers):

Tax refund and duty-free in the Hainan Island 2.jpg
Tax refund and duty-free in the Hainan Island 2.jpg (29.22 KiB) Просмотров: 3809

While we have found the information only for the three stores involved in this program, as claimed by the Chinese themselves - this is still the only stores participating in this program of tax refunds.

We can put a lot of free information about these shops, and about the products, if administration of these shops send to us this information, or at least formally give to us permission to do so, as promised 1,5 months ago.

Note, that placing any information about the new tax policy and tax rebate refund in Chinese language, as is currently done in Hainan- has no meaning, since this program is designed exclusively for foreigners and Chinese citizens have no right to participate in it under any circumstances .

If someone, from the responsible persons, deemed unnecessary placement of such information about the shops that provide a tax refund for foreign tourists, let them write to us, we will immediately remove from our website all the information about the tax refund in Russian and English languages and will advise all foreign tourists to learn the Chinese language, if they choose to buy cheaper products in the Hainan Island.

We remind (see our website news from 12/27/2010), that this tax policy applies to goods such as clothes, shoes, cosmetics, watches, jewelry, electrical appliances, stationery, medical supplies, sporting goods, etc., A total of 21 categories and 324 types of goods.
To obtain a refund of tax when purchasing you will need to observe the following conditions and procedures:
1. You may refund of tax, if you are not a citizen of the China, you visit China as a tourist, and you must have lived in China not more, than 183 days of the date of purchase;
2. Tax refund is only valid for products, purchased in stores, listed on the tax refund agreement. Entitled to a tax refund does not apply to goods bought in other stores.
3. The purchase price shall be not less, than 800 yuan (RMB), in accordance with the tax bill for a tax refund.
4. Goods must be purchased for personal use only, within the amount not used for commercial purposes.
5. Tax refund does not apply to food, alcohol and tobacco products.
6. The goods must be exported, when you exit from China.
7.When you will buy in the stores, ask them to give you an original tax invoice and the form of tax refund. Make sure, that all the details, including description, quantity, price, and your personal information, filled in completely and correctly.
8.In the airport look for a special point, designed to monitor and process of tax returns, which is located in the Duty-Free hall.
9. Give your products, the original tax bills and tax refund forms for inspection.
10.When you get a stamp on the forms, you can continue the registration process.
11. Tax refund can be made at your discretion, in the form of cash payments or bank transfers.

We're on their own resulted in all of these rules, and do not waiting for official notification,because, in our opinion, unless extended more information about the program of tax refund in both English and Russian languages, then automatically it will lead to the fact, that foreign tourists will be forced to always use the help of local guides, since 99,9% of foreign tourists do not know the Chinese language, and local guides, as we expect, will not work for free, respectively, discounted at 11% due to tax refunds on this program will offset by a charge of local guides, so tourists do not actually receive any discounts, they will only receive the goods at an inflated price (the price of services guide). This can manifest itself in the direct cost of services include a guide to the price of goods in these stores, if these shops will negotiate with the guides about this, and in imposing guides tours and visits to other stores, if a tourist would choose shopping, where there is a tax refund,etc.

In our view, it is necessary to use the experience of Hong Kong and other worldwide resorts, which proved: such a system can work only when the the tourists themselves will buy goods, that foreign tourists should have information in understandable language (English or Russian), foreign tourists must not pay for any service help, tourists should themselves will find these shops and tourists should themselves will buy goods.

But, if in the Hainan Island will listen even to the experience of Hong Kong, then price of goods in the Hainan Island will be the cheapest in China, due to a refund of taxes to tourists! And in 2011 millions of tourists will come in the Hainan Island simply for a shopping, as they ride each year in Hong Kong!

If, however, will continue to apply the old scheme of using the guides, then the whole scheme of tax refund will lose any financial sense, and tourists will not come to buy goods in the Hainan Island, as the prices of these goods will be higher, than in other cities in China and Hong Kong.

It is therefore necessary to place as much information about the system of tax refund in foreign languages, arrange special bus services from the hotels and the airport, etc.

That is quite able to lure millions of tourists from Hong Kong to Hainan Island and will be worth it for the owners of these shops- nothing, just let them send us information about the last of its stores at least in the Chinese language! We will translate into English and Russian their advertisements free for them, and they will start counting of profits, but now, tourists are not enough even for the return of all their expenses.

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Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25



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