Chronicles of coronavirus 2019-nCoV pneumonia on February 1, 2020 on Hainan Island and in China: school closures, Russian evacuation

The Hainan Provincial Health Committee, China, reported that as of February 1, 2020, 60 confirmed cases of 2019-nCoV pneumonia coronavirus, 1 death and 1 discharge case, were recorded in Hainan, China, (see the online map for statistics of cases the spread of coronavirus 2019-nCoV pneumonia in Hainan at the beginning of any article on the site).


As of February 1, 2020, 11851 confirmed cases of coronavirus 2019-nCoV pneumonia, 259 deaths, and 247 cases of recovery were detected throughout China.


In connection with the outbreak of coronavirus 2019-nCoV pneumonia in China, the Russian Embassy in China has opened a hotline for emergency communication with citizens of the Russian Federation located in China:


+86 170 0081 4519 - on issues related to the epidemiological situation in China;


+86 185 1866 4933 - emergency cases (situations related to the threat to life, health and safety of Russian citizens in China).


The Russian Embassy in China repeatedly addresses Russian citizens located in China with a request to provide information and their contact information (last name, first name and middle name, mobile phone number, place and purpose of stay in China) to the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the People's Republic of China at Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


The Russian Embassy in China compiles lists for evacuation from Hubei Province in China (note that evacuation is only from Hubei Province, no one has announced any evacuation from Hainan Province).


In connection with the decision to evacuate Russian compatriots from Hubei, the Russian Embassy in China is compiling a list of Russian citizens who intend to urgently leave the province. To be included in the list, please provide the following data:

1. Photo of the first page of the passport, photo of the visa, photo of the entrance stamp in the PRC

2. The exact address in Chinese

3. Do you plan to leave?

4. If you worked in China, then where?

5. Registration address and actual address in Russia;

6. Russian and Chinese mobile phone

7. Email


In the subject of the letter sent, please write "Hubei" and full name. In case you live in China with family members who are foreign nationals, all the same data on family members is required.


Email address for sending the application: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


At the same time, we draw attention to the fact that citizens who left Hubei Province as part of the evacuation will be placed in quarantine for 14 days upon return to Russia. The arrival city and quarantine location will be announced later.


The Hainan Provincial Government for Prevention of the Epidemic of Pneumonia and Epidemic Pneumonia has decided that: all types of schools (including colleges, secondary vocational schools, primary and secondary schools, kindergartens, etc.) in Hainan must not open a school until February 24, 2020.


In order to effectively deal with the prevention of the Hainan epidemic, enterprises in Hainan can flexibly organize their work, people returning from outside the island will be kept isolated for 14 days, and all patients with symptoms will be monitored constantly.


Follow the spread of pneumonia coronavirus on Hainan Island on an interactive map that is regularly automatically updated online and shows statistics on coronavirus cases in all cities in Hainan.


You can watch hundreds of videos of excursions on the island of Hainan here:


Created: 01 February 2020
