Online map of the new typhoon in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macau in August 2022

Yesterday, a new typhoon unexpectedly formed near the island of Taiwan, which is currently heading towards Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macau.

Any page of our weather site now contains an interactive online map of new typhoons in China, Vietnam, Japan and South Korea - the names of active typhoons are written at the top in the middle of the map.

On this online map, you can track the path of any typhoon, the strength of the wind in the area of ​​the typhoon, and the direction of the typhoon in real time. And also you can always see all the places where it is raining now in this area - for this, in the upper right corner on the online map, select a cage map or a cloud map.

The path of each typhoon is marked with dots - in order to find out the strength of the wind at each point - click on this point and you will see a reference window with data. All data are directly broadcast from Chinese weather stations to our website, we do not edit them, so the Chinese language of the original of all data is left.

Created: 04 August 2022
