Monkey Island in Sanya, Hainan, China - living monkeys in the jungle- address on the map, how to get by yourself - excursion to the video

The video that relates to this news can be viewed in our group VKontakte, on Facebook or on YOUTUBE at this link: Monkey Island in Hainan is one of the most popular excursions among foreign tourists, since only in this place can be seen on Hainan live moguls in the jungle, we have on the forum you you can read in detail about its main attractions, we described everything in details 8 years ago, and on this video you can see the state of the island of Monkeys, which is modern in 2018. You can see fresh video or photos related to this news and previous news, and ask all the questions you are interested in  our group on Facebook: or to our   forum on Hainan Island:


Created: 16 March 2018
