Teaching English in China may become less common

Over the past few days, Chinese social media has been widely discussing the statement of the representative of the National Committee of the People's Political Consultative Conference of China, who said that more than 90% of employees in China do not use English in daily life, so instead of letting children learn English in detail, it is better it would be better to give extra time to study more necessary subjects.


He put forward a proposal to "reform the status of compulsory English courses in compulsory education". He proposed changing the status quo that the state has invested in compulsory education and all students must learn English and no longer establishes English and other foreign language courses as core subjects equivalent to Chinese and mathematics.


Also, a professor at Zhejiang University said he hopes to exclude English from college entrance exams because this foreign language takes too much time for Chinese teenagers and the role of English has been exaggerated over the past 20 years.


As early as last year, the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Education issued a notice to cancel the primary school English exam, and Liaoning Province also lowered the English language score on the secondary school entrance exam from 120 to 100.


However, in other provinces, the relevant education departments said, "It is unrealistic to cancel college entrance examinations in English, and this is not in line with the current development of education. Students should still pay attention to learning English, and English will not be reduced to a sub-subject."


The Ministry of Education responded to similar proposals last year, “Reforming the teaching of foreign languages ​​in China is a long-term process, and various paths need to be explored. Currently, there are many ways to solve this problem, for example, further improvement of foreign language teaching methods, including requirements for tests, exams, etc.”