Largest Chinese manufacturer of drones DJI announced the withdrawal from Russia

Today, several major Russian media outlets reported that Chinese drone maker DJI has announced a suspension of operations in Russia and a temporary exit from Russia.


The message is reportedly posted on the company's website: "We are engaging with customers, partners and other stakeholders regarding the temporary suspension of business operations in the territories affected [by this decision]."


In addition to Russia, DJI suspends activities in Ukraine. Previously, the company was accused of using its equipment by the Russian military during a special operation in this country, and because of this, some German retail chains withdrew DJI products from sale.


"We do not support any use of our products that is detrimental to the lives, rights, or interests of individuals," DJI said in a statement. It also states that DJI distribution regulations oblige distributors not to sell it for combat use.


Earlier, a few months ago, Chinese media reported that the Chinese drone manufacturer DJI was blocked from obtaining software products from the United States.